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Everything posted by LaytonBhoy

  1. I reported something in the bug-tracker over the weekend. Feels like an utter waste of time at this moment.
  2. The match engine was working fine for me until the last update. What the Hell did you guys do? Now I'm getting little half second stoppages during the game; it's a microstutter but it's VERY noticable. Any advice? I'm using a Radeon system so some information on what an effective Adrenaline setup is would be useful. I've included the latest game; look at 33-34 minutes for a clear example. I've also included my DXDiag. DxDiag.txt Tottenham v Man Utd.pkm
  3. Anyone else getting a minor half second stutter every now and again in the match engine? Not (yet) ready to submit a support ticket, just inquiring if it's a common issue or just one I've got.
  4. What would help - ENORMOUSLY - is if you guys would publish a proposed list of settings for the AMD Radeon Adrenaline Edition for the 7900XT card which is what I'm using with the AMD Ryzen 9 7950X. That might do the job.
  5. Done everything in that article and STILL having the same issues.
  6. Every year. Every damned year I find myself here with the same issues. But this year I thought it would be different because this year I've moved from an NVIDIA system to an AMD system and although the BETA version had no issues at all, the release lagged a tiny bit ... since the patch? Disaster. Awful. Unplayable. And yes, I've done all the usual and updated drivers. I even re-installed them. And the match engine lags abysmally. DxDiag.txt
  7. Absolutely agree. It would be nuts to leave anything but a negative review. Too many companies do this stuff year in year out.
  8. Hmmm checking this out now. Hey, if there's a mistake like that in the game WTF have SI been doing for two weeks? That would have been reported in the first couple of days. How the Hell has that slipped through into the full game?
  9. What is this "AI not using subs" thing? Am I missing something? The AI is always subbing players in my save.
  10. Early impressions, and I write this as someone who has been PLAGUED by match-engine issues in recent years ... The new engine if fantastic. No issues at all with it. Best one I've seen in a long time which sort of now makes me nervous for next year's iteration, because this is finally one that plays like a dream and I am really loving it although there's a sort of haziness to it at times as if you're watching bits of it through light fog. Might be the way it's meant to look - I'm usually playing in the UK so there's usually always rain haha. The lighting effects need a little work; sometimes the pattern of the pitches makes it seem like there are shadows on it but they're not. Other than that, and those are minor compared to stuttering which is non-existent, I absolutely love it. One thing I'd like the devs to confirm; when starting the game the default databases are loading more players than ever, right? Cause my standard setup from FM2023 gets me three and half stars out of five which is comfortable to play with, but here exact same setup is loading more than 56,000 players and is getting me three stars. That's a major change, and people should be aware of it, those playing on lower specs.
  11. And I see no heed whatsoever has been paid to the idea about letting us choose the goddamned strips teams wear. So another year of having to endure naff away strip choices in the SPL. Followed by another year ... another year .... another year ... this game really needs a competitor. Maybe it will shake it out of its stupor.
  12. I sometimes think that the "Scottish researchers" get their information from The Daily Record. Anyone who has watched Ryan Kent and Liel Abada knows who the better footballer is, although some might not want to acknowledge the fact. I have never seen, and doubt I will ever see, a more hyped player than Kent for the rest of my life. He's out of contract in three months. Know who wanted him? Burnley. He's not rated south of the border where even mediocre players are paid fortunes. So I am consistently baffled as to how highly he's rated by certain people. Blind people maybe.
  13. I'm just not buying it next year. There is no game out there more in need of the emergence of a great rival. This is what happens when you don't have competition, just like in football. Arrogance. Entitlement. Complacency.
  14. What's worse, for me, is that the company is breaking up the threads where we're able to discuss this, compare notes and propose solutions to each other. Bad enough that they don't seem to have answers themselves; they don't seem to want us being able to collectively work on the issue in our own spare time, looking for optimal settings which work. The decision to break up the threads is utterly ridiculous. Those threads are where I found the answers these past couple of years; it certainly wasn't from anything that the company did.
