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Everything posted by DarkXess

  1. @stevemc lol me again, mind sharing your file please mate?
  2. Where exactly does this go mate? skin/panels/match ?
  3. Here you go, I already did it, just see the parts that I have added under <!--MyEdit--> and then change it to what color you like fm-widgets settings.xml
  4. The code I have is set to this: <widget class="picture" file="pictures/stadiums/stadium_bg" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre" colour="grey"/> Mind sharing exactly what yours is set to then please?
  5. Doesn't wanna work for me, it's looking like this (attached). I have tried numerous ways to change it but still nothing. Thought it was the image directory location, played around with it and still nothing. @stevemcI believe this is your stadium pack I am using, they are all in (country folders) could this be the problem? I have tried the following for locations, my images are located in (graphics/pictures/stadiums) pictures/stadiums pictures/stadiums/stadium_bg graphics/pictures/stadiums/stadium_bg graphics/pictures/stadiums
  6. No worries, sorted it, I noticed in the post by @statomatic7his had a space and my file I got from that original thread didn't, that was the problem Edit: just a question, where do the stadium images go? in the skin directory or the main documents graphics directory?
  7. This is unfortantly not working for me using the base transparency skin. Nothing comes up at all, I added (attached config) to my skin/panels/match/ Something I am missing? fixturedetails.xml
  8. It's worth it though, once you get to that sweet spot and start playing you will put many hours into the game from exactly the way you like it.
  9. Everyone I tried had no interest so I gave up for now until the editor at least comes out and either myself or someone can fix it. I even tried unemployed and really low rating staff but NONE were interested lol
  10. Missed this part, lol... easy solution indeed
  11. Here you go mate, I added <!--MyEdit--> on the edits I made, I don't know if you already got the file now as @statomatic7shared it too, not sure if that is the one I gave him fm-widgets settings.xml
  12. I understand its the fault of Ajax, but why can fake staff not be added? Ajax can't complain about that as they own nothing to do with fake generated names. Until the editor is out and someone fixes it, you cant really play as Ajax right now, you literally add staff at such an early period and you have to painfully manage ALL 3 teams main, jong, and u18s, its really frustrating.
  13. No worries, I changed a LOT and finally found it
  14. So what about if it is (cyan 200), I can change that to an RGB value? I already changed these and nothing happened. Not even sure if I am editing the right place, (fm-widgets settings) in the settings folder right?
  15. Yea, I have that mate, you mean the file inside (settings) called (fm-widgets settings.xml) its the only one I can find with so many settings inside of it. I also found this for 1 example: <colour name="fg accent" value="rgb(106,217,225)"/> That RBG code is for the Cyan, but I changed it and nothing happened. Also that 1 RGB code is the only one for Cyan, only others I found were like this: <colour name="fg cyan lighter" value="cyan 200" /> <colour name="fg cyan" value="cyan 300" /> <colour name="fg cyan darker" value="cyan 400" /> And I changed the (cyan 200) for example to an RGB color but didn't work, so I am lost how to change it now lol.
  16. Hey, as the title suggests I want to change the new FM23 color from cyan (as shown in attached image) to another, I have looked everywhere in the baseskin but unable to find the part I am wanting to change. TIA
  17. I also have a question, how can I change the (FM23) color scheme from that horid cyan color to an RGB format such as "rgb(220,20,60)". Changing something like "cyan 300" to "rgb(220,20,60)" doesn't work. TIA
  18. Hey, just wanna share my edit, if you dont like the progessbar (training) etc at the top of the screen and want a more minimul one then this is for you, images attached show (before) and (after). Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v3dfqmetann5obc/panels.zip/file This is from an FM22 edit hence the purple color on the (Statistics) bar, you can change that in the config (game processing panel -> line 70)
  19. This is stupid, there is no staff at all even fake ones, and trying to employ staff on a new game is near impossible. (im doing an Ajax save too)
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