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Everything posted by skyzekaizo

  1. I'll look into it, thanks. Although I have concerns about playing with only 2 attack duties, and the fact that a W-s would look to attack the space less than a W-a. I tried only one game with a W-s and it's true that it gives way more lateral space for my F9 to drop in, and it also looks like the W-s could help dragging the opposition full back with him, which would create space to attack for the CM-a or the F9 and that results in nice plays. But wouldn't a W-a with good work rate enable even more space for the F9 to shine? Another option I thought of was to have 2 IF-a and rethink the way I attack space, maybe something like having 2 WB-s to provide width with cross from byline, a HB-d to have more options at the back, and 2 balanced midfielders who would play as pivots in the build up and offer passing options to the flanks once we get into the opposition's third. Maybe a combination of CAR-s + AP-s? Or, have a FB-s to tuck inside (or an IWB-s) and rely on a MEZ or a CAR (with get further forward) to provide width?
  2. There is this lad which attacks FM questions by the statistics angle, EBFM. About 6 months ago he went and made a test to see whether homeground advantage is a thing, and he proved that without a doubt homeground advantage exists in this ME. He also made a test using 2 tactics which work well in the ME, a defensive one and an attacking one, and on average when faced against any of the two tactics, the away side has better chances playing attacking than defensive. He also looked at different statistics which show that on average the players at home manage to attack more succesfully than the away side by a margin. Here is the video: What's your take on this?
  3. What about your sick 433 with a false nine formation? Are you still working on it?
  4. This actually makes a lot of sense, it would explain quite a few things people have noticed in the ME this year. Also I dialed it back a bit, I put the CWB on WB-s, the DM-s on DM-d and the IFB-d on FB-s, as well as taking away the stay wider on the left IF-a, although I'm not sure what I could do to improve it further.
  5. I apologize if I sound entitled, I don't expect anyone to owe me anything, I simply got frustrated by the game, this is my tactic: I generally drop down to balanced when away, I change tempo a lot during matches, sometimes I change the width or the passing directness. I'm not sure yet about the duties of the IF on the left and the CWB, as well as the role of my CMs, still trying it out, and I generally change the IFB to FB-s, IWB-s or WB-au depending on the opposition front line. The instructions are: CD-d: take more risks, stay wider BPD-d: dribble more IFB-d: cross more often CWB-s: cross aim center, cross from byline DM-s: hold position CM-s: stay wider, take more risks CM-a: move into channels, roam from position, take more risks IF-a left: sit narrower, cross aim center, shoot more often IF-a right: stay wider, cross aim center, shoot more often F9-s: move into channels, shoot more often
  6. it's such a blatant lie though, the game clearly favors the AI during away games. I edited my IF to have 17 in technique, finishing and composure, with the trait places shots, and 19 in consistency, then I simulated the same game again and again against some mid table team, and my bloke barely put it on target once per game.
  7. Yeah this is my feeling also, the game simply decides you're going to loose that one and no matter what you change in your tactic, there are really good chances that you're going to loose it. I've seen 3rd league sides play like prime barca against me, I've seen my midfielders loosing all their composure and make the worst passes against lower sides. I've seen my wingers loose the ball as soon as they receive it, again and again and again. I've seen a player with 12 agression and quite good mentals (~15-16) and 15 tackling getting sent off for a tackle while playing anchorman. I've seen my wingers, my midfielders, and my centre backs passing the ball to the opposition, and I've also seen my players colliding one with another and therefore loose the ball so stupidly. I can't count how much shots went straight to the woodwork again and again. I could put the whole team in the midfield, like 2 IWBs, 1 anchor and 2 CMs and still see my players getting their passes cut out by the opposition. And by some magic, if you simulate the game instead of playing it your players tend to do wayyyyyy less dumb mistakes if any. I'm almost certain that there is a mechanism that drops the attributes of your players when playing certain away games if not all. Just now I've simulated a game and somehow my striker which got 2 goals dropped 2 points of CA after the game, not sure it's related but the guy has been scoring and assisting left and right since the start of the season but yet his CA drops.
