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Everything posted by Captain_T

  1. Realy interesting story! I enjoy reading.
  2. Last year the "main winter update" was 24th of February and the "final winter update" 24th of March. This year the "main winter Update" was 2nd of March, so a little bit later than last year. So I guess there will be one more update end of March again. But of course, I don't know.
  3. I think this is still an issue. Started a new save after the big update, with the "original" database without the winter transfers. I played only 15 games so far, but I saw at least one penalty every game. Sometimes even two or three. Amount of penalties is too high.
  4. May I ask, if it's only the amount of missed penalties that is quite high or if it's also the number of penalties in general? When the New Update has been announced I started a new save. I used the database 23.0 (if this is the correct name) not the new Database 23.3. (where the winter transfers are included). Since then I have at least one penalty in each of my games. Sometimes even more.
  5. The ME looks fantastic!! But there are realy too much penalties. At least my players are scoring. In Average in my games there is at least one penalty each game. Last game there have been even three.
  6. Have you mentioned it in the bugs tracker? Then SI can have a look.
  7. Maybe I understood something wrong when the patch note says "Decreased the training injury frequency rate". Maybe that doesn't mean that injuries in general decreased, but that training injuries decreased and injuries during matches increased (in relation)? If somebody could clarify this, would be nice.
  8. I can't believe, that they reduced injuries. In all my saves there are only a few injuries and I don't need to take much care about training intensity or match load. In my opinion thats totaly unrealistic. Injuries should be increased not decreased!
  9. Hello Nik Many thanks for your reply. But what is the general effect of the injury file? Does it increase the amount of injuries (would be good)? Best regards
  10. I Don't think, thatt 11 Injuries in 3 Months (for a team) is very much! This is even less, than in real life. If you don't have some amount of Injuries, why you should use the medical center and think about training schedule?
  11. How does the injury file work exactly? Will it increase injuries (all in all)? Does the injury file also work, if I Don't use english language?
  12. Hello From my experience this File is one of the best injury files I have ever used in FM21. Very realistic file and it makes training management essentiel. Is it possible to use this file in FM23 as well?
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