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Everything posted by NineCloudNine

  1. I'm not sure what you want then. If you're certain it's not your tactic and you're not willing to share your tactic (or even the team you're playing) for suggestions, then you have decided it's a bug and you should therefore post it in the bug forum. Unless you just want to rant, in which case knock yourself out . All I can tell you is that in multiple saves with different clubs in FM23 and 24 I have never had a particular problem with condeding goals.
  2. I reckon what might be happening here is that the AI is *not* rotating properly/proactively during the season, so a bunch of players have hit the threshold for being rested all at once. It is likely that the algorithm includes more than just current fitness levels, which would explain why restoring them to full fitness isn't always enough to stop the mass resting. An algorithm for having the AI rotate players as intelligently as a human manager would be very difficult to write. There's a bunch of subjective criteria as well as objective measures like fitness, player attributes, alternative team combinations etc. That doesn't mean SI shouldn't or couldn't do it, just that I'm not surprised it's a challenge.
  3. You need to post your tactic in the tactics forum to get advice. No-one can make any practical suggestions based on the info here. There is no general problem with conceding loads of goals so it is something specific to your team or tactic or both.
  4. First thing I do each new FM is fire up the editor and set the press conferences questions limit to 3 for each competition I play. Done in 30 seconds. 100% attendence record. Smile warmly at everyone and get a nice reputation. Job done.
  5. I love this one. I got it the other day in first press conference before my first game in charge at the start of a save. I'm new to the club and it's my first management job. There's even a box in the corner of the screen saying 'none' for my relationship with the opposition manager. So I give the answer you describe and get "the public will want a proper answer from you" from some buffoon journalist, whose name I then write down in order to belittle and insult them at every opportunity, even though I make a point of roleplaying a friendly, positive guy.
  6. Putting a shot from inside the six yard box out for a throw-in takes some doing !
  7. You’re punchy for someone asking for advice . I have a RMD sitting on 25 goals and 15 assists last season, using the exact setup I described above - AP on his side, W on the other. He gets a lot of goals tapping in crosses at the far post and from running diagonally onto straight through-balls from the AP. His movement is glorious. I have never seen the winger-like behaviour you describe. I think the difference is that I give him a lot of room to operate him whereas you are crowding him, hence my suggestions. If your CDs, A and GK all suck at distribution then I’d get new players. One way or another I think you need some sort of option for progressive passes out of defence, since otherwise everything is going through one player - your AP - with no plan B if they get marked out. I would put your GK on support and turn the least bad passer of your CDs into a BPD to see what happens. Personally, I also prefer a more mobile DM role than Anchor but that’s personal taste.
  8. You’ve made up your mind what you’re going to do, so I guess the thread has run its course, good luck!
  9. The recommended job role is set by his attributes, not his job preferences. Give him some minimal coaching attributes and the recommended job role will change. An RCA of 3 means there’s an attribute you’ve missed somewhere. No, you can’t set qualifications in the editor, these are set by the game at startup based on reputation/experience.
  10. On the AP/BBM, I think the BBM on the left will make vertical forward runs into the exact places you want your RMD to go, on the left side of the box. I prefer the idea of the Winger and BBM making vertical runs on the right and the RMD making smart angled runs on the left, with the AP closer to him to find him with through passes. On the FB, I find that FB-A tends to get high up the pitch and bang in crosses, which is no use to you as this will bypass the RMD and your central striker as an F9 will be too deep to benefit. I think you need crosses coming from the right (which is what the Winger is for) for the RMD to run on to at/near the back post. A FB-S will still provide width, but they will support rather than drive aggressively forward. A WB-D is also an option here.
  11. I suspect other players are crowding the space you want him to run into. I would swap the BBM and AP and put the FB on support. Personally I wouldn’t use pass into space because a RMD works better when making runs that a teammate finds (hence my suggestion of putting the AP on the same side). Just as an aside, having your SK on defend, two CDs and an Anchor means you are getting very little out if your GK and back 5 in transitions or build-up. You are asking an enormous amount of your AP in such a setup. Yet you are also distributing to centre backs. I’d have at least one of your CDs as a BPD, put the keeper on support and allow him to vary the distribution.
