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Everything posted by trviggo

  1. I realize this is hardly any game time at all, but what does a wide target man actually do? With 15 min or so left in my game trying to lower my risk taking I set my WAM to target man and told goalie to play it out to target man. In those 15+4 minutes of added time, not a single ball was played towards him. Not one. By any player on my team. Even on goal kicks, which I would assume would be the most basic implementation of the instruction, the goalie played it elsewhere. Wasn't close either, so it's not like it was by accident. Genuinely felt more like I was using a Wide Avoid This Man role.
  2. Why does the game change penalty taker if you've already gotten one penalty and the taker scored? Had he missed it that's one thing - and still wrong - but when he scored?
  3. The file I added my future regens in has since been replaced (presumably due to multiple updates), which makes me wonder if I'll still get my future regens or not? I was under the impression that information is locked in and stored from save creation, but think I should've got him by now in game. Since the file has been replaced I can't go and double check the exact year he was supposed to generate it. If it did fail to generate him, there's no way to add him in once the save has already been started right?
  4. Ship them off on vacay if you know for certain they won't play within the next week. One week 2-3 times per season is enough to keep them fit and if it's not then your problem is tactical or with training intensity.
  5. Yup. Got a youth intake kid with 197-200 PA (cant remember exact number) one save and he's been one of my manager names since. In FM24 I even added his son in as a future regen, so he should pop up any season now.
  6. I never understood this one. Move all your players to the left side of the pitch and check if the AI changes their tactic in any way whatsoever and you have your answer.
  7. Don't think I've ever had a temporary dip in atmosphere without that message, regardless of the personalities in the club. It's not the cause of the dip so I just ignore it.
  8. I can't remember a single player generating interest except from the club they're loaned out to, nor increase in valuation during their time there. Meanwhile my RW gets injured for months and doesn't play an official game between winter and summer window and gets an increase in the bids he gets. Not to put anything on one example, just thought it was funny it happened right after posting this. If you just signed someone clubs won't be interested because the player won't wanna leave. Of course you can still get sizeable sales after loans, but the players are at a huge disadvantage to those in your own playing squad, even if their performance should suggests otherwise. Never have I ever gotten a bid for a player on loan from another club either, which is something that is both allowed irl and we can do. So why won't the AI?
  9. Y'all realise the AI "abuses" this more than the average player right? That's how we constantly get complaints about the AI getting players cheaper than the manager. The deals are filled with conditional fees. Manchester United famously bought Amad Diallo for 20m + 20m in conditionals. In the real world, most clubs won't risk losing out on a huge amount of money by keeping a 16 year old. SI should stick to the laws of the game. Make your own rules within those.
  10. Why doesn't players generate transfer value or interest on loan? This has been such a weird quirk of the game for such a long time it's hard to assume it isn't intentional, but I can't understand how.
  11. Or you get features like the agents which only provides the game with a downside for a full game cycle until they're expanded on
  12. I'm having a similar thing with the "Top Youth Academies" mail where 2 of my worst ever talents are highlighted as the reason for my spot on the list.
  13. Is anyone able to manage their reserves teams this game or did they remove that feature? I don't understand why it would still be under staff responsibilities if it's not gonna be something I can interact with in any way.
  14. I was just about to play a Champions League final and have no room to test my tactics between now and then... Steam promptly put to offline mode for now lmao
  15. When you start a FM match it simulates that match in full then shows you the result, then every time you make a change, it re-simulates the match from that point and repeat. I don't remember the exact technical term SI uses for this, but what happens here is basically that you're being showed the wrong simulation and not the correct one ending in the result you see after a game. It's way more common in network games.
  16. He doesn't mention a specific position to lack depth, so I'm completely without a clue as to where he thinks there's a problem. My squad is overall pretty strong, several world class players according to my scouts. Is it a reputation issue since most of them are young players?
  17. Yeah, sorry I responded before reading the new comments so got a little messy in here, but what I'm requesting is for a way to make the MI column blue (or position) by default. So I can set this once and not go back into it before every game.
  18. Reverts back to player designated instructions after each game, meaning I still have to go in there and select every player, then switch the instructions to be position specific.
  19. Surely I'm not the only one that has had the player list showing in wrong order bug happen exclusively after it was supposedly fixed right?
  20. Is there a way to set opposition instructions to go by positions by default? Seems kinda pointless to even have that option if you have to go in there for every game and turn it on for every player anyway.
  21. Create an option in the dropdown menu for mail where you currently have mark as read, add to notes and filter to make any mail of that kind require action before the game can continue. With this action being a small check mark in the bottom corner of the contents of the mail. This will enable us to never miss out on mail we wanna read, such as availability for reserve games, player concerns, international instructions etc. without hurting the default experience in any way. A massive QoL buff just in general, but also for the timeout feature.
  22. I'm really struggling to understand when a player is eligible for home grown status and when they are not, and how FM is tracking this this year. Of course the game tells you 3 years between the ages of 15-21, which would suggest a player has to be signed prior to his 18th birthday. We know this to be wrong however from both FM and real life precedent, which made me go hunting for more specifics on the rule. That turns out to be really hard to find, but another user on here from a thread in 2022 seems to have found it so I'll go by that for now. This reads: For starters, does this mean the player can join a Premier League club in all of July at having just turned 18 or 19? Football Manager 24 seem to think it's 19, but if I transfer a player at 19 in this date window, not only is he eligible for homegrown, but his homegrown status says he's fulfilled 200+ days despite having been in the club for 1 day. It can't be counting from season start because the first match day was merely 60 or so days ago and the season reset date roughly 100. Furthermore I could even transfer him after that pre-season date window. So why is that 19 year old eligible for homegrown in a summer league, having turned 18 fifteen months prior to his signing date two months after season start, meanwhile an 18 year old I signed during the summer transfer window five months before his 19th birthday isn't? By all means dumb it down as much as you can and provide examples. This does my head in.
  23. Don't know if you guys prefer another notification just to say thanks or would rather me just upvote, so let me know if it's bothersome. Wanted to say I appreciate the response anyway. Thanks!
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