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Posts posted by scwiffy

  1. Hi,

    Haven’t played this since the iPad versions stopped but free with my Netflix sub so couldn’t resist.

    6 months into season so far and enjoying it, everything feels clunky on iPad but assume this is because it’s all been made for a small mobile screen size.

    Only bug I’ve noticed so far is contract negotiations, they aren’t negotiating at all, I just get stone wall wage request from players and they never budge. It’s the amount they ask for or no new contract! I’m assuming that it hasn’t been designed that way?

  2. Hi everyone,

    I’m managing in Argentina for the first time ever and I had a few scenarios that had me scratching my head

    1. I have a young player with lots of PA who wants a new contract, but the pay increase he wants is x5 of his current contract which I can’t afford. His contract has 2 years left a new contract will only add another 2 years on top of that. So I’m starting to think I just won’t renew, the ONLY thing I’m worried about is his unhappiness, his morale is still high, but will his unhappiness affect his form or ability on the pitch?

    2. Similarly I have 3 unbelievable ‘golden generation’ youth players who went straight into my first team, understandably they are after new contracts. But the issue here is each time the agent sets a stupidly low locked Minimum Release Clause (6mil even though they are already 3mil). I don’t mind paying them the weekly wage but I always ‘walk away’ due to the unnegotiable release clause set by the agent. Again, I will only get an additional 2 years out of them on a new contract, so I’m thinking I’ll just pay them their puny youth contract until I get a mega offer from abroad. Better that then paying them x5 their current wage and having to sell them for LESS than I could. But again, my worry is unhappiness, will any of this effect their ability to deliver on the pitch? 

    Do you think I’m doing the right thing here? They seem to all be playing well. I’m on FM Touch if that makes a difference?

  3. I saw a great video from Zealand about player traits that can boost scoring ability. One which may be (relevant here) is that if your player has very high dribbling ability for his league then if you train him to have "like to round the keeper" it can boost his scoring chances. He wont actually force the issue, it just means he will end up getting himself into better scoring position before striking i.e. his dribbling ability can help his low finishing attribute by giving him a better angle on goal that is less covered by the goalkeeper.


  4. Since this post I've been going over some of the old wonderkid list websites. There seems to be a fairly good sucess rate of the of the top wonderkids but its usually helped by some of them already being around 20 and starting at a big club already (Varane for example). I'd say the top wonderkids they get about a 50% success rate. I

    ts interesting to see some that drop off the lists who are now doing well in thier later years (Digne, Ter Stegen & Umititi, Laporte and Taglifico, Deulefeou). Below the top players thought the success rate is understandably bad, but it is interesting to see some now big names low down the PA list (Salah!)

    Whats also clear is how many top south american wonderkids there are that never made it/FM got wrong. They definitely have a much better success predicting European wonderkinds. Just goes to show how many hurdles there are to make it to the top, Pietro Pellegris injury woes at Monaco being a prime example (although he still has plenty of time on his hands I imagine his confidence has taken a hit)

  5. Hey, this seemed like the right forum to have this discussion.

    There seem to be so many articles on websites that talk about all the FM wonderkids that never made it. But is that just because its funny? What I really wanted to know was how many times FM gets it right. Of course not every player is going to be the best in the world, but do the majority of FM wonderkids make it to the top level (I'd say that generally qualifies as reputable sides)?????????

    What are the famous wonderkids FM has got right in the past?

    The ones I can think of in the last 5 years or so are Trent Alexander Arnold, Ruben Neves, Donnarumma, Tielemans, Tah, Sule, Gnabry

  6. Wondered whats people approaches are on this.

    Recently had a few "orange" injuries early on in a match. Usually I'll sub them but last time I left my player on for nearly 60mins and didn't see any effect (other than tiredness).

    I've assumed all it does in increase the risk of "red" injury and lower their fitness%. Is that correct? Does it have any effect on their ability to perform in the match? If so then maybe I'll actually start my "orange" injured players occasionally. 