  8. Hi, once in a while (maybe 60% of away games), your players forget how a ball looks like, how to make a simple pass or simply bypass both their player and team instructions. When that happens and you start loosing against a team from a sunday league playing like prime barca, what do you do? Are there instructions you can use to salvage the game? How do you deal with your opponnents targetting your wingers and pressing them into loosing the ball as soon as they receive it?
  9. I'm not 100% sure about this but, I think that having the trait 'likes to beat offside trap' on your RMD and right winger might help creating space for your F9. I'm also playing a F9, and a combo of 2 IFs, and I noticed that there was one IF with the trait, and whever I play with him my F9 and AP have the space necessary to shine. However when I don't play with him the opposition tend to put a much higher def line and no one in my team is making runs behind the defense. Did someone try something similar to this?
  10. So I just played a game vs Espanyol, which got promoted last season, here is the scout report: Their players are around 125 CA, in terms of attribute they have low passing, work rate, aggression, composure, stamina, concentration and movement. I'm playing Barcelona, by now even my B team is at least full of 145+ CA players with good levels of passing, composure, movement and concentration. And yet, espanyol play gegenpress during the whole game, they complete more than 88% passes, they also play with both IWB and IFB of course. During this game they completely outclassed my team in both defense, pressing, tackling, passing, dribbling and creating occasions.
  11. nothing in this game works like it should, I've seen a carileiro sitting narrower than a CDM, a WB-a (with PPM hugs the line) sitting in the channel while there is space on the flank, a FB-s with sit narrower sitting as wide as a regular WB, a F9 which should drop in midfield staying as high as possible. Wingers on away games loose the ball as soon as they touch it, while opposition wingers can carve your defence open like cake. Pressing and tackling does not work on away games (except for opposition), I have played a game with 3 BWMs, 1 PF and everyone on tackle harder (both in PIs and OIs), get stuck in, much more often pressing, and I saw the opposition players moving freely, I barely saw a tackle in that game. I've seen sides like cadiz or las palmas play with an IWB and IFB like they have the squad for that, I've seen them playing perfect tiki taka passes while my team (barcelona) looses the ball every 5 sec, I can't count how much weaker sides I've seen gegenpressing my team during the whole game like it's free real estate. Also there is no way to play on lower tempo in this game because the opposition automatically presses much more often and manages to do it succesfully (even though they don't have the squad for it). Almost every opposition use a high def line when you use a supporting striker, making them barely playable, and they barely get punished for it even with hit early crosses and pass into space ticked on. Positional play is a joke, the CM strata is inexistant during build up, it's either AM or DM, nothing in between.
  12. The game needs to be overhauled. It's not right to sell it given the amount of bugs there is. There is no role on the wings that attack the half space, even RMD, which means that W/IF/RMD/IW behave roughly the same. When using wingers, it is not possible to have WBs push further forward because wingers never leave the flanks.
  13. The MEZ-a sits way too high and leaves a hole in your midfield, against good opposition generally you get punished for that. In the previous edition this was mitigated because the F9 would sometimes drop deep and rotate with the MEZ-a, but in this edition he's not doing that anymore and this is a problem. While the AP-a frequently drop deep to receive a pass and is less inclined to leave a hole in the midfield during build up. Also, IF and IW roles are basically identical in this game, the only thing that makes a difference are traits. An IW will behave just like an IF if you teach him to move into channels, and the only way you'll get your IF/IW to cut inside is if you teach him the trait, otherwise he'll run to the byline and cross or lose the ball like a regular winger. Finally, I think that having 2 IF makes the width collapse too early.
