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Everything posted by trviggo

  1. I don't know if you can find the rules in legalese anywhere, but the official wording is between 15-21, which according to precedent can be interpreted as including some part of if not the whole year the player is 21. For the longest time that meant as long as a player arrived before they were 19 in FM you were good. In recent years the cut off date almost seems league dependant despite this being a UEFA thing. 18,5 is the oldest I've been able to go and always have it work still.
  2. The days does not need to be consecutive and besides it is 3 years before the player turns 22, not 21. This has become a bit finicky in recent games though, so go 21,5 years old at max to be sure.
  3. Up to 2025 there's the usual 1 week breaks in September, October and November, but from 2026 the early September break is swapped out for a 2 week break from end of September to early October. Is this just happening for me, a bug or a scheduled change coming in real life?
  4. Can I make regen managers in the country generate with more of this attribute or is the only solution constant interference with the IGE?
  5. It seems no matter how much money I give AI clubs they are reluctant to spend any more money on a single transfer than they would've with their starting budgets on day 1 of a save. This makes AI clubs fall behind in Build a Nation saves simply because they're showing no ambition.
  6. Real. Picking between which recent FM to play is a question of which bugs would I rather play with, which quality of life features are worth the functionality they made worse? Especially if you don't play with the 3D cameras.
  7. Following the announcement of new and dynamic income streams expectations were raised for this release, particularly for the Build a Nation enthusiasts of the player base. Having had to make do with barely changing income streams despite taking our local clubs to Champions League glory for far too long. Excited to learn more about these new income streams, the fixed TV deals and beyond, I dove into a simulation in my country of Norway to find out how things would change over the years. I simulated just over 10 seasons, having primed the Norwegian teams for success with boosted players and staff, in both FM 23 and FM24 to compare and learn the differences. Here's the results (currency is British pound): FM23 Starting Reputation: 133 First season winner's TV income from the league: 897k First season winner's Prize money from the league: 1,6m Total: 2,5m --- Highest Reputation: 161 (League ranking: 5) Winner's TV Income: 1,4m Winner's Prize money: 2,9m Total: 4,3m FM24: Starting Reputation: 135 First season winner's TV income from the league: 364k First season winner's Prize money from the league: 4,5m Total: 4,9m --- Reputation: 161 (League ranking: Also 5) Winner's TV Income: 960k Winner's Prize money: 6,2m Total: 7,1m --- Out of curiosity I also checked how these new and improved dynamisms would affect a falling giant, so I did the inverse experiment with the Bundesliga. Starting with a slightly higher reputation in FM24 with 173 to FM23's 169, the TV and Prize money totalled out to the same 92m in the first season. At 137 reputation in FM23 this had become 52m, and with the closest reputation I got in FM24 at 139, it had become 58m. So my question is what's changed? Where are these new and dynamic income streams, the increased fluctuation, the added dynamism and intrigue? It all seems the same to me accounting for the slight difference in reputation and the fact Norway starts way better off in FM24. Even searching through the pre-game editor I can't find anything referencing new income streams or these fixed-length TV deals. The Bundesliga appear to have the exact same configuration and is certainly behaving like it. Outside the wealth of the Top 5 this means we still can't ever have our revenue reflect our success without serious intervention with the editor, unless you start in a league so low in reputation that it gets automatically added at 100 rep. But then you have the issue of suddenly earning too much money and that's not that fun either. And yes, I did check to confirm this still behaves the same as well. Raising the Gibraltar league to somewhere around 170 reputation gave it north of 150m in TV income, just like in FM23. What changed? Did we get a slightly more stylish e-mail to read every few seasons, is that all?
  8. Simulated 10 seasons in Norway now, taking it from 135 to 159 reputation. These "new and dynamic income streams" I must say seem rather subtle if they exist at all. TV and prize money are on the same level as previous games. Sponsorships did get a decent boost for 2 of the 3 teams I used to develop the league, but interestingly not for the most reputable and performing of the three. And the lesser of the other two got the biggest boost. Not quite sure what to make of that. Also checked my old Gibraltar save from FM23 in FM24 and again, expected income is the same. The pre-game editor doesn't appear to have any new fixed year TV-deal sections either, like the marketing screenshot would have you think.
  9. Most curious about if they've expanded on changing competition rules from adding substitute rules in FM23, or if you can change the new TV/Prize deals, but anything really.
  10. Don't think I've ever seen someone argue for parity with England. There's a lot of room between 3 million and 300 million. Due to the way TV income works in FM you can already get substantial income in Gibraltar. Is it realistic that Gibraltar can get TV deals of 100m but Scotland can't?
  11. That's because it's based on increase in reputation and not at all on the total reputation. You would think that when SI announces "NEW AND DYNAMIC INCOME STREAMS" that this system would change, so leagues that start above this 100 reputation mark with realistic values would also be able to generate income from TV deals over time. Like you would think Dynamic Youth Rating would mean something and then it doesn't. Seems like the only thing that's actually new here is the design of the mail you get.
