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Posts posted by ts9227976

  1. 13 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    I just ran a test with ONLY the 12-team version, no other editor files, and the history is showing fine:

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    So I don't think it's anything in my files... I wonder if it's something to do with the starting the 23.2.2 version of the database or not. Let me know if anyone else is seeing this

    Because I really don't know what happened 🥲 but I'm going to play more times to see if this error is repeated. But even if it does, it doesn't interfere at all. Because the file is very good.

  2. 2 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    Adjusted? Both are quite detailed and played every December starting in 2023, just the amount of teams is the difference

    EDIT: simming some more, and this is why you need to account for every possibility with backups... Man Utd qualifying as Europa League winner (as intended):

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    This came from Bayern Munich taking the host spot, and Real Madrid taking the spot as defending champion. The European spot would go to the Champions League winner first, with the runner-up as backup, but Bayern and Real were those teams this year. I had added an entry for the Europa League winner as a last resort backup, thinking it would almost never be used... always plan for the worst!

    Adjusted would be a synonym for better. as I'm Brazilian sometimes words have different semantics

  3. 9 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    Here's a 12-team version @ts9227976. I've tried to keep it under 2 weeks.

    Every continent sends at least two teams, except Oceania who send one (sorry OFC), with another spot for the host team.

    North America's spots are taken by their Champions League winner and Leagues Cup winner, because I feel like they're gonna do something like that IRL.

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    Marinos were seeded in group A as hosts. The other top seeds are the Copa Libertadores winner and the UEFA Champions League winner and runner-up.

    Do you have the download of this file?? 😁

  4. 4 minutos atrás, PaMi 7 disse:

    Sorry, I'm very tired :D I meaned 12 teams version, 4 group of 3 teams...

    Excuse me but I don't understand this:

    "But in general the European calendar won't like fitting in a fifth matchday, the four now (used to be two in the 7-team format, or up four if they host) is already pushing it"

    What does mean? I used Google Translate but I don't understand.


    Anyway, you can do a 12 team version for me, please? If it is possible to do, It 

    It would be really cool

  5. 10 minutos atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    You'll love this. Had one randomly hosted in Brazil and it looks a lot like the 2000 tournament:

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    By chance, São Paulo played all their games at home, and Flamengo mostly played at the Maracanã. If you load the Brazilian league, they finish the Brasileirão just days before the tournament kicks off, it's a great way to end the season.

    Also fun to see hosts in Italy, Germany, Turkey, etc. Seems to be a wide list of potential hosts.

    Please put the new file here for download. like you did before? I really liked this file 😁

  6. 4 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    I was playing around to try and and make it so the home nation team gets Group A played at their stadium.

    I also thought about the 2000 approach (eg. one group in Sao Paulo, one group in Rio). There's just no way to account for it properly. Like, what if Real Madrid played in group A at Camp Nou, and Barcelona played in group B at the Bernabeu? Lol, in real life they'd obviously plan it the other way. But I don't think we can account for that ahead of time in the game, unless someone knows how to manipulate those editor choices like "get competition neutral (exclude home)" for our purposes. So, instead both group A and group B use the top two stadiums.

    On the plus side, no more doubleheaders (two games at the same stadium in the same day). IMO it's amateurish and unbefitting of a "World Cup"

    😁You have downloaded the new file

  7. 6 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    Aqui estão alguns links espelhados para 7 equipes ou 8 equipes . A primeira edição (fevereiro de 2023) é de 7 equipes de qualquer 

    Friend, the file is great but the World Cups usually have 1 single stadium, there are several and several games and only 1 stadium, which is a little strange. Would there be the possibility of 1 stadium for each group as it was in 2000?

  8. 2 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    I've just posted one, the first one is like the 7-team version this February then it's the 2 groups of 4 teams from December 2023 onward

    This file of yours is literally the world I wanted, but I can't download it from the other site. Could you put it here please? :D

  9. 3 horas atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    This may be rendered moot by the next update, but for now it adds the 2022 format from earlier this month with 7 teams.

    I kept the CWCs squad rules and somewhat random host rotation, so no Morocco (first one is in China). Also scraps the planned 2025 expansion.

    For next season, I've gone with the dates planned for December 2023 and on, with an alternate version using the 8-team format from the year 2000:

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    In the 8-team version, the extra space is taken by the defending champion (or runner-up if they already qualified from the host nation).

    February 2023 is the IRL format, and from December 2023 you have your choice of:

    Pick one:
    7-team CWC OR 8-team CWC

    That cool friend, please put this 8 team file here because I can't download it on this other site.

  10. 3 horas atrás, erikeagles disse:


    NEW TOURNAMENT: Wasatch Winter Cup

    Participating teams:

    -Real Monarchs Salt Lake City (USA)
    -Louisville City FC (USA)
    -Colorado Springs Switchbacks (USA)
    -Sacramento Republik FC (USA)
    -Random 4 teams from USSL Division One Eastern Conference (USA)

    Wasatch Winter Cup.fmf 156.27 kB · 2 downloads

    Could you relive the Joan Gamper tournament?

  11. 57 minutos atrás, fresca disse:

    Então tirei o Cazaquistão e Israel dos atuais 54 países da UEFA e coloquei a Rússia e a República da Crimeia. E eles enviaram Israel e o Cazaquistão para a Ásia e trocaram de lugar com o Iêmen e o Afeganistão. E tirei o Iêmen e o Afeganistão, que trocaram de lugar, dos membros regulares da Fifa, para que tanto o clube quanto a seleção joguem bem. Mas os NEWGANs de Israel e do Cazaquistão aparecem como NEWGANs do Iêmen e do Afeganistão. O que devemos fazer neste caso?

    NWow, this is pretty complex lol 😁

  12. 27 minutos atrás, rusty217 disse:

    Definitely possible. Have a look in the download section, some people have already made a 7 team annual one. Going to 8 teams from that shouldn't be too difficult.

    I've already done a search, I've already downloaded several files related to the Club World Cup. But none had the format of 2 groups of 4 teams like the 2000 format.

  13. I like the Club World Cup a lot, not this annual format. So is it possible to create a club world cup with 8 teams? that play annually only have 2 groups of 4 teams and the first 2 would qualify for the semifinals and subsequent to the final? In real life this occurred in 2000.

  14. 19 minutos atrás, nasaiain disse:

    Um interessante, o oposto do que as pessoas normalmente tentam fazer. Vou tentar explicar o que vai acontecer.

    A boa notícia primeiro

    • As eliminatórias da AFC e da copa asiática funcionarão sem a necessidade de edição (isso pode mudar na próxima atualização se o SI atualizá-los para o formato ligeiramente ajustado devido ao início de 2023)
    • e com medo, essas são todas as boas notícias

    As más notícias

    • Para que seus clubes joguem nas competições da AFC, eles precisarão ser reconstruídos e isso quebrará o ranking dinâmico
    • As seleções nacionais ainda jogarão nas eliminatórias para a Copa do Mundo da UEFA e na Liga das Nações, juntamente com os torneios da AFC listados acima, e terão que ser removidas ou substituídas manualmente

    Não tenho ideia do que acontecerá com as competições de clubes da UEFA, sei que eles podem acomodar uma nova nação, não faço ideia de como se comportarão se uma for removida

    Agora a notícia realmente ruim

    • Se a UEFA não tiver 54 membros, a qualificação para o Euro simplesmente não acontecerá e, conseqüentemente, nem as finais.

    Não estou dizendo que não pode ser feito, mas não é uma edição fácil



    Hello thank you very much for the reply. I realize then that it's not something easy so it's better to leave it the way it is

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