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Issue Comments posted by themodelcitizen

  1. On 07/03/2024 at 06:20, Kyle Brown said:

    This has now been resolved via a previous update, thank you for your patience.

    It looks like this is still an issue, or at least the fix was to put all the games at the top seed - which is still wrong, and is showing up as the Mexican team, which is doubly wrong. The MLS teams should host in all cases in the groups, and in the inter-MLS game, the higher seed should host

  2. Yeah they just got randomly picked in one of the groups and it happened to be the one in Mexico. The devs have at least got a group in Mexico, a group in Canada, etc, but the hosts don't get locked in there.

    The co-hosting thing might be making it harder, hopefully this is something they look at

  3. I also note:
    Marin FC 2000159307 2000220616 2000237817

    The first two could likely be combined (one is "lower leagues" - former NPSL? and one is USL2), while the third is an academy team (affiliation could be added).

    Philly have a dev squad in NPSL as well, it's in the game but no affiliation set.


  4. 58 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

    Close the editor if it is open
    Go to 
    C:\Users\YourComputer\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2024
    Delete the folder Caches and Preferences. Sometimes only Caches is needed.

    Restart the editor.
    You might have to change some settings back to your preferences.

    Ahh yeah I've found that and been able to reset the preferences (as evidenced by the wild screen resolution and folder paths)... still having the same issue, essentially if you try and alter the value on any entry (year, individual, team etc) it will pick another entry and alter that one instead, leaving the one you were actually trying to edit (and which was highlighted and showing up in the details panel).

    I remember this in previous versions but can't remember what the workaround was, if any. Has anyone else found a workaround? Immensely frustrating not being able to edit a single award history

  5. On 10/12/2023 at 19:12, RadicalMooseLamb said:

    I noticed this right away too. It would be fantastic to have teams playing matches correctly. You did a great breakdown on just how scrambled it really is.

    Don't worry, if the game was released without Premier League teams playing each other 2x each, I'm sure it would get the same reaction, right? Just something they couldn't get to over the past couple of seasons of it being raised and likely won't manage to now either

  6. Is it not because the Big House in Ann Arbor is the highest capacity stadium in the DB? Likely just set to stadium_0 or something. They should just give it a realistic list of semi-random rotating stadia, Gold Cup and Nations League stadium selection is deranged right now as a result of all the American football stadiums in the DB (that would never or extremely rarely be picked IRL)

  7. 3 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello thank you for flagging these to us.

    We do have both of these logged, however given the complicated nature of adding these to the game, we might not have the time or resources to included them in this cycle.

    It's achievable in group settings with a custom fixture plan. Yes it would take time, but isn't having teams play each other (roughly) the correct number of times not a pretty basic part of including a licensed MLS? ESPECIALLY now that fans are taking a close look at who they play every year in the Messi era?

  8. Implementing non-EU rules to non-EU countries is broken, the country's own domestics will be counted as non-EU (even if set as "non-EU" to themselves, included in a new "agreement" that is non-EU to themselves, etc). It appears to be contemplated that it should work, allowing custom stuff like Roy Race is envisioning or the old "1 extra Arab player" rule in Qatar or the OFC player slot in New Zealand, but is glitched

    Likely why they had to hard-code stuff like the extra Asian rule, extra Chinese diaspora, etc

  9. Here it is with a "youth cup" ("U19 Cup" in the advanced rules). I've taken the default US rules and simply added a cup to demonstrate - the group games should be occurring 1 day after another, but are forced into 2-day windows. Uploaded to the cloud:



    After that, there's a 3-day gap between the knockout fixtures, which are supposed to occur in subsequent days. You'd suspect this may be down to the whole schedule being thrown off by the group delay, but I've seen it elsewhere even when it starts on time.

    @Zachary Whyte @Wolf_pd

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