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Posts posted by ExeChris

  1. Only played a couple of games so far (and scored no goals) but can't notice a massive difference.  

    A couple of things I noticed - first game I played the opposition keeper was wearing tracksuit trousers which I don't remember ever seeing before; and this is Germany in August!  Also it seems that my laptop fan is going much more than I ever noticed before, I'm assuming it's the game as I'm only doing a bit of internet otherwise.

  2. I have found this incarnation of FM so frustrating.  There are so many variables and I think I know a bit about putting a tactic together but I find vastly different qualities of performances from one game to the next.  I can go to playing a semi decent team and having decent attacks and chances and even scoring a couple of goals, to playing a really struggling side who absolutely outplay me when I don't change my system and they are playing the same way that I have played against the match before. 

    Each match I start it's like I'm holding my breath to see if the tactic will work; sometimes it works like a charm but sometimes it's as if it's the first time we've ever played that way.  I've also noticed a lot (about 80%) that I can be on top or at least doing ok in the first half, but come the second half I just go to bits and the opposition start dominating massively.  I've lost count of the times that I've had like 13 shots to 2 in the first half but everything changes after half time, they don't seem to change formation or anything but they end up having more shots than me by the end of the match.  It's not that my tactics are very intensive or my players are unfit, but it's almost come to the point where I feel I have to change something at half time or else they will take control of the match.  And don't get me started on the 'wrong types of chances' or stuff like that.  If I create a tactic that leads me to have 27 shots to the other team's 6, with 20 of mine being from in the box and only one of theirs then I think I've done a pretty decent job. +

    I so want to love this game, but I am not watching the highlights and feeling proud of what I have created, because they don't really follow my instructions anyway.  It's just hoping we can scrape a result and not lose the dressing room, coz if you do you are screwed...

  3. Hi, I'm managing in Bundesliga 2 and am (virtually) safe from relegation so thought I'd give some playing time to some promising youngsters.  With this in mind I moved three of them from the U19 squad to the 'II' squad and they all complained about "being demoted".  Is the 'II' squad really lower than the U19s or is this a bug?

  4. Have played half a dozen games since the change.  

    Seems to have dropped the chances created for both sides.  Nothing game-breaking but seems to be a fair few set piece goals still.  Goal types slightly improved with a couple of great goals from my IF from thorough balls inside the full back that were very pleasing.

    Struggling to get strikers involved, both of my tactics use a False 9, one alongside an AF and one as a lone striker and in none of the six games (three each tactic) have they made more than 20 passes.  Am thinking of changing the F9 to try something else...

  5. I'm 2 league in Denmark.  I have finally started to get some success and be looked at by other Danish clubs but only struggling ones in the league above.  I also have Germany, France, Holland, Poland and Dutch leagues loaded and am keen to try one of those next but none of them seem to know I exist.  I wish there was the facility to maybe request to learn a foreign language to make you more approachable by other clubs.  At the moment, knowing only English and Danish and having a low rating in Denmark means I will probably have to go to another Danish club first or quit and take my chances on the open market, neither of which I am very keen on.

  6. On 29/12/2019 at 15:14, ExeChris said:

    I find very regularly teams I have dominated in the first half turn it round completely in the second half without an obvious change in shape / tactics.

    Just looked at my stats and it is so depressing.  Last 20 league matches I've scored 10 goals and conceded 16.  First half is For 7 and Against 7, second half is For 3 and against 9.

    edit - Last 15 league games I have not scored a second half goal.  My team aren't that unfit, just that second half I struggle massively...

  7. Bought the game for Christmas after playing the demo for a month and it is NOT the same game.  I'm playing Danish 2nd division as opposed to English League 2 so I'm expecting the quality to be a bit worse but Oh my Christ are my team hopeless.  
    I don't see that many through balls compared to what some people are reporting but it's usually 2 or 3 each team per game and they never get scored.  The goals I mostly seem to see are scrambles following corners/free kicks, penalties, and snap shots from the edge of the box.
    I've lost count of the times players head the ball 10 yards over the bar from the edge of the 6 yard box; it's ridiculous.
    Again I know my players aren't the best but I really want to be seeing my players do something and think, "cool, I told them to do that and it worked!".  This just seems like I set the players up in different parts of the pitch and they just go off and do what they want.
    Why do players chase the ball to the touchline, stop it right on the line but over run it so an opponent can just go off with it?!  I had it earlier when one of my defenders chased the ball back to the byline at the edge of the 6 yard box and kept it in for the striker behind him; luckily he was so bad he just kicked it against the post.
    Also I have given up watching on the second most detailed behind full game highlights (I forget the name) because 25% of the 'highlights' are just someone driving the ball forward to a clearly offside player, or, worst of all, a player takes a throw in and gets it back to be caught offside.  That is not a highlight.

