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Everything posted by DavutOzkan

  1. Is it normal for scouts to not come back with recommendations when playing as Athletic? I am unsure if this is an error in the way I have things set up or an issue with the game (there is a thread on the main forum about this). I don't have it committed to memory, but I believe I have my scouts set up for all of La Liga, the Segunda Division, the third tiers, and then young Spanish players (<= 21 years old), but they haven't come back with much. They should only be recommending Basque players, right? After a few months into the season though, the only recommendations greater than a rating of B- I have are the initial ones that my scout had before I created the focus. The recruitment focus update emails also continue to say "we are consulting our own internal staff for recommendations" or whatever the text is, but it is along those lines. I noticed that the default staff for Athletic have a few that are doubling up as a scout and an analyst, so I am also wondering if this is impacting the lack of recommendations thus far. Any suggestions?
  2. I think I know the answer, but do you happen to be the same psucolonel from the OOTP forums?
  3. What tactic do you use as a weaker side? I've been looking for something more "realistic" for the first few seasons when I use a weak squad.
  4. Looking forward to trying this for the first time. Thank you for all of your hard work on this.
  5. The version for 24 comes out tomorrow (8th), I believe, if that matters at all for you..
  6. You can probably create a new manager in-game and go back to managing Sochaux, right? I was planning on doing this to replicate Ajax's poor start to the season and was told it would work. I didn't actually end up testing it out though.
  7. Example? I've been playing in Serie A since release and haven't had an issue. Granted, I haven't been in Europe until this upcoming season.
  8. Milan just had an invincible season in year two of my Lecce game. Also, shoutout Bologna on a top-three finish.
  9. So glad to see that you're starting where the team currently is (or where they were when you wrote it) as opposed to the beginning of the season. They are too well-rated in-game, and you would probably win the league in the first season otherwise. Should make the first season/window a bit more interesting in this scenario.
  10. I signed Alex Král for free at Southampton after the first season. Newcastle's Sean Longstaff was listed for about $15m after the first season as well, and he ended up being one of my best players in the second season. Pedro Malheirofrom Boavista is also a good cheap FB/WB, and can play both sides.
  11. Omg this. I always answer neutral to that, the option that is something like "It doesn't matter what I think" and then sometimes the presser turns hostile and I get the follow-up "The public will want a proper answer from you...".
  12. I am at the point now where I am save scumming to giving myself either draws or losses. It takes a few tries to make this happen too. I'm not even gegenpressing and I'm playing as one of, if not the lowest, rated teams in Serie A in Lecce and I'm fighting for a CL spot in year one! In beta/early access, I managed Southampton and got them to CL in the first season back in the PL. Insanity.
  13. I've never done an Italian save in FM before, and there are so many good options, both in Serie A and in the lower tiers as well. I am going to be sticking with Lecce, but it was a tough decision. I thought I was going to be Atalanta for the longest time as well.
  14. Following. I've always had a soft spot for Ajax and I like the goals/objectives you've laid out.
  15. Instant result was a game-changer for me. It took me a month to get through a season before that if I was lucky. Now, I can get through one in a week or so, which I think is about as long as I would want it to take.
  16. I am a little disappointed that Lecce seems to be so poorly rated in the game. I am planning on starting up with them as my main save as I was really intrigued by their hot start to the season this year, and now consider them to be my Serie A team. I guess it will make their hopeful rise in my save a bit more impressive, and challenging as well, which is what I want it to be.
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