  14. Hmm, I'd like to see your tactic and compare it to the one I use, as well as how your F9 looks like. Mine has comes deep to get ball as well as arrives late into box and generally he never drops past the opposite DM/CM. Also I'd like to see photos where we can see the F9 drop into midfield during build up. Edit: yeah no mate, I think we're playing different games. I just simulated a game on FM24 vs a lower division opponent playing a 4-4-2, my F9 is playing the whole game like a bad poacher even though he has the space, the instructions and the PPMs to drop deep. He has on his right side a MEZ-a and a W-s, on his left side an IF-s and a DLP-s and he barely dropped lower than the opp deeper midfielder.
  15. Exactly it should, but it doesn't. Try it in both versions (in a 4-3-3 or 5-2-3 formation) and you'll notice that in FM23 the F9 drops deeper and more frequently, and moves into channels if instructed to do so. While in FM24 he stays rather static.
  16. Hey mate, I have used your tactic in FM23 and I think it was insanely good. In this edition I think there are a couple of problems that inherently cripple your F9 and therefore nerf down the tactic. Due to positional play, it does not matter which traits you teach your F9 or which instructions you give him in order to drop deep, roam and move into channels. Your F9 is pushed into staying central and will play like an inefficient spearhead. I'll explain myself: I'm 100% sure that the ME uses some kind of repelling potential between players so that they don't occupy the same zones, as well as making sure there is a player in each of the five channels. Due to the fact that the 4-3-3 formation spans the field as efficiently as possible, you will generally always have deeper or wider players that either occupy (or are hard coded to move into) zones that the F9 could possibly roam into. So the only space your F9 can and must occupy is the "spearhead". Other than that, your IW-a is pushed wide by your MEZ-a (even during build up) and I don't think the FB-s will be able to help him once you get to the flank. So I think that your IW-a will frequently get into situations where he is hugging the byline and does not have an easy passing option to recycle, and will therefore get pressed easily during away games where the AI is more aggressive. Edit: It's even worse than I thought, the F9 can't drop lower than in between the opp defenders and the defensive midfielders. I've just made the test playing a 5-2-3 with no DM running forward. Even with acres of space in the midfield and nobody hard coded to occupy it, the F9 stays high. The role is completely bugged.
  17. Just played a game, my world class IF gets outclassed by a D2 fullback at home, no dribbles, no passes, no tricks, nothing. Once the ball gets to your wide players you've effectively lost the ball. Edit: also because of the match engine, the wingback never helps the winger because that would mean that he has to enter a zone which is already occupied by the winger, which is prohibited in this edition.
  18. Actually, I was curious if this issue was present in the last edition, so I decided to simulate 8 games in FM23 and FM24 against the same opposition with the same tactic and players, with no subs, using the save I imported from FM23, and re-simulating some blatant outliers. Because the amount of passes were in average a bit higher in FM23, I decided to look at the percentage of passes completed by the F9, as well as the percentage of combinations. The total number of combinations was computed to be twice the total number of passes completed. The results are quite interesting, and in average: - there were 18 more passes completed in total in FM23 than in FM24 - the F9 combinations take 8.02% of the total share of combinations in FM23, while only 6.74% in FM24 - the F9 completes 6.93% of total share of passes completed in FM23, while only 6.04% in FM24 - the F9 does combines with other player 21% more in FM23 than in FM24 (with the PPMs to come deep and arrive late in box), completing 115.5 combinations in FM23 while only 94.7 in FM24. This difference is huge and shows how hard it is for the F9 to link up in FM24. The standard deviations and coefficient of variations are rather close in both games for both completed passes and combinations, although a bit higher in FM24. If they were significantly different, I'd run more than 10 games before drawing conclusions. But seeing that they differ by not much I think that 10 games should be enough. A final short test I've made on couple games show that the traits like ball played into feet increases slightly (I'd say 5 more passes and 10-15 more combinations in average) the amount of passes/combinations in FM23 but significantly reduces them on FM24 (I'd say 10-12 less passes and 20 less combinations in average). If I infer correctly, this PPM should push the F9 to