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Everything posted by trviggo

  1. @Jack Joyce Is what is possible in matches/the match engine relative only to the players in that match or the full range of ability from 1-200? In other words, will there be a tangible difference in the football displayed in League 2 vs a Champions League final assuming tactics and everything other than players' relative skill is the same? It's a bit of a legend that you can't use certain tactics and have to play differently in lower league management than in the Premier League, but I can't say I'm noticing a difference in FM24 so curious if this is accurate or not, and if so where one would notice it the most.
  2. The problem is that @Szyminator is now led to believe - by an official on SI's own forum - that this issue is out of their hands and they can't get the game experience they want when that is incorrect. Instead of kindly telling them that they can adjust player valuation biases in the pre-game editor. By locking the thread you've also prevented me or anyone else that wanna help from doing it as well. That's all I wanna do really. I have no care for trying to "get you", whatever you're implying by that. That makes up a lot of the hours I've spent. Just this previous week I think it was I discovered Second Yellow Card on YouTube and learned we (or his editor guy) have a lot of the same solutions, and that made me feel better about them because 30+ season saves of testing are hard to come by. Another member on here I wish I remembered the name of now was how I learned to setup dynamic income. I don't mean to sound like I haven't enjoyed that process or the saves I've played. That's why I'm invested enough to still do this. The most frustrating bits is when there is a clear and concise answer as above and you get derailed by unproductive ones.
  3. Presumably the idea is that you learn about a player's professionalism by interacting with him and his training rating, and consistency by well, how consistent they are. Ideally all attributes should be hidden like they are, but until the game has in-depth training analysis that's rather unreasonable. Thus attributes that you'd have to be on the training pitch with them to learn about, like Determination, remains on display.
  4. I gotta laugh at the timing, but brilliantly demonstrated by @XaW here by referring OP to bug reports and locking a thread that could be answered in a much more helpful manner as it is not a bug and something that can be adjusted in game setup.
  5. Well that depends what @wazzaflow10 is referring to, but there's still elements that undoubtably is unnecessarily permanent and potentially damaging to a save, such as attribute masking and IGE settings. What good reason is there for these to not just be general settings? Just yesterday I had my Champions League playoff registration day be after the first game leaving me with 0 registered players for it. I couldn't even have paid to get this issue mitigated had I not set up my save "correctly" in the first place. I've spent five game editions and thousands of hours trying to build the perfect Build a Nation database because there's just no information readily available about basic game systems and the pre-game editor. Upon requesting help on this very forum I've had SI staff such as Neil Brock post information I've since discovered is false. Bug reports have been humoured as real issues instead of just telling me it was a setting in the editor. Seb Wassell stated "Professionalism, Ambition and Determination matters equally for player development", which has been extensively disproven every year since. Then there was the infamous Miles announcement of Dynamic Youth Rating that was gonna be huge for players like myself, and it took immeasurable outrage to get some clarity on the situation. Requiring you to setup every nation to have a game importance of very Important and being a developed nation for this "feature" to even be measurable. For FM24 they announced dynamic and new income streams, which seemingly there is just no evidence for whatsoever existing in the game. Thankfully the dynamic youth rating sham made me skeptical enough of this announcement that I spent hours testing if it was a thing before jumping into a save. That is a completely unreasonable ask of the player base. Once you're in the save game you want to play, then fair enough, keep your secrets. Make me explore. But there's zero excuses for not helping players get to that point in the first place. 10 reasonable questions answered honestly and I would've gotten the save I wanted already back in FM19. We're on FM24 now and I still won't know if my setup is my definition of ideal until I've put 20+ seasons in it.
  6. If it requires "handholding" to setup the game correctly the game has some serious accessibility issues.
  7. Whenever I go into Staff responsibilities in FM24 I am no longer able to set myself as manager of my reserves teams. Yet when the friendly between my youth intake and U19s come around, I am forced to manage it.
  8. Why am I being forced to manage both teams in the yearly youth team vs youth intake match? And interestingly why am I not allowed to manage my youth and reserves team in any other game?
  9. Can't really say anything to counter that except it's not my experience. I do play Build a Nation though so my club's first eleven typically is too good for the level. Anytime I do get a 4-5 star player in the youth intake they are that level. But so is a handful of the 3 star players I get. The majority of 5 star players I bring in from elsewhere however is not. There's definitely a difference in coaching reports and scouting reports beyond just staff attributes.
  10. Why does "Recovery" override Training Schedules still to this day? It is so frustrating making these only to have 4 training sessions disappear upon pressing continue or a fixture being rescheduled because the game forces you to do a recovery and rest session post matches.
  11. Point being that they're not gonna be given 3-5 year contracts, so they are more likely to leave on a free. Not that they're worthless.
  12. I imagine part of the problem is that if these players were Brazilian regens they would be 4-5 stars regularly. Coaching reports always seem to underrate youth intakes so you kinda have to sign em all and wait a season to get an equal assessment of them. I don't quite get why either. It's not like the 5 star wonderkids you sign at 16 are guaranteed to become good. Most of them turn out to be 3-4 stars. Why are your own academy graduates measured differently? If simply the odd 3 and 4 star player were estimated at 5 stars on intake day, so many of these complaints would go away.
  13. Text will read something like Some clarification that this refers to single transfers and not total transfer revenue would be appreciated. Something like:
  14. Different circumstances. Lewan and Gundogan are old. The likes of Christensen already exists through the "Explore options" status players can get, that's gotten quite aggressive since FM23 as well. I'm talking about players that no one can afford until they've taken up free agency and dropped their wage demands. Or players who have a year on their contract still being valued 100+ million. One such player exists irl and he happens to be the best footballer on the planet currently. The lazy Saudi implementation highlights the problem. Players wanna leave Saudi clubs because higher reputation clubs exist, but can't because their wage demands are 3-5 that of what anyone else can afford. So they sit transfer listed until they're released and then gradually over time have their demands lowered.
  15. Wage demands are absurd this year and players from big clubs are overvalued as always so if it's not Saudi most big transfers seems to be free agents.
  16. This has been proven extensively to in fact change the intake. It's part of why the "Effects gradually increase" thing sounds strange. The preview is basically a sham.
  17. You literally just select multiple nations from the search screen in the pre-game editor and click on edit like you would a single one. All items that can be batch edited will be selectable for edit and any changes made to these will be applied to all individually. Editor's Hideout section on these forums is prob your best bet for learning more about it. There's a disgusting lack of information about the editor and how to use it considering the potential it has.
  18. You can batch edit every nation in the PGE. Since that is only what 200 ish nations I reckon it'll take 10 seconds tops. It's a wonder why it's not an available edit in the IGE though.
  19. Why not just change Game Importance of all nations to very important before starting a save then?
  20. For the pre-game editor the attributes will adjust to the defined CA upon save generation. It's been years since I've tried with the in-game editor but there too the attributes will typically drop down to CA level pretty quick unless you freeze their attributes (or adjust CA along with it).
  21. Considering you can tweak the youth rating, facilities, Head of Youth etc. after the preview date (a feature that seems to serve 0 purpose fwiw) and still improve the quality of your newgens that year such a statement is absolutely bewildering. Does SI really expect us to believe it? Oh well, should be straight forward enough to test.
  22. Could you provide the statement or at the very least whereabouts of it? Would be helpful in a bug report if someone decides to test whether this is the case.
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