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Posts posted by ExeChris

  1. Really annoying transfer dealings coming up at the moment.  I'm Southampton, it's about 2038 and we've won the League 4 of the last 5 seasons and the Champions League once and are 5th in World Rep.  Bought a top English keeper for £85m four years ago (think my DoF overpaid a bit) but he's now 25 and England's number one and voted second best keeper in the world last season.  Over 4 years left on his contract and Chelsea (not ranked above me) offer £52m for him.  I turn it down and he throws his toys out the pram, loses all his morale and agitates the squad!  When irl would this happen?

    At the beginning of the season I had similar with my best striker who was 22 and listed in game as the top player in the league.  I turned down an offer from Tottenham (won nothing of note for years and ranked way below me) and he got upset as well.  I decided to name a price which they met (£87m) and he duly signed for them.  When the time came to say goodbye I tried to patch things up by saying "you've earned this chance" but he got angry and said "I didn't even want to leave"!!

  2. My DoF making a contract offer for a striker.  We are Southampton fresh from a third consecutive Premier League title.  The striker is a 20 year old regen who spent 3 seasons at Hyde Utd (Vanarama North) and two seasons at Mansfield (League 1) before being released.  He has never played a game but apparently 'he could be a player to keep an eye on in the future'?! 

  3. Both my full backs have complained that they aren't getting enough game time, even though I rotate and start them both probably 75% of all games.  Simultaneously I get messages to say they are tired and should be rested.  I don't always do it but when I approach them about it they're fine, but then two weeks later they're kicking off as I haven't kept my promise to give them 'fair' game time?! 

  4. In my game it's June 2033;

    Ole is still manager of Man Utd.

    Lampard was sacked by Chelsea in Feb 2032. He has been manager of Milan since 2032.

    Pep was manager of Man C until 2026 (sacked), at Spurs 2026-2030 (sacked) and has been Spain manager since 2030.  Pochettino was Man City manager for nearly 4 years before getting the boot and Tuchel has been in charge since June 2030.

    Klopp was sacked by Liverpool in May 2028 and went on to be France manager for 2 years before retiring totally.  After sacking Klopp, Liverpool had Allegri for nearly 3 years (resigned) and then Unai Emery has been there since July 2031.

  5. I've noticed that defenders are definitely in the 'if in doubt, get it out' camp.  Often they just blaze the ball into Row Z behind the goal under little or no pressure.  Indeed in my Champions League game against Real Madrid yesterday, my goalie rolled it out to my CB (I have play out of defence set) about 10 yards out from goal; he took two touches then turned round and smashed it into the crowd behind the goal!  Now this is very unusual, but often the defenders make no attempt to clear for a throw in, or keep it in play, rather they choose to just hoof it behind for a corner.

  6. Not sure what I pay my performance analyst for.  I'm Southampton, and finished a fortunate 3rd in the Premiership last season. 

    Playing home v Real Madrid in the Champions League - "This should be a close contest between two evenly matched teams".

    Playing away in the Carabao Cup v Ipswich (7th in League 1) - "This should be a close contest between two evenly matched teams".

    In fact it is the same for every single team I play; it's not the biggest thing but just one of the little annoyances that I find in the game.  It's lucky the ME is so good...

  7. When I have attacking corners, I like to leave two players on the edge of the box to try and pick up any headers out and stop breakaways.  The trouble is you can only put them next to each other at the nearer side to where the corner is taken from, not one either side like I'd prefer.  When the oppo leave one in the middle of the 'D', 90% of the time headers out drop straight to him and he runs off with it anyway.  Is there any way of changing it or is leaving two next to each other pointless?


  8. 4 hours ago, blejdek said:

    I am not bringing this on again to "cry" but after all this time the game feels so unrewarding. You do your best analyzing opponent, adjusting tactic, player roles, traits, but for what ? To loose again from a silly goal that happens so often against a human manager over and over again. So yes, all the hard work brings you nothing but the feel as you did nothing for the past hour when you were actually preparing to beat the opponent. It just feels as the more you try the more you fail. Unrewarding is not probably even the correct word, in other games you can reap rewards, seeing the good work you done, but here in fm 2021 is just pale. I am really sorry to bringing this up again, but this is the feedback thread and my feedback is kind of obvious. This year edition of fm is UNREWARDING.


    How are you doing in the xG stats in the league?  

    I have found I'm equal 17th (out of 20) with actual goals scored of 29 but 6th in xG with 38.39.

    On the flip side I'm 19th in actual goals conceded (51), whereas I'm 12th according to the xG with 34.23.

    So I am sat here with an actual goal difference of -22, when according to the xG it should be +4... 

  9. Yes I am still enjoying the game mostly, despite the almost constant not winning despite having a constant higher xG than my opponents, but doubtless that's my tactics (or my hopeless players).  Still a few issues though:

    1. New staff member joins and you get the option to ask him to 'recommend a signing'.  I have never seen a single signing recommended.

    2. I have my DoF set up to 'initiate player signings for the first team'.  I did this in previous versions and sometimes he pulls a scorcher out, otherwise I make sure I have the final say so I can deny him the chance to sign the rubbish he usually wants.  This time there have been no attempts to sign anyone in 4 seasons.

    3. Set pieces; for some reason my CBs were added to be my first choice corner takers?  Not by me they weren't.  Had to remove them three times before they finally (for the time being) stopped taking all my corners.

    4. Switching between tactics messes up set piece routines, even if they have been saved to that particular tactic.

    5. Stupid player expectations; I've previously moaned about a player wanting to leave as I didn't play him in his preferred position for 18 days after he signed his new contract, despite the fact we played no games in this time.

    6. Similarly I promised a player I would give him more game time, played him the next three games then left him as sub as he was tired and he kicked off.

    7. Transfers / wages.  Was quoted £5.5k to sign a 30 year old midfielder as a squad player, he wouldn't accept £4k so I left it.  2 weeks later he signs for a (admittedly bigger) team in the same division for £190 per week as a fringe player. 

    8. Players getting upset that I didn't sell them despite me offering them out to teams for free.

    9. Still some odd animations; penalties from what look like great tackles, defenders hoofing the ball behind for a corner or off for a throw in under no pressure.


    11. A lot of corners.

    12. My Ass Man suggesting a sub be made after I've already made all three changes.

    13. My Ass Man suggesting a tactical change (substitute x for y) - I press the 'Do it' button and then it suggests doing it again 2 minutes later as if nothing has happened.  Works second time then says I can't make another sub when I've only made two?


    I've only played lower league (VNL to League 1 in England) so haven't come across anything that affects the big teams yet. 

  10. Just tried to sign free agent Jake Forster-Caskey at Aldershot.  He's 30 but still decent and asks for £5.5k a week which is a bit too much for me so I don't make an offer.  A week later he signs for Huddersfield, a bigger club but in League 1 the same as us (actually below us).  He signs as a fringe player for £190 a week on an 18 month deal and is apparently suddenly worth £2.5 million?!

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