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Everything posted by dannyo666

  1. Hockey scores: No lmao. That's just people gaslighting. Have you played the vanilla version at all? I really think SI need to come out and just answer basic questions-This a community after all,i keep seeing certain people describe this place as a cesspit of “negativity”,its more frustration because when no one seems to be listening sometimes you gotta speak louder...-Sunlight is the best disinfectant for this "cesspit" in the form of a couple answers from SI The offside trap has been scrapped-This was asked so many times (with no answer until a day or so ago and again frustration kicks in)Ok is that because there's a workaround when setting up tactics?A football sim with no offside?kinda weird but ok..an explanation would be awesome Squad building is not going to be patched....ok can you say why? Player loan problems,youth players not being played,player interactions are all over the place and many other pretty big issues...will these be patched?Every player seems to have the same issues,some are cool with that and enjoy the game,some are not I've never seen such blowback on any FM released to date...Please Si just interact with us-This game is in people lives and long may it continue so kudos to SI for years of such quality but again the lack of communication is worrying this time for fm24...now we got members turning on each other in the form of accusations of gaslighting,being a moaner,cant play the game,snarky remarks etc....24 has the potential to be the best FM experience(the graphics alone are amazing this version) yet but very far off atm We all love FM and only want a great experience with it It seems 30% have little issue,30% are playing with the mod and 30% are playing base game all launching insults now How are people who have valid criticism of the game supposed to have constructive criticism when there is zero communication?All major bugs have been logged now… Please disinfect this so called“cesspit” with some sort of dialogue Have a great new year everyone
  2. It seems only physical and mental matter in 24....i put saliba upfront for a season,he got 15 goals,he looked like a world class poacher.....As someone said everything thats needs to be said has been said...i really dont know where this series is going....
  3. Yeah a mod shouldnt even be needed tbh....but thats just where we are now..It already been said that unlikely no patch to improve squad building is ever going to come....Davincid's realism mod is just trying to fix whats broken in 24....as for a fix the features SI promised in order to sell the game?Only SI can do this....well im back playing 23 and 22 with mod and theres plenty of people doing so...not expecting any massive improvements to come....i really dont know anymore with this game after all these years...bugs i can deal with-Promised headline features that dont work correctly?cmon now...
  4. If porting from 23 to 24 with the realism mod the game gets very wonky/confused ive found....i had to start a new save-Maybe it was just me but probably best to dm Daveincid on this before embarking on your journey-Good luck sir!
  5. I honestly was looking forward to a patch addressing this issue....Thought it would be a priority number 1...wow-Speechless
  6. Im having this issue too-Is this a bug?I thought it was just in my save.....spent hours trying to figure out what i dine wrong
  7. Yes still play after winning the UCL-will always move on though to a new club try to do it again...or just get as far as i can with a lower rep club
  8. Physical attributes are king - mental and technical attributes are less important. Ive found they are not only king but it seems physical and mental are all you need for the base 24 game.Its like technical dont matter at all which is so strange...you play any player with great physical and mental anywhere and they will do an awesome job...If you use a CB as a forward(especially a target man)he will get goals galore...i really dont understand why technicals dont seem to matter very much anymore
  9. This was a promised headline feature that along with the new engine(which for me is worse than 23)was the reason i bought the game- as far as instructing your team to do things which just do not happen live and in game is a shambles...If the AI cannot build a squad why play more than a couple seasons?its a joke......Nothing worse than assembling a world class team from a mid table team and moving jobs and the new AI manager just dismantles it in a few months...selling world class players and signing rubbish players,stacking CBs,giving crazy contracts,signing middle of the road players and giving them 300k a week all in ...below is literally whats on the FM24 headline feature page.... Smarter opposition recruitment is the order of the day for FM24, with AI managers now programmed to consider factors like form and reputation more so than ever before. AI Managers are now better geared up to recognise imbalances in their squad make-up and will take their tactical style into consideration much more when shortlisting players. In essence, this means that they’ll look to fill Attribute gaps in their squad. So, a manager using a Gegenpress approach will look specifically for midfielders with high Stamina and Work Rate Attributes if they determine that their squad is missing such a player.
