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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. That's exactly what I've done! It's ready to go, lots of detailed changes reflecting how the Republic might actually absorb N.I. (taking the best of both worlds). Jersey has a coefficient, they just don't send any teams to Europe because there's no league (yet). European competitions run fine without them. By dual nationality I just meant "England" and "Jersey", right now the city "Jersey" is in the nation of Jersey and the English region South East (I know we usually do the opposite, but this seems to be working even better). Really I should test with an English lower league DB (or just put Jersey Bulls in League 2 for a test) and confirm that Jersey Bulls' regens every year are dual. There would be advantages to making the nation something like the wider "Crown Dependencies" or "Channel Islands," but the national team wouldn't make any sense. As for Brexit, Jersey (on N.I.'s unique ID now) will be treated how N.I. was - i.e., brought along for the ride. I know there was early coding done in like 2017 that had the random option of Scotland or Northern Ireland leaving the Union but I don't think they ever went through with that.
  2. That was really annoying from an editing perspective, I think there were other ways they could have shown their support rather than hard-coding something like that out of the blue. I know editor databases aren't technically "supported" but the fact it broke so many shows that it was a bit of a rush job
  3. Have you played around with trying an invited team? They didn't do it at the 2016 joint Copa, but that was only 16 teams. Plus, they've invited teams in the past. You could get 1 or 2 "random team from team pool" from, say, Australia, Japan, China, Qatar etc (all invited in the past). Maybe their U-23 team if the seniors are already booked that month. It would be cool if you could get any upcoming Asian-based World Cup host like they did with Qatar It's a bit odd, but is a nice touch and helps prevent bloodbaths like Brazil vs. Saint Kitts.
  4. I wonder if it might be worth adding ANOTHER country to see what would happen? I know it's a lot of work, but even just a skeleton of a country in UEFA at first to see if they also join FIFA/UEFA qualifiers. Then if there's a "not enough teams" issue being caused by Russia's exclusion, they'll fill the slot. If it works just quickly make them Jersey or something
  5. Fixed the First Division scheduling issue that was coming up, and cup seedings actually work better than in the OG game now. Try playing with Coleraine, they qualified for Europe in their last Northern Irish season, so you can try to earn promotion in the first season while balancing the UEFA Conference League
  6. This has been released, testers are needed before any FM23 conversion. To expand on the new OP, I've made a 14-team division like the Kieran Lucid plan in 2019 (alternate download just adds the proposed prize money), playing April to January 1 (Ulster keeps its Boxing Day games). U19s are also now fully integrated. Jersey look fine (albeit hopelessly outmatched) in international football. There's no league or Muratti Vase (yet) - just the English league team Jersey Bulls. Let me know if you see anything that needs attention. There looks to be some hard-coding where Jersey (formerly NI) uses some Irish regens who have dual nationality, not sure if we can fix that.
  7. EDIT: I believe you can use extinct nations that aren't actually set to any cities if you just want a "Basque" style aesthetic nationality (although it might play friendlies with uncapped players, which is cool). I did it with Quebec by using Saint Pierre, who are not extinct but just non-FIFA. For what you're describing, IIRC you'd make a new region, Channel Islands, and set that under the new nation (also Channel Islands). The cities of Jersey and Guernsey would be set to "nation" England but "region" Channel Islands. Then they'd have that dual nationality (which you could manually add to Le Saux, Le Tiss etc). However I'm leaning towards swapping N.Ireland wholesale into one of the more distinct FAs (Mann, Jersey etc) just because they do operate so distinctly, and Jersey are a semi-realistic UEFA and FIFA candidate (at least in their own wishful thinking). The hard-coding for GB Olympic Team and Brexit etc should operate the exact same, I believe footballing-wise there's no distinction between Channel Islanders and Norn Iron in both pre- and post-Brexit worlds?
  8. Great thoughts, this is why I posted this. @Jorgen so you're thinking the Channel Islands would have their own national team and league structure? I really like the idea, I might lean towards using Jersey itself, I believe they applied to UEFA before. @nasaiain your method sounds similar. With the advanced editor now we can actually replicate Jersey's league, hopefully they have a bunch of teams already in the game (or that someone has already built a Jersey league db). And then just changing Jersey FC's nationality like Cardiff playing in England
  9. Ceud Mile Failte! This DOWNLOAD (or the alternate version with FANTASY PRIZE MONEY) and GRAPHICS unify the Emerald Isle in a 14-team top division, subsuming all of Northern Ireland into the Republic. Erstwhile UEFA applicants Jersey take the extra place in international football (load all players with Jerseyman nationality! There aren't many). Please let me know if you see any issues - I've tested several years and international and club continental comps are working fine. Screenshots: Here's the original OP when this was just a work in progress:
  10. I guess the main drawback to that tried-and-tested method is that the game won't instantly recognize that Croatia Berlin vs. Hertha Berlin is a city derby, say, or that a Croatia Berlin academy product who later plays for Hertha should be recognized as playing for his hometown (think of that one press conference question), as the two "cities" each have their own unique ID. Otherwise it should work, visually, the exact same way. If there's a better method I have yet to encounter it
  11. Added, thanks @Gum and @besantanag for the notes. Good point about logging the bugs, meh, they know where to find us. As for any other suggestions, keep 'em comin' folks!
  12. OK, done, excellent work @willz71172. If you load all players based in Germany and Sweden, you'll have an increased player pool for west Asian countries like Lebanon and Iraq. Will make playing in tournaments like the Arab Cup and Gulf Cup fun - watch this space, I'm working on converting my old FM18 tournaments over.
  13. No problem, these issues can be kind of fun to try and troubleshoot. I guess there's no option for just minimum 2 domestic players (instead of "homegrown") or anything like that? I agree that your compromise is the best solution available so far.
  14. I'll work on this next week when I'm back home. Thanks for the research! This looks great.
  15. DIASPORA 2022 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD New for FM22.4, this adds missing second nationalities to a lot of players and staff. For uncapped players, this adds to their national team options (mirroring real life), and increases the player pool for teams like Jamaica. To let smaller sides like Barbados, Martinique, and Suriname really take advantage, you should load all players based in England, France, and/or the Netherlands. This will never be fully complete, obviously, but let me know if you see someone I'm missing, this can be a regularly updated project. Compatible with the Québec plays friendlies add-on.
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