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Everything posted by LaytonBhoy

  1. Yeah even with a cleared cache that works fine. No digital adboards and the game is running just fine. Guys from SI, if you figure out how to stop the adboards slowing down the game you'll have cracked 95% of the problem, and that will make the game playable for nearly everyone experiencing these issues.
  2. Create a folder called ads in your My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013 folder. It just goes straight into that, as shown in the screengrab. Don't clear cache or anything, I dunno what will happen when I finally do that haha. But the XML file points to a bunch of non-existent boards so it should not load any of the current ones. You'll get black boards or red ones. But nothing live. If you get it let me know what happens when you play a few games with it. fm.xml
  3. Okay, rather than being a nightmare with negative comments I'm going to contribute some facts. Fact 1: I can confirm that when the camera zooms out or zooms in that there is a momentary judder. For me this has been present in every iteration of the match engine that I can remember. If it's fixable they've not found an answer to it. Fact 2: When info screens come up there is a slow down. I bet I'm not the only one who has seen this. That needs fixed because there are a lot of screens on the 3D match engine and it is pretty annoying. Fact 3: I am going to confirm that my issue DEFINITELY relates to the 3D adboards. I imported over an old xml file from a prior fan-made adboard collection and put it in my data folder where it would be read at the start of a game. Except that there are no video folders for it to point to. As a result, it has disabled the 3D ads in the games. And aside from those other frame-rate drops - which are momentary and annoying but not ruinous - the game is smooth. Fixing the 3D adboard issue will resolve 95% of the problem people are having. I'd like 1 and 2 fixed as well but the game is at least playable without the adboard although the others are really annoying and I actually think 2 could be related to 3 with a little too much going on onscreen. (That might actually be related to 1 as well when I think about it.) Fix the adboards issue tho and most of us will be happy. That is DEFINITELY why a lot of us are experiencing issues. The guys who have already commented on it are on the money.
  4. Yeah I saw your post on the bugs forum, and that reply from the devs to "use 2D in the meantime." In short, "we know you bought a Blu-Ray player to play disks, but if you could use it only to play USB files at the moment that would be great."
  5. Investigating it is all well and good. But since you posted that update seven days have now passed. This is affecting a lot of people. For every one who posts on the forums you KNOW there are a lot of players who have never done that in their lives and either grin and bear this or stop playing altogether. What is it with companies like this nowadays? "We have your money so you are no longer a priority ..."? Will this be fixed? Will it be fixed in a hot-patch some of us can play the game we bought before February. Because of course if it's not fixed then it's not going to be. Are we not entitled to ask that? Are we not entitled to answers?
  6. Oh so you guys DO read these. And you delete messages. So are we getting some sort of update on this or not??
  7. Does the company read these? Does the company care at this point? Even if they figure this out, are we getting a hotfix? No, it'll be folded into the January window patch, which means we'll be lucky, guys, to be playing this game come February. I've had it. This is the last time I'm buying it, and I've bought every edition. At a time when everything costs more there are better uses for my money than a buggy disaster which isn't going to be fixed. If I could get a refund I'd take one.
  8. Are we ANYWHERE down the line with this SI? I have tried every suggestion on here; most of them make it worse. This game is an unplayable mess right now because of this. An unplayable mess. That's no exaggeration. I've enclosed my DXDiag. And by the way, the answer to the obvious question is yes. I've tried the proposed fixes. All of them. Nothing works. Nothing at all. So I am totally at a loss to work this out. DxDiag.txt
  9. The 3D pitch lag is atrocious. Absolutely atrocious. Tried every fix on the forums and NOTHING works at all. This is every goddamned year. But there's usually a work around. Nothing on this one. Nothing at all.
  10. No update on this? You're "looking into it" sounds ominous to me. Can you offer ANY advice?
  11. Between this and the random flashes I've highlighted before the game is absolutely unplayable in 3D. Unplayable. If that matters at all to the devs.
  12. Ever get the feeling we're not getting solutions to this stuff?
  13. This one should be so, so, so simple to do and I cannot understand why SI has never implemented it. When you check a club's honours it displays them in a nice little row. Why can't there be a similar screen on your manager profile page? This would really be great for evaluating a career and giving you a sense of achievement.
  14. The problem, by the way, isn't present when you first load the game. But after three or four matches it appears and it gets worse. Progressively worse. If that helps your diagnosis.
  15. Do we have anything on this? This problem is getting worse, and this game is unplayable on 3D whilst this is happening. Rangers v Celtic.pkm
  16. There is a weird flickering that happens during games at the moment. It's hard to properly describe, but it could be described as flickering and/or flashing, and it is present in most matches that I play. You can see examples of it in the enclosed game. It's bothersome as Hell, and I wasn't sure if it would be present on the saves but it's there. I've enclosed the match file and the DXDiag. All drivers are up to date etc. Celtic v Hearts.pkm DxDiag.txt
  17. Yeah I'm having the same issue. Bad. Does it repeatedly during a game.
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