collect the ball more in deep areas, and this works just fine in FM23. However on FM24 the F9 barely sees the ball because he does not drop as frequently or as deep. To be honest, even in FM23 the number of combinations completed by the F9 is rather low for a playmaker. In a system without playmakers and if we count the goalkeeper in, a naive calculation would state that every players should complete 9.09% of the total number of combinations. Of course it's not as easy because statistically DMs, FBs and CDs see way more of the ball share than other outfielders. However I would expect that a playmaker which is the heart of the team, and which should roam on almost the whole pitch, should complete at least 9.09% of the total number of combinations in a game. I reckon that this should be the lower bound on the F9's ball share, and 6.74% is definitely not enough. F9 passes comparison.xlsx matches FM24.rar matches FM23.rar
  19. Hi, So as I was frustrated of playing roles that were not behaving like they should (F9, IF). I decided to run a test with other roles and... Right now, no matter which role you are playing in the ST strata, the only thing that slightly changes is the rate of runs forward based on the duty of the striker. If you play a striker on support duty, he will sit in between the opp defensive line and the opp DM, wait for the ball and occasionally attack the def line. If you play it on attack duty he'll sit on the def line and run behind the line more, that's it. Okay maybe the rate of runs in behind will change slightly between a P, an AF and a CFa, but all in all it's the same role with different names. The instructions to roam and move into channels (without PPM) are for decoration and basically do not work, the roles are also for decoration because they all behave the same depending on if you play attack/support duty. Also, the IW/IF/W roles differ only by their names without the appropriate PPMs. I can't count how many times I've seen my IF and IW run down the flank and cross like they are wingers. I remember that in the feature road map, there was a statement about players making less runs down the flanks and slowing down as they progress. I don't remember seeing this in game. Could you please change the behaviour of roles in the attacking third so that they each behave differently? Also could you please fix the instructions to move into channels and roam from position, and allow players to overload zones intelligently? The players recognize when a zone is occupied by another player, and refrain from occupying the same space, that's cool, it brings structure and avoid width collapsing. But if every player stay static in his zone and waits for a pass, not only is this not realistic, it's also so easy to defend against, to press players down and the game feels like table foosball and not football. The game should allow 2 players or more to occupy the same zone, at least momentarily.
  20. hmmm, how exactly does the AI approaches matches differently in home from away games? Because right now everything points to a debuff in attributes, low composure playmakers, bad decisions from every players on the field, wingers that forget how to dribble, cut in and pass. Bad passes from playmakers, less runs in behind from attacking players with good OTB, players with high pace that get outpaced by turtles, midfielders and defenders either conceding fouls or shying away from tackles. Heavy first touches from highly technical players etc... Maybe it's just that the AI decides to punish us harder on away games and these issues were already existant during home games. But then, if a player with less than 15 pace can outpace a player with 17+ pace, and if a playmaker with 17+ anticipation, composure and decision can be pressed succesfully 7 times out of 10, then what exactly are attributes for?
  21. I think there are a lot of AI managers playing with IWB/IFB or both, these roles make it really hard to press high for the opposition. The problem is that not every team has the required players to do that, and not every manager is playing possession football. But somehow, there are lot of teams that do not fit the bill like mid-table teams, relegation candidates, which even if they do not have the players to do so, play with IWB/IFB and don't get punished for this. Other problem is that even good teams that are not known to be playing IWB/IFB nor possession football, which turns into tiki taka teams in FM24 for no reason. Finally, I do not think that the marking system enables central midfielders to mark out DMs, or full backs before they come to their level on the field, which by then is too late. Therefore let's say you want your midfielders to mark out the IWB and the DM to high press the defenders, in this edition you can't do that as the midfielders will not mark them until the other team progresses high enough.
