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Posts posted by MIR17

  1. @tomlcfc - Never knew this until today, but Kasper Schmeichel should have Polish as a secondary nationality. Apparently his granddad (on his dad's side, so Peter Schmeichel's dad) was a Polish jazz musician who emigrated to Denmark.


  2. 2 hours ago, Pukey said:

    I think dark horse was the wrong term, but trying to play devil's advocate here, Italy haven't really been spoke about that much as potential winners. 

    Really? All I've heard the past week is how Italy are 27 games unbeaten and it's them and France I'm hearing everyone mentioning to win it.

    If anything Italy are getting overrated, they're being mentioned a lot more than Portugal or Belgium for example who both have better sides.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Baptista_8 said:

    Do we think Shaw is a shoe in at left back?

    Not a shoe-in, but I think he'll likely start.

    Tbf, the running joke about Chilwell at Leicester was that he's allergic to the cold as he'd always start and end a season really well, but then go missing over the winter months. He seemed to follow exactly that same pattern for Chelsea this season again as well. So he might actually be great in a summer tournament and the player to play! :p

  4. I've got the horrible sinking feeling that with all the attacking flair players who can control a football in the side, that Southgate will just still stubbornly revert to type and it'll be woefully out of form Sterling and Rashford out on the wings to run in behind and it will all be very one-dimensional. When they should be about England's 6th and 7th choice wingers right now.

  5. Wasn't sure where to put this as there's no international thread, but this seems the most relevant.

    But under the "Agreements" section, shouldn't there be "Common Travel Area" (CTA) of the national teams for:

    Northern Ireland
    Republic of Ireland

    Freedom of movement and freedom to work in the countries between the UK and Ireland long predates the EU (goes back to 1922) and will remain even if the UK has the hardest of Brexits, I know this is implemented in the game that Ireland counts as non-foreign after Brexit and players should be able to play in the different UK and Irish leagues with any UK and Irish nationality without any permit or visa. But shouldn't it appear on the Agreements page of these nations now that Brexit means the EU and EEC membership no longer grants exactly the same thing?

    See gov.uk website below

  6. @tomlcfc This video just got released which shows Tielemans and Praet speaking fluent French (presumably for some French broadcaster). I think Praet also only has good French listed, rather than fluent in his profile.

    Also according to this video, Mendy is Tielemans best friend at the club and Castagne is Praet's. So maybe they could go in each others favoured personnel too (as well as Tielemans and Praet in each other's which I said before :) )

    Also, Castagne only has good English, but I'd say he's probably fluent. Maybe the very occasional missed word, but he'd definitely be considered fluent and at least C1 if not C2 standards by CEFR guidelines.


  7. Shinji Okazaki's history from last season is a little messed up. I think they may have just missed the priority of the order of the teams he played for.

    Atm it's showing as a free transfer to Huesca, then a free transfer to Malaga and then another free transfer back to Huesca for this season.

    Whereas it was originally a free transfer to Malaga a 1st priority and then a free transfer to Huesca as 2nd priority last season. There should be no "Free" status for this season and he joined them last season.

  8. Hi @tomlcfc. Great work as always on the Leicester team.

    Just a couple of small things I've noticed.

    Dennis Praet only has good level English listed on his profile, but I think he should be fluent, see video below of him speaking pretty perfect English:

    Also, Praet and Tielemans should probably be on each other's favoured personnel list. There's been a few articles and interviews when they've said they're really close friends and have known each other for years back in Anderlecht


    Harvey Barnes and Hamza Choudhury should both have Leicester in their favoured clubs list, but neither currently does. Both are local players who've been at the squad since they were young kids.

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