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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. From what I understand, they’re fairly straightforward languages in terms of rules and tenses etc. Except Finnish, that’s in a world of its own (well it’s similar to Hungarian but I don’t understand that either)
  2. I don’t think I did terribly myself. Considering all my other language skill is in the romantics. Not yet learned any of the Nordics, which as I have vaguely Swedish heritage is… disappointing.
  3. Like most languages, I only really know bad words. And for Norwegian that’s one phrase. Jeg is I though. I guess meningen is meaning. So “I something something, but what is the meaning of it”?
  4. Yeah. But for some they love it. I have a mate who spends more time watching them than playing. I’ve never seen the attraction personally, if I have time to watch I have time to play. It’s not like it’s the only medium SI use either. It’s just one of the strings in their bow I guess. Like I said earlier, I don’t think the YouTube videos are forcing a delay to the Beta, I think the embargo lifting implies and imminent Beta.
  5. You take skins. I’ll have the rest thanks. I know that’s not the game, but I can’t survive without the others
  6. You lost me here to be honest. Otherwise I agree with you. The thread for the most part was great but last 2 days have taken a turn. Pleasure to have you along though. Questionable food choices aside. On the plus side. You don’t have to share your pizza, I don’t have to share my Greggs. That’s a win for everyone.
  7. Never had it. Sounds worth a go though. I also forgot feta and halloumi so don’t take it personally. And Shropshire blue, which is actually Scottish too. Love some of that
  8. It’s hard to pick a favourite so I’ll reel some off. Brie, Camembert, mozzarella, Gorgonzola, dolcelatte, st agur, port salut, smoked cheddar, Bavarian smoked, double Gloucester with onion and chive, Edam, Gouda, leerdammer, normal cheddar, Wensleydale, Red Leicester, blue Stilton, white Stilton, Caerphilly. That’s probably my top ones. Safe to say, if the button was made of cheese, I’d have eaten it
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