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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Understandable. Can be worth the time checking those files, if only for the changes that have been made by Dave to the Saudi clubs, competitions and nations.
  2. Moved outside download section. No download and since it was in the FM23 section, it will be much more visible here.
  3. Change their reputation and the reputation of the Saudi competition. Another tip would be to check the last file Daveincid created for FM23. I think the Saudi changes were already included there.
  4. Post moved to main editors forum (reason: no download in post)
  5. Can you check the lower left corner for the filter? If it is checked, uncheck it.
  6. That's because the Latvian nation triggers Latvian named newgens. No way around, except for flooding your country with your namebase of choice and then see a few of those Latvian in between (greyed out players will always have Latvian names).
  7. Best to verify the files on Steam to see if anything got corrupted or something the like. Also, I have moved this thread to the main page as it is much less visible in the download threads.
  8. Agreed. It's personal preference, but feedback on the subject does help streamline the though process.
  9. Odd. I did the same with files from FM22 and I have no issues. Did you convert back to basic rules? That does help.
  10. Almost 4000 hours on the Iron Curtain and the Historical Divergence. Probably about 3500 for the Iron Curtain and Historical Divergence will easily 10000 hours.
  11. That's what setting the lower levels so hard. At one moment there isn't much possibility to differentiate in the player data. Having played a few preseason games at the 10th (back then) level in the Netherlands, it was pretty dire, and playing a ninth level team took some effort.
  12. I already finished the first nation. Obviously the smaller ones, but also Switzerland which has more foreign players than I expected. Biggest bulk is Spain, then Italy, England and Germany. Noone will be surprised about those. Soviet Union is bigger as well, but that's moving out all foreigners and a combination of 16 countries of course. I will probably continue moving players this week and start with Czechoslovakia in the weekend, but I have to see how I like being back at work after three weeks anyway
  13. Or more likely, it is about the in game editor and while this is editing hideaway, our main focus is on the pre game editor. It helps to be specific.
  14. That's maybe a bit too harsh But I agree that it is better to share the specific edit that apparently isn't working than to say the editor is broken and SI need to fix it asap.
  15. First cleanup has brought back the 10000 foreign players to 5500 foreign players. Tomorrow I expect to finish several of the nations with little to no foreign players left. The list will be shorter than I expected, so that's a plus. Also some checking for duplicates is needed where players have the same Nation and Second Nation, but that's easy to query. Not bad for a month of data work, despite some of the obstacles both physical and private.
  16. I see no issue in my editor when doing this. I raised my transfer budget from 12K to 12M.
  17. Managed to bring back Italy to already 264 foreigners left and Portugal to 206 foreigners left. Things go a bit slower than expected and hoped, but I am working on the really big ones right now and depending on how fast that goes things should speed up later. Austria is in the works and then Switzerland is next. With some luck I might get some work in on Germany tonight, but plans for the weekend so it's an early bed.
  18. After finishing up Italian data last night for the Iron Curtain I have a good overview on about 40% of the person database I think. Italian data is about 10% of that btw… And with Yugoslav and Soviet data you are on to 20% already. Looking at the data I am seeing some trouble for this project. And no, it’s not size. The issue is more about immigration. I picked Finland and The Netherlands on purpose. The Netherlands as it has a mix of immigrants and colonial history that makes for a varied palette of people that have the Dutch nationality or second nationality. I picked Finland as its name base is quite specific, so easier to check. Helps that I have some interest in the country and have travelled there up into the North Pole circle. It’s cold there in May… Looking at the European nations, cultural boundaries (which for my purpose usually end up in language and name based boundaries) are easy to set. In Asia this is less easy in the west and becomes easier going eastwards. Africa is a different story, but colonial language (English, French, Portuguese, etc)and local naming customs help to differentiate, but then you come to the nations that these days contain mostly immigrants, which comes down to pretty much the whole of the Americas (except for the Caribbean), Australia and New Zealand. There are two ways to go about, honour the history and leave it as is, pick a ‘goal’ and clean up everything that is different (which in my case just means those people get a different nationality) or pick a solution in between, which would mean picking a base language/culture and adjust the different ones to a certain extent. This would lead to new made up (but close to realistic) naming conventions for instance. These are the good thoughts about the project btw, because it appeals to creativity. I have over 700 hours in the editor since release (count out how many hours a day on average that is ) and sometimes things are just dull data editing. These culture and language things are more interesting.
  19. Didn’t post last night, because I was pretty worn out of it, but with Italy finished, all nationality checks are done. Today it is cleaning up and doing a final check on foreign player numbers and then it’s player movement time. I did a first check already last night and there are about 10000 foreign players for the European and Chinese and Hong Kong competition left. Sounds bad, but considering I started off in FM22 with 37000, much of the work already has been done. Also, this does not take into account that nations allow foreigners, so from 10000 to 0 is not the goal. Not entirely sure how much there are allowed in total, but guess 2000-2500 is the goal. After cleanup today, I hope to be at 9000 already. And then it is well deserved weekend to prepare for work on Monday.
  20. They can't be activated. Probably only way to activate those is when being in SI offices.
  21. It can be uninstalled. It's just that we don't get the question regularly, so I was wondering what the reason was behind it. In Steam there is an option to check the properties of any games you have and you can uninstall DLC there. There should be the same thing for the Epic store as well.
  22. Somewhat disappointed that I thought up another method to speed up editing when I have only France and Italy to check but since both are massive, that would mean the work is brought to one day. Just a few more days remaining with my holiday and then it is back to work
  23. You posted the thread in the download section, but it doesn't contain a download.
  24. Working on the big blocks of nationality checks, Portugal, England, France and Italy. Luckily the weather isn’t that great.
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