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Everything posted by TalkSport

  1. But look, they press and success straight away. No defence is good at this World Cup.
  2. Probably too early to tell, but does feel like a good press and being attacking is the way to be this World Cup.
  3. Sick of watching Poland at a major championship parking the bus. Such a boring nation.
  4. Definition of two half’s that. First half, Argentina getting through with ease, should’ve had a few. 2nd half, Saudis tempo and aggression amazing, Argentina non existent.
  5. It’s an ambiguous area, as where does sleeve start/end? From the little diagram they use for handball, that’s not where a sleeve starts/end, unless it’s some small tight fit. Just looking at the FIFA actual wording, all moot anyway my point as it says “the Law 12 definition for handball, whereby the arm ends at the bottom of the armpit, must be used when judging whether a player is in an offside position” So sleeve is pointless. Might as well have it all as handball, that part of the body the no man’s land of football it seems. Neither handball if it hits (depending on interpretation), but offside.
  6. Which is crap, when that’s handball and the sleeve line is no fixed same thing for every player.
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