  12. The AI has ‘access’ to PA in the same way your scouts and coaches do in-game. So they can spot prospects, just like your scouts can, which means with a margin of error dependent on the scout’s ability. Clearly in this case Chelsea’s scouts are significantly better than your coaches. What the AI cannot do is look at the precise PA number. And to your ‘would this happen IRL?’ question, yes it happens all the time. The youth teams of every major club contain young players from all sorts of places, limited only by regulations about under 18s moving country. They are spotted by sharp scouts, at youth tournaments, or by videos sent in by agents.
  13. Just to add to this that in the database (and thus at the start of the game) player reputation and current ability are completely aligned (in fact as seen in your screenshot the number used is the same). As the game progresses, reputation can outstrip CA if a player performs well in a successful team (or indeed decline relative to CA if the player and team do badly). In the Hungarian case one of the examples given by the OP was a £9.5m offer, which is double the real life record fee received by a Hungarian club and nearly 4 times the highest entry in the database field you showed here, which suggests the game is scaling the values well (albeit from a fixed point which is open to dispute).
  14. Does it? Based on what? Your impression? What should it be? How do you arrive at what you think the right number should be? If you think it’s off, have you bug reported it with a rationale as to why? BTW are you sure the game has valued him at ~£40m? He has an ‘asking price’ set at £41m, which suggests either that value has been set manually or he has a release fee of that amount.
  15. So because other unrealistic things happen, you want transfer bids to be unrealistic too?
  16. VAR checks every goal IRL in leagues where it is active. And yes, it’s time-consuming and annoying. You may have noticed the occasional discussion about it over the last year… However, unlike IRL you can switch it off. It takes about 3 mins to create a no-VAR file in the free pre-game editor, or 10 seconds to deactivate it if you buy the in-game editor.
  17. Your evidence for this statement includes an offer for one of your players which is roughly double the record transfer fee ever paid to a Hungarian club.
  18. I always pick on form. If that means a kid keeps a regular out of the team, so be it. And as @Cloud9 says, the jumping and aerial reach of your older keeper are unacceptable.
  19. You paid 106 million for a player you're not sure what to do with? What did you have in mind when you decided to make the offer?
  20. This scenario has ever happened to me. Literally not once, ever. The only time a player complains about not playing every match is when they have been given Star Player status (which I now never do). The only times I am asked for a meeting with a player to discuss playing time is when they are not getting the playing time I have promised them and it is always fair enough. I only recall one or two instances of players demanding a team meeting over another player's playing time and that was when I had just joined and was deliberately trying to upset a player so they would leave. Saying "everyone has to earn their place" or "giving him the playing time he wants means someone else missing out" works almost every time. For those players that do get upset, threatening to sell them usually works, or saying there's lots of competition for their position. If not, sell them. Now, I play as an experienced manager at top teams. If you're a lower league manager with zero reputation then it's going to be much harder. That's because it is, in fact, much harder. The team tantrums that I do get which are annoying are when everyone thinks I sould accept a miserly offer from a bigger club for one of our best players. I suspect the 'hold a team meeting' option is intended to reflect what we see reported as 'a clear-the-air' meeting IRL. I don't think it works as a representation of player power and I think the algorithm here is twitchy and over-tuned. However, I don't accept that it is realistic to expect to keep a squad of 24 senior players happy with playing time simultaneously. The only happy players at any club IRL are the ones playing regularly and the kids being given their first chances. Everyone else is grumpy to a greater or lesser extent and managing that is one of the core skills of management.
  21. It's not possible to keep a squad of 24 players all happy with their game time. Doesn't happen even with the best clubs IRL. Riyad Mahrez made 30 league appearences in Man City's *treble winning* team last year and still left because he didn't start the big games. City have a 22-player squad including 3 keepers. Cole Palmer preferred to leave rather than be part of even that small squad. Every single transfer window players leave clubs because they aren't getting the game time they want. You don't need to speak to them - Ange Postecoglou doesn't, to give a RL example. Just decline. Then decline the team meeting too. Sell the ones who aren't happy, or send them out on loan. Don't promise playing time you can't give. 24 senior players is too many, have some kids as well. I agree that this module is twitchy and the team tantrums are tiresome. I'd like it to be tuned down. But meanwhile the tools exist to manage it, while also accepting that this is a fundamental part of managing a team.
  22. I have not seen that happen in FM 23 or 24. Are lots of those appearances just a few minutes at the end of matches? I think it has to be 15 mins (enough time to get a rating) before it counts towards playing time.
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