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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Just one advice then. If you decide to start deleting data. Make a separate file for players (there are 600K of them) and delete per nation. If needed use one file per bunch of nations (Italy will be one file, there about 60K of Italians in the database) Make sure whenever you delete largest amounts of data, to NOT save. You will thank me later. If you want to delete nations, you can do so by removing the continent, but.... important warning, nations cannot be deleted without removing them from their respective international competitions. So....., remove or rebuild international competitions first* * With regard to deleting nations. What you can do, and what I have done for previous large projects is deleting all international competitions. Saved that into a separate "delete" file. After that, whenever I would rebuild a competition (in another file), I would undo the delete of the competition in the delete-file. Works quite handy.
  2. I moved it and made a minor change to the title. This way you can update this thread and add a new version with date to the thread whenever you want.
  3. It's possible. You can pretty remove every country if needed. I mean, I rebuild Soviet Union and needed to remove 14 countries for that. You will have to delete a lot though....
  4. Maybe an idea to create a download thread and put all your updates in there every X weeks, or month you make an update?
  5. That should not be ticked by default, so I think it must have happened accidental. It sometimes happens to me, even though I am not aware I did.
  6. If you are looking for inspiration https://www.youtube.com/@FootyLeaguesAroundtheWorld/videos
  7. @Stargazer5991 can you please check the bottom left corner. It should say Filtre (based on your French language choice). If you click that you will see Champs actifs uniquement with or without a Checkmark in front of it. If there is a checkmark, UNCHECK it. That should solve your issue.
  8. I have loaded your file into the editor, verified the rules in Basic Rules (this is how the file loads) and then loaded it in game. No problem with double teams. The file works effortlessly.
  9. Hi, can you please check the Filter in the left bottom? It will probably have a check in front of Active Fields. If it does, uncheck it.
  10. Hi, did you set transfer rules for foreign players here?
  11. What you are asking here is more of a request than a bug, so would be better off there.
  12. Bit late to the party, but would advise to ask your question here https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/forum/26-editors-hideaway/
  13. Only for rules applying to level 0-4. And yes, this is under the advanced rules, transfer menu and then transfer windows.
  14. In the first season those teams are set so the game picks up the correct teams. Removing them will make the game pick the teams. It is better to keep those teams, or in case you want other teams, to change the Registered Teams according to your wishes.
  15. This happens in line with transfer regulations in the MLS.
  16. Considering that FM now has three different modes that work transfers and contracts in game, it is likely that the game has been changed on this part and you are seeing one of the new modes in action. This is not editor related, but game related and likely intended behaviour.
  17. There are German files around going down to that level. Only thing you need is check Braunschweig II is in the active leagues. So time, is google/forum time Effort, maybe replace a team (about 10 minutes) Game performance, going deeper into a league with more subdivisions will cost you performance.
  18. I think it came up before that people mentioned issues with it. Need to see if I can find that thread. Also have to check my own files, have been ruining tests, so should be able to see if there is anything going on.
  19. This really. 0 is random and is probably taking partly reputation into account, but will also depend on the nation. 1 is exactly that, 1, but pretty much means a budget of zero. -1 shouldn't happen, but could be something from previous FMs and never adjusted.
  20. How much data percentage wise do you need to remove? Can you easily see what should be removed?
  21. Looking at the screenshot. You have one promotion place and two teams get promoted. Where is that second team coming from?
  22. You also have to check the competition rules if B teams are allowed at all.
  23. Are you managing Brazil by any chance? Because that's one of the few teams where I have seen that problem. Other than that, what Appy and RR9 have said.
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