  15. Know what makes the Scottish Premiership almost unbearable? The abysmal "logic" of strip selection. Why in God's name is this still an utter goddamned mess? Hibs playing Hearts, at Easter Road, with Hearts in an away kit? WHY? For what reason? There is no strip clash to speak of there. And don't even get me started on Celtic-Rangers games, which are a travesty of away strips and weird choices and have been for years. If the games internal AI system can't get this right then GIVE US THE OPTION to change it in the damned editor. It's ludicrous, it really is.
  16. Why in God's name has the company not yet unlocked the ability to change in the editor which kits are displayed during games? Some of the clashes are ridiculous. Some of the logic, such as derby matches played in the away kits, are preposterous. This is a dead easy alteration and many of us have been asking for it for years, so it's frankly astounding to me that SI can't haven't done it.
  17. Look, just confirm for us what we already know; said "future update" will be in February or March. In other words, we've got your money so you've got no choice but to wait. I repeat, this debacle is ridiculous. I'm done with this game next year and I figure that once that habit is broken it may stay that way for a long time.
  18. At this point, I feel buying the game is a lottery. Some years you're going to get it to work and others you aren't and during a cost of living squeeze I can think of better things to do with quite a big chunk of change than to gamble on something that might not work. This isn't something that's going to get fixed. So FM 2023 is a bust, and if it's a bust that makes it very difficult for me to envision any scenario where I buy 2024. I feel at this point that all I'm doing is buying out of habit anyway, for what amounts to a data update; the game itself isn't exactly advancing in any way that feels significant, and that alone would give me pause. It's the reason I've stopped buying other games which come out every single year. To call this a disappointment is a vast understatement. I am not just a regular customer; I am a fanatical player, having racked up thousands of hours, literally, on each iteration of this game. This year, at this point, I'm on 93 and a lot of them have been spent tweaking settings and trying to find work arounds for this problem. Frankly, I have better things to do with my time than persevere with this nonsense. 93 hours is a number which I'd usually have gotten through in a couple of weeks of evening games and the odd match during the day when I'm working. I'm a football blogger, which means the game would be running in the background most every day whilst I worked. I base a lot of my work on insights gained talking to other players about tactics and strategies and I have read a lot of books based on those subjects both to understand them better and make me a better player in the game itself. So when I say that I get a lot of out of each edition I mean it ... but it's starting to grate on me because this year's just doesn't work and it's the continuation of a problem I've had, and reported on here, year on year on year. The difference is, most years someone will come up with a fix that does work for me and lets me play the game. This year, absolutely not, and it's horrendous and it's the last straw.
  19. Come on that's a joke. We're supposed to deliberately downgrade our own systems to get one game to work? Look, I play a lot of complex games which tax the system; the Total War titles. Cities: Skylines. Heart Of Iron IV. Complex games with a lot happening onscreen at any one time. Why then is it that I have CONSTANT issues with FM year after year after year after year?
  20. Lol these guys do not know how to fix this. The issues with the match engine have, for some of us, been a persistent pain in the backside for years. There is no way I'm buying this game next year if they don't find a fix for it in this iteration. It's just pissing money away. I would take a refund for this version if I could get one, and I'd pass on this year entirely at this point.
  21. It's good that the community comes together to find solutions to these issues. Hopefully now the company can give us a proper fix. It does feel a wee bit like a sticking plaster effort from us.
  22. Michael Thanks for that reply. Are you following the discussion on the other thread? Some of us are pretty sure we've narrowed the majority of the trouble down to the digital adboards.
  23. If you put the fm.xml file I've put on this post in the folder shown it SHOULD work as I've turned all the digital ads from "true" to "false" in it. Seems to do the job for me. Let us all know if you have any luck getting it to work, and if when the ads are off the experience is smoother. fm.xml
  24. Right, something bad - but also good - just happened. My bloody adboards loaded up. I played a league game and they were back. And lo and behold ... the game slowed to a crawl again. 100% - absolutely unequivocally - the adboards are the problem here. I've thought of a fix that will definitely work until SI sorts this mess out, and I'll post on it in the morning. But it's gonna involve removing the digital adboards from the main data folder in Steam entirely, and that's what I'm going to do. No choice.
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