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Everything posted by civilEN

  1. Let's make step boy step First create a rule in editor
  2. Acho que isso pode ser resolvido com skin mano, não sei criar, mas pesquisa bem que provavelmente deve ter uma que resolva esse problema
  3. I looked here and didn't find the option, sorry, I think it was just some confusion on my part
  4. sorry, I asked him to go to discord because there is the option to make a call
  5. If I'm not mistaken, yes, when I get home I'll check it out. do you have discord? I can talk to you there, I think it's more practical
  6. I thought about doing something like São Paulo but there is a problem In real life, this championship gives priority to the cup stage, so even if you were, for example, second in the general classification, if you did well in the cup stage you go ahead of the teams with more points than you.
  7. Nobody answered me on my last forums I hope they answer me soon 😃 I need a way to get the best qualified team in the competition, but taking into account both the league phase and the cup phase, do you know how to do it?
  8. my DB is being checked by the SI staff, but as soon as it is finished I will continue creating competitions The next competition I'm going to create is a division, but it takes 2 years to happen Is it possible to hold a competition that lasts two years? how to do the promotion system (and also the relegation system from the division above)
  9. The main division is the nacion division and the seccondary is the regional division, if both are nacional, you can set the main division for the division with bigest reputation
  10. Are you creating a Brazilian db or its only a exemple?
  11. Do you know if I will have to delete everything in my DB?
  12. Você tem discord? Se tiver podemos ir call
  13. Ok, vamos começar Tu vai em regras avançadas E então clica cá competição que você quer editar Daí depois você clica em geral na competição
  14. Primeira play jogavel teste.fmf
  15. Yes, i can Mano, pelo seu Nick imagino que seja brasileiro, posso falar em português? Talvez facilite a nossa comunicação
  16. It's basically the same sport but with a different number of players
  17. this suggestion can still be added for fm 25 the suggestion is as follows in the editor add an option for "number of players on the field" This way, other sports derived from football could be created as society (soccer with 7 players) futsal (5 players) beach soccer (also 5 players) It would be simple to add and would greatly improve the game
  18. go to the competition general, activate milestones, and in the Milestones put "it's pre-season cup"
  19. As soon as I get home I will send it to you in advance, thanks for your help
  20. I was creating my database, I verifyed in the editor 5 times to be 100% sure that everything was correct, and when I opened the game to finally test my database, the game closed
  21. I'm creating a DB with Brazil in real format WITH AMATEUR FOOTBALL, so far I've only created 1 of 27 states in Brazil and there have been around 1300 teams 90% of competitions have a real format
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