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Everything posted by Haiku

  1. Can you advise for a string to look at? Using Notepad++ I can search through infinite number of text files.
  2. I know it's a long shot, but is there a way to remove scout's text description about player's CA/PA from everywhere, including the tool tip that appears upon hovering the stars?
  3. Thank you! This skin is a game changer for me. Managed to replace the CA/PA star system with bars that are less predictable, because half stars and unknown potential (white stars) are ignored. bd209b03ed9d8f441902f6df296fc843.png (1920×988) (gyazo.com)
  4. Thank you all. I figured that out. It is the graphic content within 'fm-widgets\graphics\icons\custom\star rating' folder that should be altered.
  5. Hi, I found the graphics but apparently I don't know where to put the edited graphics to replace the default. Can you please help?
  6. I would like to change the default CA/PA stars graphics with something else to make the game more challenging. Any idea how to do it?
  7. Is there a way to remove attribute analysis polygon altogether or at least to make it unreadable if selected/shown somewhere? Is there a way to remove CA/PA stars along with scouts description about player's CA/PA? Thanks.
  8. Hi, I have not tried the skin yet, because I simply have no time for the game at the moment, but I was wondering if Attribute analysis can be changed so that the polygon becomes unpredictable as much as the color system? I mean if you compare two players despite not knowing the attributes you can clearly see who's better. I'm so used to the attributes polygon that I need a quick glance to spot the difference between good and not so good players. If that's not possible, perhaps remove it altogether? Thanks
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