  22. I understand that, however what does "tendency" mean? How frequent a behaviour has to be to be called a tendency? Is it dependent on the situation or at random? If it depends on a given situation, a player with a trait such as come deep to get ball, with a high decision attribute, should in principle recognize a propice situation to drop deep, and drop at least half of the time, otherwise can you really call it a tendency? Given this reasonning, the fact that the F9 role has it hard coded to drop deep, that my player also has the traits both to come deep and to like ball played into feet, and that I ticked the instructions roam from position and move into channels, why do I find my player playing so high during build up and progression, and pushing the defensive line with the same intent as an IF-a with traits to go further forward, get into opp area and to try to beat offside trap? Even without traits the F9, if I'm not mistaken, is a withdrawn striker that should drop deep in order to help dominating the midfield. But right now he doesn't and he isn't any different from any other striker roles on support duty. On another subject, I do not think that a F9 should lead the line in the final third and sit in the box because it negates all his technical attributes, he should leave the box or attack it as late as possible and be the prime target for cut backs.
  23. Then it would be nice to see it change in this edition. I would really like to play with a free electron in the ST position, but it seems that every striker role I have tried so far behave approximately the same once we arrive in the final third. Sure, the CF-s, the TQ and the F9 sometimes drop a bit, but they make no impact whatsoever neither in the build up nor the progression phase, and therefore they snuff out every reasons to play these roles.
  24. Hi, after I've played couple seasons in this edition,I began to notice that something was wrong in the OTB movements of the players, as well as their positioning, I have simulated a game, and I'll try to pinpoint the issues which are coming in most of the matches I've played so far (before we start, I edited the players to have the PPM I want to, and they have completely mental attributes, in order to recreate what I'd like to see on the pitch): 05:46 Messi has the PPM to drop deep, he should occupy the hole in midfield but stay attached to the defensers (even though he is a F9). Balde should be higher because he's playing CWBa but still somehow sits in the midfield strata. This issue is recurring a lot. 06:48 Messi is behaving like an AF and runs into the box, he's a F9 he should roam and run to help Yamal and not behave like an AF. 08:54 Messi is again behaving like an AF, he should be dropping in to link up but stays way too high for his role. 17:10 Balde behaves like a FBs and does not run to help Fati which behaves like a winger and runs down the flank, again Balde is a CWBa and Fati is an IFs, this should not happen, and Messi stays central when he should move into the channel to help. 23:00 This sequence shows both good things and bad things, messi takes his sweet time but finally drops where Prado is when he should be dropping as soon as the build up starts, Gavi gets the ball and both Messi and Pedri start running forward while Messi, as a F9 should stay deeper to collect the ball. At 23:18 there is a clear opportunity for Messi to run inside the channel, or even Pedri which plays mezzala. Pedri runs in late but still tries to do it, which is a positive thing. However Messi is completely oblivious to the run and stays deep, now is the time to run forward mate, not to stay deep, where is your 18 OTB attribute gone to? During the whole sequence Fati could stay more central and behave like an AF trying to make a run in behind, but half-asses it and stays in the channel. 23:30 Messi has the perfect opportunity to move into the channel, but stays central and waits for the ball. 23:56 There is a complete hole in between Fresneda and Yamal where either Pedri, or Messi could drop to, given that Messi has both "likes ball played into feet", "comes deep to get ball", and I've almost maxed his OTB, I'd expect from him to recognize this and drop into the space. Instead he wobbles around the defensive line. You're a F9 mate, not a poacher, neither an AF. 24:00 Perfect opportunity here for Balde or Fati to run in behind, but no they prefer to wait for the ball to get into their feet. 24:07 Both Fati, Messi and Pedri try to run into the box at the same time, again Messi has the PPM to drop deep, Fati has the PPM to beat the offside trap, Pedri is a mez on attack. Messi should drop deep to link up, Fati should attack the left channel, Pedri the right channel (maybe not at the same time but with a bit of delay between them). How do they all push at the same time given their role, attributes and PPMs? 31:55 Another wasted opportunity for Messi to attack the channel and link up with Pedri, for Balde to run up and attack the left flank, for Fati to play centrally. 