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Posts posted by civilEN

  1. 1 hora atrás, Batman da Amadora disse:

    Sorry, could you guide me through the menus? Im looking around in both Advanced Rules and Competition database and cant find such option

    Yes, i can

    Mano, pelo seu Nick imagino que seja brasileiro, posso falar em português? 

    Talvez facilite a nossa comunicação 

  2. 7 minutos atrás, DP disse:

    Possivelmente a pior sugestão que já vi :lol:

    Este é o Gerente de Futebol. Não 5 de lado ou Gerente de Futsal. 

    It's basically the same sport but with a different number of players

  3. this suggestion can still be added for fm 25


    the suggestion is as follows

    in the editor add an option for "number of players on the field"

    This way, other sports derived from football could be created

    as society (soccer with 7 players)

    futsal (5 players)

    beach soccer (also 5 players)

    It would be simple to add and would greatly improve the game

  4. 14 horas atrás, Batman da Amadora disse:

    Estou com dificuldades no editor fm24, alguém pode me ajudar? Já configuro a maior parte do banco de dados e das regras, mas sinto que falta uma pequena etapa.
    O que posso fazer para ter certeza do que torna o "Troféu Cinco Violinos" não jogável?

    go to the competition general, activate milestones, and in the Milestones put "it's pre-season cup"

  5. 14 minutos atrás, rusty217 disse:

    It's very likely your issue is here:


    By default the game won't load some teams to speed things up. If you add your created leagues with the correct min/max teams to the Required Teams list shown above then it will tell the game to load all of those teams rather than just some of them.


  6. I was all excited about creating my database with Brazilian amateur football, everything was going well, more than 500 teams created, until, from a moment on, all the teams I created in the editor were not created in the game, I don't want to lose all my progress, does anyone know what I can do?
    As we can see here in the game the competition only has 8 teams
    however, it has 12 teams, as shown here in the editor
    and when I search for the teams in the game bar it doesn't appear
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