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Everything posted by JoeSavage

  1. Sorry everyone, still being a pain in the a** with this one. Does anyone know why when you select the Full Image tab it is blank? Can someone point me in the right direction as to what the full screen tab is looking for, it should be the full image of the stadium background pic. Ideally I'd like to create a tab with a City pic and detail or re-use the full image tab for that.
  2. Awesome, thank you. Did a find and replace on background to stadium and it worked
  3. Not sure the best place to ask but does anyone know how to generate a config.xml file for the stadium inside pics. I can generate the background ones easy through the FM graphics configurator but it doesn't do it for the stadium inside pics
  4. Hi all, new around here (playing FM since CM '95 though lol) This is my fave skin fro FM23 by a long shot but I'd love to be able to have the Stadium pic displayed full when clicking onto the stadium name, I've seen a couple of other skins that do this. Does anyone know if it is possible to edit this skin to do so? :)
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