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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. Ironic isn’t it. Double Denim ≠ Success It did go crazy for a couple of hours so it’s not just you. Also, feel better soon brother. And I’ve not had any posts hidden…
  2. I can’t post GIFs anymore without getting mod approval Which is fair enough I guess after some of the antics (not mine) today
  3. It’s Today until it’s not Today. If it’s not Today, it’s tomorrow. That’s the mantra we live by here. Except on weekends. And Fridays.
  4. Speaking of right laughs, I’m at a Michael McIntyre show I booked in February and completely forgot about
  5. Or tomorrow, or next Tuesday or Wednesday. Well we’re only on page 13. Think of the uproar if they went now
  6. This was exactly my reaction but, to be fair, I know at least one guy that will use it.
  7. I would think that might be a bit jarring, imagine a team got off to a winning start, then sacked their manager. I would imagine Real World might start with Warnock, whereas Classic would start with Moore. But that’s just a guess
  8. Oh no no no. You misunderstand. They simply have to release it this week because they can’t release it at the weekend. It’s just science
  9. They won’t be working over weekends, and it needs to go through Sega and Steam, so very unlikely. They also don’t like to do Friday in case there’s a game breaking bug that they can’t fix until a Monday.
  10. Yeah, I agree. Some nice little touches on there to be fair. I really hope the fixture scheduling stuff makes a difference. I’d be on board with face paint if we could apply it to AI managers…
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