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Posts posted by MendezGeorge

  1. On 18/09/2023 at 15:22, BigTed88 said:

    Thankyou brother. 

    Huge call on the sublime software, that made things heaps easier.

    I've also flicked a donation over for the skin. I appreciate the help. I think this editing stuff may be a slippery slope though. I seem to be spending more time messing with that than playing the game.  

    Looks much cleaner.


    A man of culture I see 😆👋

  2. Thanks for the input Ben! I was wondering what was causing that weird color difference. I'll try to see if I can fix that next time. 

    I understand the point you made about the panel below but I just wanted to try out having a graphical display of the data (and tbh most of the time I'll be looking at the attributes panel and not the statman panel 😭). It really was honestly to try and solve the thing people were looking for which was to incorporate those stats into Tato. But thanks a lot for insights!


    Also I did try comparing the percentile graphs with the statman skin I was using and it seemed to me like they were the same for both skins. But then again this is your work so I will take ur word for it! Thanks a lot for the feedback! 💙

  3. Hi there. I know quite a few people have been wanting to incorporate Stag's stats into the tato skin and so did I. It took quite a bit of practice and trial and error but I was able to make it work. I've also added in some little changes here and there to give more information for personal use. Thanks so much to all the people who have helped especially @JustHowie @snowofman @GIMN @_Ben_ @bluestillidie00. The edits are for my  own use and really just for practicing and learning about skinning. But if you'd like to try it out as well, you can send me a message :)

    the changes include:
    1. advanced stats + stag stats +per 90 + hidden stats in the player profile page and popup (from the WTCS skin)
    2. statman stats + archetypes and pizza chart in the player profile page (from the statman skin and GMIN)
    3. a different instant result overview at the end of the match (from the WTCS skin)
    4. editable scouting overview and scouting list screens (from Justhowie)
    5. more info on the scouting update list in the inbox (from the SAS skin)
    6. a different scouting card (from the WTCS skin)

    7. Also fixed the trophies for both clubs and national teams to be scrollable instead of shrinking the images if there are more trophies.











  4. Hey guys I need some help. Would appreciate it if somebody could point me in the right direction. anybody know how to scale the player cards on the tato skin? I'm playing on 85% zoom. Also how would I be able to scale the trophies to occupy the height of the container? The tactics screen during the match is also a bit wonky. Any help would be appreciated!



  5. Hello! doing some skinning practice again. I have previously been editing Tato and learning how skinning works with it. Wonderful skin. I've seen other skins and their awesome take on what a skin should include and have just been blown away by the creativity of everyone. Anyways since I've had some time now, I've gone back to practice. I was trying to port over some statman graphics and panels over to tato just to try it out. And while I have been able to do so and the animations all work, I can't quite figure out how to fix this scaling issue. The non-pen xg with on the comparison bars for example  reaches the edge of the container. IF anyone can point me in the right direction of how to go about fixing the scaling of the comparison bars, I would really appreciate it.  Also the pizza chart is not aligned properly. Might need help with that too!



  6. On 05/04/2023 at 10:58, MendezGeorge said:

    Hi there everyone! I hope someone can help me with my skinning questions. Thank you @Wozzie for the beautiful skin. I would just like to ask if anyone has an idea how I would goi about incorporating the advanced statistics tab and the stats per 90 selector tab from the Work the Space Skin into the Tato skin? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 





    Hi again. I'm a noob at this but I gave it a try for the past several hours and I thought I'd share this here. I know a few others have been asking for a way to have FM Stag's stats on the Tato Skin as well as the advanced stats from the work the space skin. I'd be happy to share the files but I still need some help to finalize some edits.

    1. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to edit the width of these white boxes shown in the attached picture so that it matches the other boxes.
    2. Could someone tell me how to lock in the selector panel on the right middle side showing the per 90 stats? Because it only works for players I've already viewed the per 90 stats for... When I check a different player, it defaults to dynamics and happiness. I would like it to default to the per 90 stats each time I go to a player profile.
    3. Lastly, I'd like to add in the advanced stats tab and notebook tab I have from the player profile into the scouting report card in the scouting center and in the inbox. 

    Hopefully somebody could help me with this and hopefully Wozie's fine with these edits. Thanks in advance!



  7. Hi there everyone! I hope someone can help me with my skinning questions. Thank you @Wozzie for the beautiful skin. I would just like to ask if anyone has an idea how I would goi about incorporating the advanced statistics tab and the stats per 90 selector tab from the Work the Space Skin into the Tato skin? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 




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