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Everything posted by giglet13

  1. If i've already moved to advanced rules before realising this, is there any way to go back to do basic without losing all the advanced rules work now?
  2. I've got this error, editing national rules but the error says its with Europa Conference league no squad selected. Where can i check that a tournament is a reason to move a fixture? It's impacting a team not qualified for europe though so any other possible ideas @Wolf_pd? Fixed - was to do with the DB selection of too many teams from nation in the Conference league
  3. Thanks thats clear, it's part of a bigger nation creation project - if i swap up the teams in first year and sort the coeffecients then in theory that point on the ongoing performance will dictate if they get the places in the future. By that logic, slightly reducing existing nations around this should also round out the overall 'logic' of the updated coeffecients right? A bit of save, holiday and testing to check I guess !
  4. Found searching this challenging - so please direct if you know of an existing post. How do I edit the teams continental places given? For example, I want to take Luxembourg and give it the coeffecients/places across continental competitions that the dutch league currently has and basically relegate all the others nations to allow for this. I can see how to change teams registered for season - but believe this would do it as a one off? How would I set up to adjust the competition places given to each country? Assumedly with it changed, It'd be in rules editting to determine how they are distributed domestically.
  5. Really love the pizza/pie in graphs tab for player profile - is this panel / how to build or add this into the skin refrenced anywhere on the forum? Would love to add into my own personal use customised version of this.
  6. Tried this - just get the white square without any crest/player face on it. This is how I've got the code: <container> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="0"/> <container class="main_box" appearance="tcs/matchday/skyepl/caption/logo" width="90"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <container id="PerP" class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" image_alignment="centre_x,bottom" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" clickable="false"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> </container> Any idea where I'm going wrong?
  7. hey anyone know how I'd swap out the club crest for player face? Just for use in personal skin adapting from @bluestillidie00 match day mods. I know it should be in the match caption panel small file but i've tried changing the id to PerP but it just appears blank instead...
  8. Thanks - that's a shame then. The quickest 'workaround' I can think is setting up all basic data for the player accurately, then when starting the new career going through and importing templates using IGE .
  9. @bluestillidie00 - I'm using the SkyPL mod, and just wanted to adjust for personal use on the match caption panel small file, change the goalscoring notification from club logo to player face. I thought it was just an adjustment to PerP in the container ID near the start of the file, but doesnt seem to work. Anything you can assist with/advise? Appreciate the creation of the original files!
  10. So many years in the future of a create a club save, I've got a golden generation and some other new gens breaking into first team. I want to use pre-game editor to set up a new club with this as a starting squad. I can go through each Newgen and export attribute template using the ingame editor, but does anyone know how I could import these with the pre-game on a created player? Is it possible? Struggling to find an option but hopefully knowledge on here may be albe to help!
  11. I don't think it's possible - Create a Club feature is very limited for customising as it over-writes existing club in the DB. You're better using the pre-game editor to creat a club and then it behaves like any other for graphics etc. - Editors hideaway can help guide if you've never done that before.
  12. amazing work! Just to clarify - dropping this in (eg. Sky PL mod) - will existing in game licensed competition scoreboards and graphics (Eg. UCL/EFL) still continue to work and this replaces all othershe (eg. league and friendly fixtures) OR does the mod replace for all competition fixtures. Not sure if i missed it in initial first post explanation! Thanks again for the awesome work
  13. Every screen grab shared so far is mega impressive of this . Hope its one day in a place that its released but massive props for the work regardless!
  14. Just re-checked now, no issue current version.
  15. These are fantastic, reminds me of the chilledmoose work - slightly scary/mindblowing the capabilities of midjourney. All the packs I've seen the image sizes are 180x180 - is there anywhere to download packs of the higher res (250 or 750 files?) - my skin and screen size have the faces larger and so it's a bit noticeable in 180 vs others with higher resolution. Appreciate the work thats gone into generating the faces by others so far!
  16. Agree - i've fed back on the feature before also noting you cant load kit graphics with the method in game either. If they're happy for you to create a club through a feature it should be improved or it just limits the freedom to those who understand pre-game editor etc. But anyway...other features I'm sure benefit a wider number of users. If they won't touch set pieces I doubt they'll update this feature any time soon!
  17. Could be a simple error in where you've edited the config file? When I'm doing it I create a new folder and config for them; Name the images by the UIDs and then just use FMXML (Free software - give it a google) to create the XML in format needed, just to avoid any typo/errors when editing the other.
  18. If you created your club through FM's 'Create a Club' feature, then logo/kitpacks etc. won't work apart from what you initially set when creating it. There is something in code that over-rides it to create the club initially that prevents the config/graphic method working. If you want to create a club with custom graphics, better to replace an existing club in pre-game editor and create them using an alternative database.
  19. From memory - there is a file directed to in the panel for referee profile. Wherever you've copied the rest from there should be a file for referee profile elsewhere (widgets I think?)
  20. I tell a Lie, it's half and Full time review as well but IBH panels are fine. I've had a look through, it's all FTR/HTR/PMR panels, the IBH views are all fine. I've checked an earlier version and it's not working in those anymore afterwards which suggests something changed for these panels in the game code which is was working fine in before - but I hadnt seen any updates since they were working? Anybody got any ideas?
  21. I've got an issue where this is my post match review panel I've tried removing the panel & also the touchline tablet PMR panels to go back to default skin but it's still showing this. Any ideas of where else could be giving this panel instruction or what is wrong to stop the widgets pull through? I have no in match or full time review issues only past matches. It's a custom mash up of skins so happy to share directly if anyone can help investigate but wouldnt publish/post publicly as it's 90% whole panels from other skinners.
  22. @bluestillidie00 - This is actually an adaptation of your skin (no colour instructions edited from settings) is this an issue you've found so far?
  23. Thanks - if I can see what it’s directing to I can fix from there so that’s great 😊
  24. Hey - does anyone know either what panel or what colour the purple element is linked to? EDIT: I think it's player coach report - but struggling to spot which of code designates the summary/purple box which I want to change.
  25. Thanks for acknowleding, I had thought having been in FM22 it'd have a fix but I know how bugs can be...
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