  10. Absulutely and this is very apparent when playing
  11. 6 of one half dozen of another way of putting it.Yeah players getting tired much more easily leading to do injuries so if gegenpressing is your jam-you have to rotate...and as a result gegenpressing is not as OP whilst you are playing live and ingame....i presume there are other factors like player attributes etc at play also which are in the game code which on SI would know
  12. Absolutly will,no problem....im actually enjoying the game now-again im only a couple months in...
  13. Davincid realism mod is making gegenpressing so much less OP im my new save if thats any help to you,i am only a few months in mind
  14. Yup 5pm today-Looking forward to it and hopefully start new 24 save
  15. Squad building and the match engine were the main reason i bought 24-This two things are not a working feature as promoted but the davincid update is out today sometime #FM24 "Increase Realism"-Megapack #DECEMBER #EarlyAccess is released on #Patreon updated for 24.2 improved squad rotation & AI squad building realistic injuries finances fix german clubs realistic youth ratings & much more! Ill certainly be using this until a patch comes out.Should not need to use this as this was promised pre-launch but its the best for now Hope this helps
  16. But isnt this why they are releasing 25 with unity for player's who need both sim/realsim and graphics...I couldnt care less about graphics as long as the engine works but thats just me..It is a football sim after all,i agree with you 100% its about balance but working engine should be more important than graphics in a "sim"......
  17. Really?Great if that your experiance.100% has the potential to be a great ME with updates but 23 as of typing is much better ME while of course it falls short on graphics compared to 24 IMO,24 ME is broken for me-again im sure patched will address this and the GE is miles above other FMs in history no denying that I never said SI only care about "money and sales"...if you read my post....I said it seemed like a priority in 24 ....of course a good product as advertised should come with reward of financial reward.Thats lfe,thats business....Looking forward to the game being delivered as "the most complete" version in due course
  18. I cant aqgre but each to their own,im playing 23 with davidsid realistc mod and defo enjoying it somewhat-24 is just to buggy and not what i was expecting...I do agree on the GE is better but not the ME-no chance.....the next patch has really gotta nail a these bugs out...24 has som much potential but it was not ready to be launched IMO
  19. Ill never trust SI again after 24....So many false promises before launch...Always saw SI as in the "FM Family" with all of us playing but it feels like money and sales are all priority now-check the comments on twitter......as for 25?please.....cant get this legacy version of the game working properly never mind a whole new engine/format....From all the comments ive seen it seems the promises made are why people are upset.....mistakes from developers i can live with but false promises(im trying not to use the word lies)....really has me and countless others upset....paid 50 quid for this game and im playing 23 still...it beggers belief tbh
  20. Saliba got 16 goals for in a season playing upfront-all types of goals....looked like a world class striker...you could not tell the difference between hin and gabby jesus whilst watching...granted i was just fiddleing around with things but this explains a lot for me and the match engine
  21. In my save ive been messing round a bit and it seems as long as a player has good physicals and mentals you can put them anywhere......striker wingback.....CD as an AF-h will bang goals in....Technicals dont mattervery much at all now which is a shambles -I think this is a massive issue....has anyone else noticed this?
  22. Are all the other facepacks still good?Like DF11 etc....cant boot up a game until tommorow Thanks
  23. This is what ive been doing using the realistic mod on 23....24 is a farce,half a season i got-Paying 30 quid for a game and playing the previous version and even that needs modding -Pants pulled down again.....If i go the the shop and buy 2L of milk and come home and there is only 1.L in bottle i go back to store and recieve apology and options of my choice...Full refund or a full 2L bottle again,another apology from manager End of,but it seems here replace the milk with FM and its just accepted now for years lacklustre product to say the least all while the manager is on twitter bragging about sales?I blame myself,should know better at this stage....i do have confidence though on the patch-Surely this patch cannot be messed up....Get the patch and realism mod hopefully enjoy 24 for once
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