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Everything posted by dannyo666

  1. I think the quality of player has gone down IRL over the last few years.....Its much more a team sport now....Individual's dont stick out as much...
  2. Redditt is a strange strange place......the gatekeeping that goes on there is insane....you see posts there from people who have a legit issue and are just looking for answers and these gatekeeper's will absolutely hammer them in the comments because the party line is """FM24 is brilliant-if youve an issue your crap at the game-Stop complaining"""yet these gatekeepers will never start a post themselves if you notice-They will however spend their time dragging other peoples posts down...i wouldn't be surprised if he was getting private messages saying all sorts of negative things to him....It was a legit test with legit results to an extent but as i said he didnt follow the party line...I dont think too many people are shocked but defo surprised by the results...Id love to see this done on older versions say 15/16/17/18 and see what happens....as someone said these problem's have been there for a few years now but in 24 its really OTT having good mentals/physicals in fairness
  3. Ive found as long as a player has very good physicals and mentals this player will be amazing...even playing out of position-Seems technicals do not matter one bit any more in a simulation game
  4. This is so true,i always wait until march since 20/21/22/23 but the headline features and the promise of the most complete game yet got to me for 24..plus i thought this is the last iteration of this game as we know it-Surely it will be great out of the box....well............ the rest is history
  5. Yup ive never seen such blowback on an FM title....going back playing 22/21/20/19 etc you really notice how bad 24 is...promises,promises and headline features do not work on 24.....you couldnt make it up tbh
  6. This is a killer 100%....everytime the AI just dismantles world class team and bring in nobodys for 300k a week..plus the AI stacks defenders for some reason,the only way ive found is when you move on try to move to a better team with loads of funds and try to buy all those players ASAP,especially the wonderkid's because as a player of the game there's noting better than seeing them flourish and you do get really attached to them
  7. Im getting this on 15-Im blown away....the old match engines are so much better.....Instructions carried out to a tee.....bizarre.....may have a look at 13 next as i had a sweet save there aswel
  8. Yeah im back on 15 with a nostalgia save but man is it good game nostalgia or not....Super ME...i play on 2d so dont care about graphics.....recently started getting crash dumps though and cannot figure it out...driving me mad as its a great save im playing
  9. Im gone back to an old save on 15 and loving it...Yes its a nostalgia save but the game works unlike a recent release of the game...I could care less about the graphics-The ME is good,game isnt bloated so its good times,kinda sad i paid for 24 and have to go backwards to older games from 9/10 years ago to get any enjoyment...
  10. Im not sure this is the correct place for this but if i use a custom database, lets say 98/99 do all the young talent also come through lie say rooney/fabergas/wilshire? Also if they do are their transfers arranged to replicate real life transfers that happened or are these players available for purchase? Apologies if in the wrong place...just have never used a retro db before Thanks
  11. I've never had any major "game breaking" problems with any FM since CM3 is my point really....yes bugs here and there but not to this extent...ive been lurking here for years reading others posts, learning and solving the issues myself and finding a workaround.....its just this version there is too much which is why i started posting here as i thought id get answers to my problems but realised quickly the problems in my save, everyone else was having them too....FM is an amazing game, but now it seems to have gone backwards on so many things that have been logged...i dont play anything else....who knows maybe a patch will fix some big issues....i hope so at least
  12. Scouting is all over the place-and not just for me....scouting was always great but on 24 the lack of recommendation's is absurd
  13. But we were told this was the game with all the changes...In fairness though SI really wwent out with all this"most complete" version ever and had other promises about the game that are not so....they were really selling this version more than ohers....i fell for it,so did others....people had a choice yes but were sold one game and got a completly different game-Huge difference there....ill never make that mistake again-I was blinded by promo on this game....is defo not buyers who should be looked at here....
  14. Yup-That database is where the moneys at-Thats one thing thats exceptional here.....no one can come close in database terms what with all the local scout/researcher's around the world and 25 years of doing so......... Taking graphics out of the equation which FM is true to form in regards ME and just general good times playing the game?Is there any standout year?Ive done searches on this but people have a lot of nostalgia(myself included)in what year they will say
  15. Nice post.The new features SI promisd SI said were in the game and are not its what's really getting to me like mentioned in your post…These new features do not work,like say AI squad building....and than we get a post from si saying "They are happy with AI squad building?Either everyone who bought the game has lost the plot or SI have again not delivered on the game...Payed hard earned money for this game we have....It crazy now,it really is..I mean scouting is broken along with a host of other things..how did that happen and is a patch going to fix it?Scouting is kinda at the core of the game and that does not work correctly on 24... the list goes on and on and its all been reported now....so where do we go?
  16. Yeah im a bit lost too......Is it that the AI is picking young players?not much wrong with that-unless they are way off the older players in terms of quality
  17. 100% agree with this,abuse should not be tolerated at all-Ever,...anyone who does this should be banned absolutely no questions-If it happened in the past these people should have been banned..Woulsd just be great to have a little dialogue-Ive seen it work elsewhere...maybe there will be if there is a January update
  18. Surely all bugs have bee reported by now which is why i cany understand the radio silence from SI....Gonna spark a new save of 24 with davids patch today and see ifi can play this game at all
  19. Dont think FM will ever be the same...fm25 terrifies me....@daveincids realism patch update is out today so we will se what happens with that but im playing 23 atm with realism patch.......why not work out major bugs on fm24 for next year-call it football manager x and leave unity until 26 because going on this game alone and the lack of clarification from SI,the game we love is no more IMO
  20. The realism mod really helps with this Market values: Market values have been adjusted globally so that the actual transfer fees paid (!not the market values shown!) in nation XY are more realistically represented. The market values in some larger nations have been lowered (e.g. England). The reason for this is that otherwise, talented players in particular won’t get transferred often, as the club demands are far too high.
  21. I guess step up would help for offside yes...again like you i presume its your team instructions would cause the trap but thats a guess im not sure-its just amazing to see what villa are doing this season with emery.....my point though was more theres a good few posts asking and no one really knew why as some jumped straight from 22 to 24 seeing as it was the last version before the big changes for 25 100%,im not saying people dont have the right to vent their gripes with the game..not saying that at all....I just think a bit of dialogue on certain issues would help a little,certainly not telling anyone to not complain/raise their gripes..So many other franchises have great relations with members and its great to see this when it happens-Everyone wants their voice heard...human nature
  22. Yes offside trap-Villa are using the trap this season with amazing results so not too sure about the early 90s example...I personally dont use it all the time but with LLM against bigger teams i do....Others have been asking too which i why people are using it to an extent..is there a offside trap already being implemented by your team instructions....i dont know the answer to this....
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