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Everything posted by 3maldini3

  1. I think my best save ever was Catanzaro back in 2005 or 2004. Giorgio Corona wouldn’t stop scoring there.
  2. Atalanta is a usual for me every year. Napoli for sure this year.
  3. Nooooo. Nobody really goes there. Like I know SI people do, but I was hoping for more people to have an opinion here.
  4. Isn't it time for FM to try and switch for DB that updates more often than twice a year? I mean researchers work on remote anyway so why not having an online DB that updates via Steam?
  5. Anyone had any success with that? what roles did you have your wide players on?
  6. Playing since July with the same tactic, how come the familiarity is so low? I am in the end of January.
  7. I was always curios to know what's happening with projects like this one. @shaunvamosdon't you feel it becomes a bit 'robotic'? Like I understand the idea of keeping the same concept, aren't you getting used to the same thing?
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