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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Farsley Celtic

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  1. Hi mate I’m currently using your skin but with no 3d and wondering is there anyway I can remove the dugout box that shows up middle of screen ? Thank you
  2. I use the same resolution I just find the image in my graphics folder and crop it to fill the section.
  3. No problem at all managed to fix as I would like so thanks guys for the help
  4. hi mate sorry to bother you, this is what the match incidents small looks like, any ideas of which one controls the colour of text ? Thank you
  5. Could anyone help direct me to where I could change the club names in dugout/match overview to white please if possible ?
  6. Legend for this mate. Still playing with no 3d in 2024 and this plus the mods still work. Fantastic
  7. thanks will try again so from dugout to line 161 ?
  8. Hi mate how much of this do i remove ? how far down do i go ? thank you
  9. Hi does anyone know if it’s possible to remove or hide the dugout visualiser that comes up middle of screen, I play commentary only and it stays on all game. Thanks
  10. Hi mate last couple of questions then i promise i wont be back, Is it possible to remove or hide the in game dugout pop up ? the one that goes centre of screen in game ? Is it possible to change these pics (screenshot below) on pre match opposition report, id like the city pic to be from my city pack folder (it shows in club info fine) and the stadium id like to change from inside stadium pic to just normal stadium pic, basically the pic that is in the city box now as the inside stadium pics dont fill the box due to having widescreen but the normal stadium pics do ? ive located the xml for pre match opposition report just not sure what or if it can be altered hope that makes sense thank you
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