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Everything posted by ejleal

  1. I think he uses a network of connections he has, in order to make proposals for players. However, sometimes they go after a player that's been scouted. Scouting players is always good even if your trying a more realistic approach with the DOF, because you can evaluate those players and add those you want as transfer target, which keeps the realism. You're saying to your DOF to try to get a player the club has made an evaluation on, which happens in real life.
  2. In the last saves i've done, i let the DOF take care of transfers and negotiating players, with me having the final say, in order to avoid having too many players for one position or to block really bad ones. I like it, because it levels the playing field with the AI a bit. He does find good players and tends to cover the positions you're weaker (i've heard he is better at this if you keep the squad planner updated but i haven't tested). A downside is that he tends to do many of the signings close to the transfer deadline.
  3. The presets have a great contribution to this. I'm not saying the game isn't easier in itself, but if you want to implement a certain playstyle and have already a base to start from (and some of them are decent from the gate), it makes the whole process of building a good tactic that can overachieve, more easy.
  4. Probably not, but if you can a very deep run in the conference or EL and with some luck with other teams countries, you can potencially put lichtenstein as one of the top 2 coefficients for the year which grants and extra UCL spot for the next year. I've seen an french streamer that made to the semi-finals of the conference and that allowed him to build a great coefficient (since lichtenstein's has only one team the coefficient isn't divided by 2 or more) and he ended as the second highest coefficient allowing him to go directly to the group stage the next year.
  5. In my view, attributes are a way to compensate for the fact that in the game, you can't see how well the player is during training. Attributes aren't inherently unrealistic, but grading them 1-20 is. If the game presented them in a more qualitative manner (with colors for example, as some skins have them), that would be realistic enough. What the game could do, for instance, is to always leave a small uncertainty regarding attributes even when you fully scout the player. That uncertainty should remain even during the player's early days in your club, because the coach only fully knows the player after some time with him.
  6. Yes, but if i want to play in a more realistic way (as an head coach) and delegate everything regarding transfers to the DOF, the game doesn't adapt and still treats you as you are in charge of everything. And so, when the dof rejects an offer, you can still have the player angry at you for not letting him leave (with all the problems that can come with it), you still have a grade for transfers from the board and so on. i understand in the case of an youth-only save, that the game can't recognize what you are doing, but if i want to delegate certain things to other staff, such as transfers for example, the game should be able to recognize the fact and change accordingly.
  7. How is FM a simulator, when some of the main things you can do in game (and very important to many people) don't happen in real life? Like youmaking proposals for players, selling players yourself, negotiating contrats, fire/hire staff like the DOF, HOYD, scouts and other staff, build oyur scouting network and so on? As far as I know the vast majority of head coaches don't do this. Those things make FM more arcadish, than a true simulator.
  8. So far so good. I've only played 5 games but we've been superior in all of them, except in the last one where we had to raise the line of engagement to rescue a draw. Also most of my short are inside the box which is good. What you think about the set-up in terms of roles??
  9. @Johnny Ace Running this right now in a save I have with chivas. Selected control possession preset and 4-2-3-1 with roles as suggested by the assman. Only thing i removed was lower tempo.
  10. i've seen that the IW ratings tended to suffer a bit when in support duty and the mezzala in attack, as opposed to both in support for example
  11. You dont think the mezzala in attack and the IW in support could get in each others way?
  12. Set-up I'm currently using with braga in my second season. What do you think @Johnny Ace? The mezzala and inverted winger were changed from support to attack duty to be more agressive, since I was already playing with high lines and previous changes to positive mentality weren't too great.
  13. How do you usually go if you are on a lower mentality (let's say balanced) and you want to be more aggressive in attack? Change some roles to attack duty or shift to higher mentality?
  14. What i would do is to lower your high dline ( much higher to only higher) in order to open up space. If the problem persists maybe change to balanced mentality to see how you do.
  15. Turning IF to support and dropping to balanced mentality couldn't work?
  16. @Johnny Ace How about a 4-2-3-1 with a trequartista in the AM position or even as a striker? that would be fun
  17. yeah. In the last third of the previous season I started to use the mezzala in attack duty and it definitely helped to create more chances. Also I put the left fullback in attack duty (as shown) instead of the right and was good seeing the combinations he made with the IF down the left side. However I had various games where i struggled to create goal opportunities, which resulted in several points lost (only finished 4th place). I suspect it had to do with lack of space I had in attack due to using a very high dline.
  18. Tactic for second season in my braga save. What you think? @Johnny Ace
  19. the midfield probably works in because he reduced the space between the lines, as he's playing with high line but mid block.
  20. @Johnny Ace Have you ever paired a mezzala with a role other than a winger? In my tactic, my IW is right footed because i wanted an hybrid IF/winger and was going great, but in the winter market i bought and left footed player for that position and he is getting very bad ratings (6.1/6.2) every time he plays. What would you think is best here? Change the mezzala (which is now on attack duty btw) to Cm (at) or add a PI like stay wider to the IW?
  21. Excellent. Shame there isn't similar threads for other formations in this forum. that would be cool.
  22. You haven't said the mentality you're using. Anyway if its working stick with it. If you're enconter some difficulties, you can try some things like change the Fb (s) to Wb (s), since you have a DLP (d) (althought maybe you may need to change the duty of the mezzala to support inorder to maintain some balance). Or as you said, turn the right IW into a If (s) to provide a second attacking threat to make use of the space the complete forward creates when roaming.
  23. Yeah, i could use a Sk, although i probably would use SK-De, since i don't need him to be very risky with his passing. I just haven't had many problems with GK-D.
  24. Great thread. I've been following this and have taken some ideas for my tactic. I'm doing a save with braga and i wanted to employ a possession system. Initially, i thought to start with positive mentality, but since it comes with more risky passing, higher tempo and width, i would have to choose TIs to counterbalance those. So, in order to simplify, i choose balanced mentality and work ball into the box to help find spaces in case i came up against packed defences. After some games, i saw i had to use more aggressive out of possession instructions (initially i was using higher defensive line and press more often) in order to control games and be more effective. So far its working.
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