  12. How do I select a specific player for player swap if he doesn't appear in the dropdown?
  13. If we're talking about slide tackling, you punt the ball forwards, run after it and slide at it. Then you video tape that, compare your technique and repeat that process until you're better at it. Like any other skill exercise. Tackling in a broader sense requires some understanding of what the attribute does beyond the literal interpretation of it. Presumably other attributes like anticipation and positioning are involved, balance, agility and concentration to execute it. If tackling is strictly technique and/or reaction times, then you don't need another person for it any more than you need another person to be at the end of a cross, victim of your dribbling or challenging you for an aerial. Is that really the dev team's interpretation of additional focus? No other person can be involved? How do you train bravery or heading then? Or your ability to pick out a pass? Your composure in front of goal? I'm not a coach so please educate me, but if they have consulted coaches then surely they must also know that professional players invest in personal coaches to improve their game in their own time as well. Follow players on Instagram over summer and you'll get the updates.
  14. Are you playing with Advanced Forwards, Inside Forwards or otherwise lots of players that attempts forward runs? Does the goalie have the tactical freedom to play balls he'd considered risky?
  15. Cba to make a new thread for this so just ask here, can you really still not individually focus tackling in FM or am I missing it?
  16. What setting (if any) in the editor enables clubs to give players the % of next sale clause in their contracts? I've noticed most leagues have this feature, but some don't. However I cannot find any setting like this.
  17. Trying to create dynamic TV money based on the total reputation in match feature, but for this to be accurate I need to ensure 100% of games feature on TV.
  18. Hey I'm trying to better learn the editor so please correct me if I've misinterpreted, but is the implication here that a custom database would be the issue? Because the Finnish league by default is a low priority league set to only check for conflicts with domestic competition, though with match dates to avoid coinciding with WC and EC qualification, as well as Nations League. That means the Euros/World Cup and the league will still take place at the same time. With a very short season (April-October) and no summer break it's practically inevitable. The option for "Should Play On International Match Days" is even checked. Would a custom db not be the solution in this case, rather than the issue?
  19. It says the number Bale was compared to was Bolt's average. If that was 44 it would've resulted in a world record shattering 8 second 100 meter sprint. His top speed was 44(,7 if you wanna be precise), his average speed was 37,5. Where most of the quickest top footballers peak in their top speed. If the Bale data is accurate he would've hit 43km/h, which is still slower than Bolt's. Personally I can't find anyone clocking in faster than Thierry Henry at 39,2 in 1998. No mention of Bale and his record anywhere.
  20. You'd be surprised. Top level footballers are wicked fast. Many has ran 100m sprints in sub 11 seconds. There's very regularly players hitting 36km/h in the top leagues and the yearly record is usually between 37 and 38. IIRC Sven Botman has the highest recorded top speed for footballers at 39km/h. For reference the top speed ever recorded in a human is Usain Bolt's 44km/h between 60 and 80 meters of a 100m sprint in 2009. In FM terms Bolt wouldn't be any higher than 22.
  21. Presumably the Finnish league isn't setup to respect international team breaks or another competition which results in scheduling conflicts that moves domestic league games into int breaks. This is increasingly common the lower reputation league you're in because irl the player quality isn't at a point where Champions League and international tournaments would rob them of a bunch of players. Like how League 2 and below in England played during the World Cup IIRC. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot you can do about it having already started the save. You could try to go into network settings and setting scheduling to wednesday/saturday and find more luck with that, but it could just as well make it worse.
  22. Consider personalised player instructions to stay on feet for your worst offenders. Had this with a few players myself.
  23. Keen on doing something similar to rejuvenate my save, but surely wouldn't basing it off reputation be much more realistic. So imagine something like this: League reputation * 0.7 for very high game importance, 0.5 for important, 0.3 for fairly unimportant and 0.2 for unimportant. Then add 1 point for every million citizens up to 10, 0.5 point for every million between 10 and 30, and .2 for every million after. Take England as an example. Premier League currently has 188 rep in my save, England has 144 youth rating. Take 188 and multiply .7, and you got 131, add 1 for every million citizens the country have below 10 million, .5 for every million between 10 and 30 and .2 for every million after and you got 156. For Brazil that would be 158*0,7+10+10+36=166 compared to their current 162 Some other notable nations (keep in mind I'm in 2048): Spain currently has 147, with my system they have 153 France currently has 156, with my system they have 148 Italy currently has 148, with my system they have 155 Germany currently has 154, with my system they have 152 Portugal currently has 136, with my system they have 133 Netherlands has 130, with my system they have 122 Argentina has 141, with my system they have 125 USA has 112, with my system they have 113 Norway has 90, with my system they have 109 Denmark has 91, with my system they have 110 Croatia has 94, with my system they have 95 My own Gibraltar has 35 on game start and 41 currently. With my system they have 106. A nation like Gibraltar's theoretical maximum (based on Premier League's reputation) would then be 131. Though I set my game importance to very important to enable Dynamic Youth Rating to work (or so I thought). With default settings they would have 76 currently and a maximum of 94. The only big problem that comes to mind is China which has a game importance of very important and notably 1 billion citizens. This only took about an hour so could naturally be improved upon, but with the game itself as reference it seems pretty good. You could also add some slight bonuses for big international tournament performances. Plot this all into excel and going through the various nations (say top 40 to only keep it to relevant nations) shouldn't take more than 10-20 minutes of work every pre-season.
  24. Almost 30 seasons in Gibraltar, 6 time Champions League winner, even set game importance to very important and eventually increased the economic factor to "enable" improvement of the youth rating as Andrew suggested. In all that time it's increased from 35 to 41. I'd rather have 50 elite Bulgarians and Chinese players at this point than this.
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