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Everything posted by wearesporting

  1. You're too bad if you neglect your kids to play otherwise play away. I can only really play the slimmed down versions as I simply haven't the time or patience to slowly work my way through a full fat save. Lots of older players are probably looking at spreadsheets all day. Might as well make a hobby of one.
  2. I was constantly facing a wonderkid apocalypse against me. With the reduction in training and coaching options it is harder to get them to reach their potential which is probably more realistic accidentally but I didn't notice a problem.
  3. There are very able people out there who would have the capability to destroy the franchise and swim in the money but they don't. Maybe would be competitors just don't have the ideas to best them. A game worse than FM other than graphics might get some initial interest but people would come back.
  4. But they are necessary for gameplay. Sliders confused far more people and as mentioned are exploitative.
  5. That was brought in to make it more realistic. Sliders don't exist.
  6. Whatever of other issues nobody is going to fix problems related to extended databases but whoever created them.
  7. Looks like the recruitment rejig hasn't made it fully into the console version. I wasn't overly enthused anyway. Glad to see my cursor option has survived! Also looks wise it's great. Team talks at game time is good to have back. Might help some of those lose streaks..... The wheel menu may or may not just mean extra clicks. Hopefully not.
  8. Not sure the various competitors for your time and money want to collaborate that much!
  9. Saw one yesterday. You can only sign players with a lower star reputation than the club you're managing at. You can increase or decrease the requirement depending on how difficult you want it to be.
  10. I know they can in the German league. Might be the same with Portugal but would take some effort reloading.
  11. Even if the restriction was based on number of teams or players so it would be more flexible what sort of save you want.
  12. I enjoyed a save with them only signing u23 Italians back in FM18 I think it was. What draws you to them?
  13. Funny you mention Triestina. I'm literally doing that save right now with the same idea after discovering the history of the city.
  14. Coming back to XBox and GamePass and now also for PS5 on launch day. Anyone else going to be playing this version this year? Any hopes for new features or streamlined navigation? I played FM22 on Gamepass with the older Xbox so was limited to 5 leagues per save but enjoyed the game for what it is. Hoping the PS5 can match 10 leagues per save as the latest version and I'll likely be switching to that version as a result. Should the console version continue to be a deliberately designed streamlined version of the game, or should that be left to FM Touch, and this version and beyond strive to include as much as it can?
  15. I understand the need to limit the database size for xbox. Is there any reason it's done on the basis of numbers of nations rather than leagues? I'm on the older xbox so have a limit of 5 nations. However I can load leagues all the way down to the same levels as the full version. This can lead to a lot of leagues to actually process. It would be nice to have the option to spread those number of leagues, players and games among more nations. The leagues will have less depth but a nicer spread of higher leagues. Is there any reason this is not possible? Limit it by database size or number of leagues or number of teams rather than the current 5 or 10 nations? I'm sure there's a very good reason that I wouldn't know. On a side note the Y button is a handy confirmation button on the interface. It would be cool to have it when I'm changing tactics mid game rather than have to find my way to the confirm button if possible.
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