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Everything posted by Drakestone

  1. This makes sense, you have more horizontal space on a screen so cutting out the tabs for these vertical sidebars is a much better implementation and something SI should look at aswell.
  2. I've had this debate with many people, skinmakers included. My personal opinion is anything i create I don't mind being used by anyone as long as its not to make money. If ripping parts of my skin helps a skinmaker to learn the trade then i have no issues with them releasing a skin that has my code included. It is always nice to get a little credit though of course. However I know many people don't feel that way which is why i've refused to release things before, out of respect for their opinion. Speaking of which, been working some more on Assymetry23 And no, before anyone asks this will never see the light of day, just a pet project to keep me in the mindset for when 24 comes out. I have plans for this years game
  3. Theres been a lot of innovation from you guys this year. Well done!
  4. Quite literally the only thing I dont like about that beauty is the top right corner, just looks out of place. Very harsh lines and contrast whereas the rest of the design is very soft and curved. Top work, i've always liked skins that are less boxy looking (I was a Turnstyle user lmao)
  5. I'm glad you finally released and will be using myself !! Really top work this year matey!!!
  6. It's nice to see newer skinners especially with new ideas. Its been decades in the making this mod community, many come and go. But the innovation is amazing guys!
  7. Technically it still works if you edit the skin settings file
  8. I may do a recoloured version of FMEnhanced again similar to last year.
  9. Well I think you already know what I'd do xD (Club Colours ftw!)
  10. Tbh im really toying with the idea of remaking this one...
  11. Me also, as I was trying to find a solution to this last year aswell. Too much mouse moving and clicking, its a chore.
  12. The only thing I don't really like is the club logo duplication. Feel like if youre having it in the sidebar having it in the header is kinda pointless.
  13. INTRODUCING OBSIDIAN So as I've posted I'm currently working on a brand new original skin, which I'm naming Obsidian (as it's dark and glassy). It's still very early days and I've so far got the main UI for all screens except the match screen done and still need to do some panel work and some additional graphics stuff, but here is the preliminary screenshots. If anyone out there fancies themselves as a panel master and fancies working on some new club and player profile panels with me I'm open to collaboration! Currently I'm using a mix of the default panels, panels from FME Zealand and a few customised panels. If all goes well, I should have this ready within the next week/couple of weeks. BETA DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/4h5n3n0th1knteh/Obsidian+BETA.rar/file SCREENSHOTS
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