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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Hmm, could this one in one of the XMLs hidden?
  2. Maybe editors can make an update, but don't count on an offical release.
  3. Will have a look at the injury list and see if I come up with more.
  4. I like your attention to this kind of injury detail. One you might want to consider it that some bad knee injuries are less likely, because play is slower, but things like sprains and such are more common because the playing surface wasn't as meticulously maintained.
  5. Excited to do my groceries when the Dutch team plays. So much more quiet
  6. Copy-paste it in the field where you type your text and you should be good.
  7. Adding your file will be easiest. There are some things where it could go wrong, but without a file it is hard to pinpoint Btw, on this thing What is the link? Anything that can help me edit my history is very usefull.
  8. So you might wonder, which Soviet teamname is most commong. Spartak, (C)SKA, Lokomotiv, Dynamo/Dinamo or something else. Turns out that the Soviets like their control and the Dynamo/Dinamo teamname is most common, but the second one was a bit of a surprise as it was Kolos.which usually only plays in rather rural areas. So that also explains why there is just one Kolos team of a decent level (reputation: 4750 and playing at second level), while there are more than enough Dinamo/Dynamo/Dünamo's in big cities.
  9. The funky rules usually have some hardcoding in them (MLS is a good example), so you are probably right thinking it is hardcoded.
  10. Regionalize groups will only look at city coordinates and decide on the best grouping. There is no East-West grouping in that list, neither is one hidden under another description.
  11. Data checks for Russia are complete. Next up some general checks and some Soviet Union checks. There are few big checks on the lists, but hope to get a lot done as next week is my last week before I have three weeks off work. Those three weeks will also mean I am less online (so behave yourself on the forum ) and editing speed will be lower.
  12. Good luck, both with the list above and the negotations with the boss
  13. Not sure why he takes Bergwijn as well. Or it must have been the one hattrick against Heracles.
  14. Russia has started. 83 local regions to do, because I am doing this per local region.....
  15. Start with the top 2 division at most. That's best for having them have reasonable OK promotion and relegation. Other than that I can't say much about projects like these
  16. Another option would be to manually edit the club information in the XML for the player's contract, but that's very error prone unless you live and breath XML (I work with them daily and still don't do it to that level).
  17. Almost finished Ukraine today, just 3 oblasts left to check which I will finish tomorrow after work. Then it's Russia time and that's going to take a few days.
  18. Just 70 of 390 items to check. 3 items for Kazakhstan and the rest is for Crimea, Ukraine, Russia and Soviet Union. Hopefully tomorrow I have finished Kazakhstan, Crimea and maybe one of Russia and Ukraine. Could have been worse.
  19. France winner, England out in QF against Spain.
  20. No idea when that happens. Might be useful to run a test and check after each round?
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