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Everything posted by jrobertgordon13

  1. For my first team in my save, we got three offers, Dunedin City, Resources Capital, and North Wellington. I ended up signing with...
  2. We've all probably done a European Journeyman in the past... But what about the exact opposite, A Non-European Journeyman? Well, that's what this is! The Aim: To win all the Champions Leagues outside of Europe along with winning the Club World Cup. The Available Nations: Any nation in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania can be used. If you want an extra challenge, use only the leagues SI gives you along with New Zealand as you need at least one league in Oceania (unless your on FM23 Touch) Rules for the Challenge: Your manager must have no experience (aka No Coaching Badges and Sunday League Footballer) You must start unemployed No use of the In-Game editor or any other type of save editor. If you want to manage an International Team, it cannot be from Europe either Rules for the Challenge (on FM23 Touch): You must start off unemployed You must have one league in South America, one league in North America, one league in Africa (basically just South Africa), one league in Asia (that is not the A-League), and the A-League To complete the Oceania part, you must win the A-League with Wellington Phoenix (The A-League team in New Zealand), thus why you must load the A League. Once again, if you want to manage an International Team, it must be outside of Europe. Rules for the Thread: Screenshots are heavily encouraged Progress of your club should be documented through this thread, even if your not performing as you wished. Here are some things that are required to show in this thread: Squad League Table Transfers Anything else you wish to show If there is anything I missed please let me know. Good luck to everyone and hope you enjoy this challenge!
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