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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. I am probably going to work with overlapping regions which should make the issue less of a problem, but I am aware that this headache exists.
  2. There are teams who work like this and merge files. It depends a bit on what you are doing. Data edits, can be done, but you need to have a 'master file' and add 'delta files' to it every time. If you use two master files and try to merge them, I think that you end up with two (the same) changes on an item. But maybe I am misunderstanding, so if you could elaborate a bit, please do so.
  3. Out of curiosity, a small poll (I can't add one to the thread), where are you from if you want to disclose that? Nation only, no city or more asked. I have seen people from The Netherlands, France, Portugal, Austria, Australia, Norway and the UK (you are allowed to specify that ) in the thread so far. Curious who else are in here.
  4. People, a request and also asking this as a common courtesy, if you are going to change someone's file and you run into issues, please use the file creator's thread for questions. Most editors don't mind and will gladly answer your question. Several good reasons for this: The creator will likely have more insight into the file than other people. It makes people aware whose original file it is you are editing and it is a friendly way of acknowledging the creator and letting other people know the file is usefull and is being used.
  5. For the Iron Curtain for Austria, no, but that's because West Germany got a rebuild, while Austria will remain the same. Austria in the historical divergence sense though, well, they have quite a bit of teams, so there is more than enough opportunity for going much deeper than FM does right now.
  6. Going from Level 1 Germany, Level 2 Oberliga Nord, Level 3 Verbandsliga Niedersachsen, Level 4 Landesliga Niedersachsen Ost, Level 5 Bezirksliga Hannover, Level 6 Kreisliga Hannover. If your local region is Niedersachsen, it means that you still need to check for each team/city, where it is placed in the regional divisions for level 4, 5 and 6. That’s quite a bit of work (which I noticed again when working on West Germany this weekend). Looking it up for each team via Wikipedia isn’t possible, so you need to make a map, combine teams, a lot of admin. Instead of you do it via level 6, the Kreislevel Wikipedia will tell you exactly where you are and going levels up is pretty easy to find.
  7. Moved out of the download section (no download included)
  8. That might be, but in general clubs won't want to see that, whatever players like or not.
  9. It's possible to do this in the pre-game editor, so the option is already there.
  10. While realistic, the issue I see with this suggestion is that teams don't like to be shown like this in the game. This is for instance why certain things only happen to newgens and not with real players.
  11. More to the level that Austria has. It worked with the Länder like Tirol and Innsbruck, but the current setup has Kreisen. I am working through the regional divisions for West Germany and while the research is done well, rechecking them in FM24 with the new teams is a bit of a hassle.
  12. Limiting the amount of transfers does not entirely work, but question is whether I have set things up correctly.
  13. While editing West Germany for the Iron Curtain I was thinking on how I can make things easier for me. It does mean rethinking my local regions.
  14. Decided to concentrate on West Germany as Yugoslavia testing did throw up some unexpected errors. Might have been me, but with the rather short week I want to have some progress.
  15. I have put Poland aside and am working on Yugoslavia a bit. Things are progressing a bit slower with work in the way (why do I have a job?! Oh yes, I know again....) and having a short week next week with a festival. First up is some testing on re-using competitions from the other ex-Yugoslav nations. But maybe I will do some West German data in between to mix it up a bit.
  16. 24.3 is the correct database See the final lines in the post https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/584890-football-manager-2024-final-data-update-out-now/
  17. I did it with a 23.0 file and could load it without even having to do anything to the file. But this will work as well.
  18. You should be able to find them under the Fixture Rules. Look through the long miscellaneous list
  19. Odd. This should work. Tust tested this out for a few of my own files just now. Any setting where your editor is looking at the cloud instead of local?
  20. Probably a site setting. I will check with the admins.
  21. Currently, limiting amount of transfer allowed per transfer window no foreigners (I know the effect from Eastern European teams, but English teams are bigger so different test) Max wage per player Max wage per team Max amount of contract years set to 1
  22. You might want to download the Daveincid files to study them as they have a different balance than the default game and can give you ideas for that.
  23. Each editor looks for their own game data. Unless there is a setting somewhere, I don't think it is possible.
  24. 1. Yes 2. The game does not only use the unique ID, but also adds another ID to the player. Could be a hassle though if you add player faces though.
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