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Everything posted by wearesporting

  1. I presume like Xbox you can unlock them for free if you gain certain achievements in game.
  2. Slovakia produces surprisingly decent talent in game. Should be a fun challenge.
  3. In the context of keeping the game on console streamlined I feel not being able to choose your own is not the correct decision. It is something which a player could ignore to their hearts content with no negative impact. In the context of trying to grab a slightly different audience on console an ability to create a network of teams as is becoming the norm IRL is missed. Or to create your own network of clubs with certain connections, this fantasy element is lost too.
  4. I'm only guessing here but maybe it considers how many goals you score from set pieces? Maybe on a smaller scale if you click play for set pieces in your tactics?
  5. You have to work on your tactics all the time. The days of one tactic dominating forever are hard to achieve as they should be. Full fat version or slimmed down, same story.
  6. I mentioned earlier in the thread the AI managed to get them relegated and I took them over. So their squad is lacklustre. In the past I'd expect to be besting everyone bar Bayern every year after about 5 years and dominating the league and Champions League by about 10 years in. This time 10 years in I've just about dodged some sackings and even now I'm not guaranteed Champions League football each season never mind winning the league. Also the chairman stops the mega funding a few years in. Still above average wage budget but nothing special. So definitely if you don't get a good start with them you'll struggle.
  7. Wrong medium for that. You won't get them on the console version.
  8. Medium is the largest. I haven't tried to go smaller so I can't answer that
  9. I do be tempted for pointless league run ins. Then I remember there are tactical changes I want to try and youngsters I want to blood so I do that instead.
  10. Yes, you have the order correct presuming whoever wrote it was right themselves in how they would see the words.
  11. I remember those players too. Not who you want around in future seasons.
  12. I always played with Hertha until they had stacks of cash. Looks like it's coming to a nasty end for them in real life so FM24 might be back to normal. However I set up a save with the intention of fast forwarding a year to get a team promoted and at the end of the season what do you know, Hertha got themselves relegated. So I'm in.
  13. I don't have the same problem for what it's worth.
  14. About 5 years into a save for the first time there was an issue when asked which pre season training schedule I'd like for the team. The menu with the options doesn't work and it remains stuck on a 'light' pre season schedule.
  15. Great to hear. Are these changes automatically applied to cloud gaming? Do we have to do anything?
  16. I did a save in Portugal on FM22 with a team from the bottom division and at around 2035 as I finally overhauled the big 3 Braga decided to go nuts, dominate and win 6 titles in a row. Never got to win the league as a result.
  17. I know. I mean with the unfixed version I don't want to be just taking advantage of match engine issues. It sounds like the game has been improved since for various platforms except console. I'm playing a game which depends on youth somewhat now but it feels like it will be an uphill struggle. Maybe they're waiting for their issues with PS5 to be resolved before going for it? Some form of word would be nice.
  18. Bit tired of the goalkeeper errors too. Also I'm not sure if I'm doing great in game or accidentally exploiting something that was since fixed.
  19. I'm jealous at the thought of other players not dealing with annoying goals.
  20. Sometimes it's useful. Mostly not though. I can pause the game myself any time I want.
  21. That sucks! One of the Aue or Cottbus jobs should hopefully become available and interested in your services. Can't ignore your successful first season. See who comes up too.
  22. Adding leagues wasn't on the Xbox last year. There was no option to pick your own affiliates unless I missed it. There are a number of things like these you won't find in console unfortunately.
  23. Have nightmares from facing that Ewerton chap in the league. Could never stop him.
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