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72 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Fremad Amager, Bath City

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  1. I hope for the following: - Better match engine. Obviously. But not just better like a little bit, but a lot better. - Better graphics. Especially in match. Players, stadiums etc. - Easier moddable game. I hope that more stuff than just some UI and database bits can be modded. - LOts of imporvements "under the hood". Things like better AI management, Player interactions/behaviour etc. - Women's football being a fun experience on level with the men's game. No watered down functionality. I doubt there would be much more than that. This year is a transistion year, where stuff that used to work is moved to the new engine, and stuff that didn't are removed. So it might be a rough launch with loads of bugs, and that the year will be mostly fixes. I will see how things look on release before deciding to buy. But I think SI made the right decision to move engine, and it had to happen at some time. Might as well be done this year. They wouldn't be able to continue development on two engines anyways.
  2. I doubt there will be anything with the match engine. IF they wanted to show anything regarding the engine, they would have announced that first. I think it will be mostly some information about how they motion capture the women players and how they research them. Maybe something about how their ratings are estimated. So I think we will just get some player profiles, some info about leagues and something about how the men's and women's game function together. Not much more than that.
  3. The two things that were cut? - I don't really care. International management sucks balls currently, and if they can't integrate that feature properly until next year, then postpone it, by all means. No reason to have it in if it is broken or not finished. Weight? - I have never used it for anything, so by all means remove it from the UI. This year will be a year of streamlining. So we will see lots of features removed, rather than just adding new ones. It makes perfect sense when moving to a new engine, to really look at what works and what doesn't, and remove stuff that is not needed and/or used. Call it de-bloating FM, if you will. It is better to start with a cleaner (but less feature-rich) plate, and then add on that in the future. But just because they remove stuff, doesn't mean that nothing new will be added or improved. Which seems to be what they will be focusing on in the coming months.
  4. Removing shouts seems rash. But that doesn't mean they won't be back in the future. SI has most likely decided that they are not implemented correctly. So what do you do? - You fix them. But when you are migrating your code to a whole new engine, the decision then becomes "Do we move the faulty shouts over, having our new game code take this implementation into consideration?" - or "Do we remove the feature (for now) and start with clean code, and then implement it correctly later?". I think SI did the right thing in removing features that either weren't working (and couldn't easily be fixed) or that no one uses. As for the UI. I don't really care much about the standard UI, as I always mod it. I just hope that customization is available in-game, and that modding of the UI will be easier in the future, as it is a nightmare to get into. I have only tried to pick stuff from 2-3 mods and combine them, and that can often be very time-consuming and annoying. I hope for true modding possibilities across the whole game, so modders can update/change almost any aspect of it, instead of just the database and a bit of UI elements.
  5. I think it might be that the game doesn't allow you to loan out amateurs. I play as Fremad Amager and I have a few amateurs left in the B team, and I can't loan any of them out.
  6. I am very happy about the announcement, and I concur with people saying that openness is the way forward. It is ok to f*** up. Just own it and then do your best to improve. As for the switch to Unity, I think it will be a good thing. I just hope the match engine translates well to the new system. But I am sure they have explored that before making that decision. I really, really hope that they open the game up for modding. Seeing what the community has done for Cities Skylines, I would think very interesting stuff could be done for FM as well. It could be complete overhauls of the UI, new systems integrated into the game, fixing issues etc. Let the community help you in future developments. Cities Skylines 2 has implemented handfuls of mods into the new game.
  7. I am currently managing Bath City in the VNS, so facilities are lacing to say the least. But the game did start me off with a few 16 year olds with potential, but less than great personalities. So is it better for me to promote them to my seniors and get them mentoring by some of my Professional/Model Citizen players, and then make them available for the U18 games? .. or are they better off training in the U18 for now? I am unsure of whether the senior training is too much for them, or whether it makes little to no difference. I know that they will likely never amount to much, but hopefully they could be good enough to be sold off for a bit, further down the line. So I would like to do my best to get some more points on their stats.
  8. I thought to ask here in the creator's thread, not directly .... I guess I was uncertain on what you meant in my other thread.
  9. Loving the skin, as always But I decided to use the player panels from the Sas23.6 skin instead, that I prefer that I have more data on the player profile. To make sure I got everything, I just copied the whole player folder over into my modded version of Tato23. Everything looks great, except for two minor issues: 1. The panels on the player profile are all screwed up: But the solution is just to switch to the Sas23.6 skin, and then back to my modded Tato23 skin in Preferences. Then the panel reappears until I quit the game. It would be nice though if I didn't have to reload the Sas skin every time I open the game. 2. When hovering over the little player icons, the Sas skin pops the panel(s) below: But when I use the same panel in Tato, the top part never shows, even though I do have the files the Player overview popup panel refers to. Does anyone know where I need to change something to fix these issues? Since I copied all files from Sas' player folder, I am assuming that is in some file outside that folder.
  10. Ok, so I am messing around with combining my favorite parts of the Tato23 skin and panels from the Sas23.6 skin, that I like better. As I like the player panels better from Sas23 skin, I copied all the files from the panels\player folder into the Tato23 skin (that I am using as my base skin). Everything looks great, except for two minor issues: 1. Player face panel on Player screen disappears whenever I start the game up. But the solution is just to switch to the Sas23.6 skin, and then back to my modded Tato23 skin in Preferences. Then the panel reappears until I quit the game. 2. When hovering over the little player icons, the Sas skin pops the panel(s) below: But when I use the same panel in Tato, the top part never shows, even though I do have the files the Player overview popup panel refers to. Does anyone know where I need to change something to fix these issues? Since I copied all files from Sas' player folder, I am assuming that is in some file outside that folder.
  11. Add the file to the \panels\teams folder in the skin folder. F.x.: Football Manager\skins\WTCS5 v1.0\panels\team
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