  7. 1 hour ago, thizaum said:

    Do you think I should? This is the main reason for using a DLP-d paired with CM-d and also pushing the defense line higher.

    100% that was my biggest take away from the thread. Its here... 

    1 hour ago, thizaum said:

    This is an interesting take on it. If I'm managing Barcelona, shouldn't I play different mentalities when playing Oviedo at home or Real Madrid away? Perhaps the "right" mentality for me should be Positive with the left FB-a, but I cannot see myself playing Real Madrid away like that. How do you do it? Keep the mentality and tweak positions and duties?

    I think you should read up a bit on Mentalities or have a bit of a refresher. I very very rarely change mentalities, I only do it if I want a role to perform more extremely (eg pushing a CM further up the pitch), then consequently changing the mentality of each role to counter it. But my main reason for recommending it is purely for you to identify issues you have, if you spot 1 issue then change the mentality you might fix that issue but create other elsewhere, you'd just go round in circles. Keeping mentality and only changing roles is how i do it 90% of the time when trying to create a tactic.

    1 hour ago, thizaum said:

    Edit: also, interesting bit on removing Short Passes. I never thought of it that way and it doesn't happen with 4-3-3. I start to wonder if I shouldn't move to a 4-2DM-3-1, 4-4-1-1 or 4-2DM-2-1-1 with higher mentality.

    Do "top heavy formations" and "control possession" make sense together?

    If your player is set to make short passes and a short pass isn't on, they will either gamble with a launched ball forward (which your receiving players won't be expecting due to the team instruction), a long shot or play a safe ball back to keeper (as you are describing). Here, I think you need to decide what you want. As by the sounds of it you want to play possession football but aren't happy with passes backwards - that is kinda counter intuitive.

    You can make almost any style of play fit any formation, but very generally a 4321 will work better with possession play than a 4231. Again I think you need to decide what you want to see and how you want to play and make sure those things aren't counter intuitive (eg possession but no backward passes)

  8. I don't really see much wrong with your tactic to be honest it looks well balanced.

    Like me and most others you are struggling with this formation this year (I have previously played this formation for many years with no issues). I've moved on to a different formation but there was a fantastic thread about AP/AM and giving him space. The biggest take away I got from it was to move the CMs to the DM position, and to use wingers which I already did and you do to.

    From my experience this year with this formation and looking at your tactic I'd change your Fwd to a PF-a and Am to a Treq. I'd also vary your wings more, given your CM-L is on Defend, I'd have a much more attacking/adventurous LB and a more attacking AM-R. I'd also remove shorter passing to try and get ball up top quicker (given that you have a "top heavy" formation), this may also stop backward passing to keeper you are referring to.

    Thats about it, as I said it looks okay to me and certainly nothing else jumps out as "wrong"


    Other advice would be to stop changing mentalities so much, especially as you are experimenting with roles etc, it changes every players attitude and how the roles work with each other, I'd stick to one mentality more and identify your issues from that. Usual advice is that a top heavy formation like this should shy away from attacking mentality to avoid squeezing space up top when you have the ball . Also I've fond that one tactic that works well in one country usually doesn't directly translate well into another.

  9. 13 hours ago, landskill said:

    I have done ok adapting something that i saw on training from the main game, i just cant remember where, and using it on touch. I just leave squad training on balanced but take over the Individual training. In the main game he has success putting every player on train position, not the the roll, and then selecting additional focus and player traits. So far i have seen my players like training and seen some attributes increase. The only time i have used player roll as a training focus is if the position given as player position isn’t the one i want to train. I have found once they become good in the position and play there enough the position changes and i switch them ion to that like the others. I set intensity to automatic in case it adjusts the work load accordingly. 

    I do put fitness early in preseason and sometimes when you get the monthly training report i look at the upcoming months fixtures and see if one aspect would help more, top team-easy fixtures i might train attacking, not sure if this helps. 

    Lastly i let the assistant set up mentor groups, then take over and look at the influential player in each group, sometimes i think there are better ones so i swap them. 

    No facts to back this up it just looked like it worked

    Yeah this is my advice, leave on general but for players with potential I do individual.