    It's a shame because it seems good apart from this.  Well apart from the fact my squad called a team meeting to discuss my handling of the team and the poor atmosphere in the dressing room.  Before I'd even played a game!

    I keep playing this thinking I'm bound to start enjoying it soon.  I so want to enjoy it but hey-ho, back to work on Thursday and that's not looking so bad now...

  8. Got a job with a Danish 2nd division side in November 19 after the season finished or went on a mid-season break I'm not sure.  Anyway the next game was in 102 days.  I am set as a previous semi professional player for my background and the squad aren't particularly happy with me because of my lack of experience but I thought I could win them round.  So 85 days later, 6 days before my first friendly, the whole squad have decided they are not happy with my management, reckon I've lost the dressing room and am asking what I plan to do about it.  I only signed two players, both non-contract ones my asst manager found as we are £250k in the red.  Has anybody else had the whole club turn against them before they've even played one match?!?!

  9. 9 hours ago, TheInvisibleMan said:

    Have you tried putting one of your centre backs on a 'cover' duty?

    I definitely think there's a problem but this seems to be reducing it and helping me to defend against them a little bit.

    I usually choose my fastest centre-back to do this.

    Has anyone trying sticking a sweeper in?  If a DC on cover helps, logically a guy further back might help?  I have the game but have only just started (as unemployed) so haven't played a game yet.

  10. Played the demo and I am truly dreadful at it.  I'm Exeter and had a horrific start to the season, bumbling along about 5th bottom, I kept getting the message to say that this could be my last game and the club were looking at my position, but I had a bit of a rally and was unbeaten in 6 games including a victory in the 2nd round of the FA cup which pleased the board - I lost the next game a bit unluckily and was sacked after a board meeting!  There aren't many (lower-level) clubs who would sack their manager after 1 defeat in 7 games surely?

  11. Does anyone else find that their opponents often seem to, without a noticeable change in tactics, become much better in the second half?  I find in maybe 4 out of 5 games that if I am dominant / equal in the first half against a team, they suddenly outplay me in the second half.  It's not my team tiring or getting ground down from 65-75 minutes but seems to be straight from the start of the second half until I try to change something to stop it.  In my last game I had 10 shots in the first half and my opponents had 9.  In the second half I had 2 shots and they had 22!  Now that's an extreme example but I'm often overpowered a bit like this in the second half of games.

    Also, I can never cope if the AI teams go 3 up front towards the end of a game - I always concede one or two goals.

  12. Ok so I'll admit I'm an old duffer doesn't know a lot about computers.  My Macbook is 6/7 years old now and struggles especially as I like to tab between FM and Internet (Firefox).  I tend to have a few tabs open, often including Youtube.

    Anyway, it's getting very slow now just playing the game, without the other distractions, so I'm looking at getting a new laptop.  I like the Mac but I know that I could buy something equally good (FM-wise) for half the money.  What am I looking at in the £750 range that'll be good for FM (my only real game), t'internet and the occasional bit of writing?

    Also (told you I'm dense), I'm assuming that I would have to buy FM19 again if I moved from Mac to Windows?


  13. This game is seriously ticking me off now.  Not only, as a Mac owner, do I have to make the choice between massively slow and laggy game (normal setting), or one that crashes every 1-2 game weeks (public beta), but I have the vagaries of the ME to wind me up. 

    Just played a game in League One as Northampton home v Doncaster.  It's something like 8th v 7th with a few games left in the season.  Playing the game, fairly even,  we end up the game with more shots than them (21/20).  But they win 5-2.  "Oh but look at WHERE you're shooting from" is the normal response.  "Can they be considered PROPER shots if you're just pinging them from 30 yards and they aren't in any danger of going in".  You can't just go on number of shots etc.  Trouble is, of our 21 shots, 6 were long shots, of which we scored 1.  Of their 20 shots, 16 were long shots, of which they scored 5!  Now if I play a game and the opposition only manages 4 attempts on goal from inside my penalty area, I would consider that fairly successful defensively speaking.

    Looking at the last 20 games I've played, 50% of the 24 goals I've conceded are long shots, going to 30 games it's 16/35 and at 40 games it's 21/46.  So it's not like I'm conceding loads of goals, but the ones I am conceding seem to be more difficult to guard against.

    Now unless I change my tactics and stick a DM or two in to try and stop all long shots I don't know what to do.  My keeper is decent but it's like a goal of the month highlights reel watching a lot of these shots fly past him.  I'm much more concerned if a CM picks up the ball 25 yards out in a bit of space than if a striker is running through one on one with my keeper.

    Also, do the players follow instructions more the higher you go (League 1 is the highest I've been at) because a lot of the time I have to check my tactics to see what I've told them to do, because it sure isn't obvious from watching the games...

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