35:07 There is a space to fill, which Fresneda try to fill because he's an IWB-s, however, it's still early in the build up, why don't either Messi or Pedri drop deep? Why don't they recognise that there is a space where they can drop to? 10 seconds later we see that Messi could again attack the channel, even Pedri, but they do not do that. Messi's movement is so passive when he should be the most roaming player on the field. 40:59 Look again, at Messi's, Fati and Balde's behaviour. Balde is still in the midfield strata, Fati is a bit more central but again I think Messi's hindering him from going totally central. And Messi tries to attack centrally way too early in the build up, no mate, you should stay deep and link up with Gavi, you're a playmaker with all the PPMs for that, not an AF. 49:22 The vertical space between Fresneda and Pedri is large enough to park Mourinho's bus in it, but again both Messi and Pedri are pushing the defense, why? Lamine, you're a winger with the PPM to beat the offside trap, why do you wait for the ball to come to you? Why don't you make the run in behind? 49:35 There is a gaping hole in the midfield, does anyone with the PPM to come deep drop to receive the ball? No, let's push the defensive line because we're all playing poachers today. 56:24 there is a hole the size of a crater in the midfield, why does Messi attack the defensive line instead of dropping deep? Also why is Pedri knocking the ball with 2 CB ahead of him instead of passing to Messi? Where did his 17-18 decision and first touch go to? I could go on, but I think that this is enough to make my point. The OTB movements are broken, the PPM movements are overwritten by positional play, players do not try to attack free space or drop deep into space that is not occupied, even with PPMs and the instructions to roam and be more expressive. They stay in their position because of positional play. It makes the game way more static than it should be. The F9 role is stuck in between behaving like an AP and a regular poacher, he does not roam, does not attack channel, just drops a tiny bit but far from enough, and attack the defense centrally like a poacher with 6 OTB and anticipation. He half asses everything instead of being the mobile player he should be, collecting the ball, dribbling and attacking channels to create. Other than that, even the MEZ should recognize the free space behind him and PPM as well as instructions make it impossible for an attacking minded central midfielder to drop to collect the ball and run into space. Balde as a CWBa should recognize that there is a whole flank to run into, he has like 16-17 in work rate, the PPM to get further forward, and maybe even the PPM to beat offside trap (I think I gave it to him but not sure). Fati, as an IFs with sit narrower, should recognize that there is space to attack centrally when Messi drops. Also both Yamal and Fati should try to run behind the ball way more than they do right now. The defensive line, as well as the Gavi and De Jong, should recognize that the distance betwen them and the opp defensive line is too short, the pitch is too compact, and therefore they should recycle and start to create space between the opposition lines for the attacking line by dropping deeper. But right now, if you play a high d-line, your defensers will go as high possible, and therefore against an opposition high d-line the pitch is completely squished. Add to that the fact that every offensive players attack the space together and they rarely make runs in behind and you kill possession based tactic unless you play possession in your own half. Defensers and defensive midfielders should drop deep to create space, this is imperative to play tactics like Guardiola's, and this should not be linked to how high is your d-line out of possession. Also, the offensive line lead by Pedri, Fati, Messi and Yamal feels like they are all effectively playing on one line and pushing all together simultaneously like they are all linked by an invisible line, to be honest it just feels like they came out straight of table foosball and they are linked by a metal bar. This is wrong on many levels, why are there duties and roles if at the end of the day, all offensive players behave the same? These issues could be remediated by: having the CWBa attacking the defensive line sonner letting players with roaming from position bypass the positional structure, allowing players to quit their zone for a moment to go into zones occupied by other players in order to link up having the F9 effectively dropping and collecting the ball more instead of trying to attack the def line and bypassing positional structure blurring the line between support and attack duties, right now attack duties are somehow forbidden to drop to attack free space left behind allow for more recycling of possession no matter where you are on the field, at least for positive mentality allow the CBs and DMs, as well as the CMs (even the attacking ones) to drop deep to create space between lines deleting this invisible metal bar that is present between players in the offensive strata allowing for more nuanced movements in the offensive third, not everybody has to attack the area at the same time allow for players to recognise free space and channels and leave their position to attack it intelligently create more rotations between players in the offensive strata
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