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Nottingham Forest

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Posts posted by Nottingham Forest

  1. So time for a new idea from the head of LLR.

    Desafio Dez Partidas

    Basically I was looking around for something I could get interested in, and I thought some short challenges that I could run over an afternoon or so, and I thought I could come up with a series of short challenges. Only problem is there are a lot of these out there, but I also notice that they seem to have a few people commenting that when it gets up to 1 season or more they don't have time alongside their other challenges, so I am looking at a series of short challenges that would be no more than half a season long. Usually the challenge will start in the middle of the season and finish by you aiming to get to a certain position, but sometimes they will involve cup competitions or European Forays as well. I have a few ideas for challenges that I will start with, but I wanted to check that there was interest in these challenges if I started to post them.

    Biscotti's challenge is good. Unless you're on about you creating one. If so do it :).

  2. Commentary = yes

    Me as manager = I think so

    Comments = yes (this could be the fun part)

    RE: comments - some ideas:

    - You'd have to decide how your player would comment - you could release some kind of media statement, you could 'Tweet' your comment or you could be professional and request a 'PM' meeting with me which I could then summarise in the updates.

    EDIT: Has there ever been a CSE United?

    I don't think there has? I asked that a few months back. Canvey told me whether there was or not but I can't remember what he said :(.

  3. I've been sitting on an idea for a sign-up for a while now, I've put a decent amount of thought into it and decided that it could work.

    Basically it's a fighting/boxing/MMA based sign-up - I'm leaning towards MMA because it'll allow for more variety in the reports and I know more about MMA than boxing. Without going into too much detail, the weight classes are replaced by positions so defenders only fighting defenders etc Fight Nights would take place once every week in real time and would consist of "fights" all taking place on the same matchday in game with the fights themselves being stats compared over that one in game matchday, so Fighter A's stats from his game against Chelsea are compared to Figher B's stats in his game against Arsenal.

    The nature of this sign-up means it's going to be a fairly interactive one for those involved, if events are to be held weekly then I need active users who are online regularly and can be relied upon to reply to me if and when I need them to. This is the reason I'm hesitant to begin the sign-up, in my experience there are always a few people who never post again past the sign-up stage or only post once or twice every few weeks, which I'm sure is all some people have time for but could potentially harm the smooth running I'm envisaging for this sign-up. Ideally I'd like 32 people signed up for this, but 32 people I know are going to participate and see it through. So if you're still reading and think you sound like the sort of person I'm after drop me a PM just saying you're interested and we'll see how we get on, if I can't get 32 people this way then I'll look at reducing the numbers or tweaking it slightly.

    Quite a lot there for what was meant to be a brief post but if I do this I want it be done properly. Any questions? :D

    I'd be interested mate. Sounds really good :thup:.

  4. After looking on steam at the achievements, would people participate in a FM11 achievements challenge? Goal is to complete all the achievements in the shortest amount of time in one career save, and you have to give proof...

    For the full list, click here, since I don't want to retype all that...

    Obviously, you probably need to play a career game to complete all of them.

    I would be interested in that. Can we start or do it with any team?

  5. I don't know how popular it would be, but I have an idea for a challenge that could be completed alongside any of the Small to Big Club Challenges, but also on its own.

    International Diversity Challenge

    The first and probably easiest form of this challenge is as simple as winning your FA Cup (or Equivalent) & Champions League Finals with Starting XI compiled of players from eleven different nations. The other challenges within it each being a step up from the below would be:

    A) A Starting XI with one player from each of the top 11 nations in the world rankings at the time of the Champions League Final.

    B) A Starting XI with players from eleven different nations all outside the top 20.

    C) An entire squad Starting XI + 7 Reserves, with one player from each of the top 18 nations.

    D) An entire squad Starting XI + 7 Reserves, with players from eighteen different nations all outside the top 20.

    This could be an entertaining side piece to a game you are already playing, or it could even be a new game starting with a club that already has lots of money.

    Nice idea and I would try it. But I guess it would be the first to complete all.

  6. I have an interesting challenging idea (yea another one lol), but I need to get some info first.

    We all know that Red Bull are really investing into sports these days, including football, so here's are all their teams:

    • Red Bull Brasil (Brazil)
    • Red Bull New York (MLS)
    • RB Leipzig (Germany)
    • FC Red Bull Salzburg (Austria)

    I also know these corporations are into their football clubs:

    • VfL Wolfsburg (Volkswagon)
    • Vauxhall Motors (Vauxhall Motors)

    The question I'm asking is there any other corporations that are heavily invested in football teams? And preferably, more than one like Red Bull?

    Bayer Leverkusen. They are owned by the medicine company hence Bayer. Im sure thats what my German teacher told me a few years back and he lived in germany for many years.

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