    From what I've seen I wouldn't recommend tasking AM with mentoring, I do that myself as they tend to just pick the older players as mentors without much consideration of the personalities they are passing on. Mentoring is only useful if you have a "significant" influential player (regardless of age) with a desirable personality on a group of young players who have balanced or undesirable personalities 

  10. I notice this but not domestically for me it’s always in the continental competitions. Always been like this in previous FMs too. I COULD just be down to injuries, lack of cover or the ride of counter pressing (which you need the right players for - not least high fatigue). Or could just be a bug/bad programming??

  11. On 21/05/2020 at 09:58, scwiffy said:

    FMT Assistant Manager Coaching

    Due to the fact FMT doesn't have any coaches and assistant manager taking charge or training, I always assumed it was very important in FMT to get an assistant manager with high coaching abilities, but on some old FMT thread I've read only you clubs rep and training facilities affect training effectiveness. Please can we get a penultimate answer on this?



  12. 3 hours ago, 99 said:

    But do you choose a totaly different starting XI every game? I also rotate but not that much. Maybe 3 or 4 different players each game, no more. So any given player can easily play, let's say, 3 games in a row and rest on the 4th. Or I choose to rest them in a Cup game, or in the league game immediately before an important Champions League match (or I play him the game before the CL match and rest him on the one right after, you get the idea). I don't even remember to repeat a starting XI, yet, my important players get enough minutes to not complain.

    I usually swap 7-6 players, it’s more about my high intensity tactic, meaning after 3-4 days they are only at 90% fitness, so I keep my best performers from the previous match and sub them out

    11 hours ago, Norfair said:

    Sign him as a star player. The second he arrives, change his status to whatever you want. They never complain about this provided you change it immediately on arrival. It's a bit buggy and exploitative, but I've used it to combat what I feel is an unrealistic scenario in the first place, with players far down the pecking order wanting star player status.

    To my knowledge this has worked every single time. Maybe their morale changes slightly, but they've never been vocal about it.

    Amazing! Thank you so much for this advice. I agree, it’s a bit buggy in the first place so I definitely won’t feel guilty about it

  13. 12 hours ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    If its not start player quality, and you're not going to treat him like one (pretty much playing him all the time) don't do it. It does matter, especially if you like to rotate your squad, you need to stay on top of telling him when he's being rested.

    Put it this way, im playing as Man United and there are only two players in my entire side who have star player status

    It’s really frustrating as he’s the perfect player for my squad - this is the only stumbling block.

    So it’s less about wages and effect on the rest of my squad? More about him kicking up a fuss if he’s not playing every week?

  14. Hi guys,

    I'm in a bit of a pickle. I've got to contract talks with a new signing, but he wants to be a "star player" when he's really not at that level (3* CA with 4* PA).  Does it really matter? Should I just go ahead anyway? He'll be player every other game (I rotate). It could be because I'm one of few club trying to sign him?

    From my last save I'm worried about the knock-on effects across the team asking for better contracts etc etc.

    Any advice on the subject would be amazing

  15. Yeah I see that a lot (positional retraining). As soon as I spot it i take control of that individuals training as training for a new/less familiar role takes up PA points.


    Last thing I found was that club rep and training facilties have the greatest impact for training in FMT but that was a long time ago, I started another thread here asking that exact question but no response

  16. There isn't much if any info about training in FMT

    I'm not sure if it ACTUALLY makes any difference but I usually take over training and focus on Defending or Attacking (depending on where the issue is) if my team take a slump in form, seems to make a difference but could just be coincidence/placebo.

  17. 17 minutes ago, giggety said:

    Almost completely void of any central area play in buildups, they always use triangles or diamonds on the flanks to move the ball forward. This is extremely hard to replicate fully on FM. 

    A central defender like Toloi, with 5 assists this season, is also very difficult to emulate, but with the right setup you can see him moving more forward and creating havoc.

    Another reason SI need to add a new role for wide CBs in a back 3. Its not only Sheffield doing it now

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