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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. The player was banned in real life for using a banned substance, so the two year ban is corect. However, you should have not been able to add the player in the matchsquad in the game, because of said ban. Edit; recently he has been banned for an additional 2 years.
  2. Yes, test confirmed as such. Looking into what would need to change right now, but might be something for Historical Divergence which is perfectly OK (my world, my rules), but not work for default FM.
  3. Already in a test right now. Second teams might throw a spanner.
  4. Did a run today and the results are glorious. I checked my file because I was certain I set more restrictions, but just the waiving already says goodbye to English success in Europe. Impressive. Next up Italy, Germany and Spain with the same And probably France and Portugal will follow.
  5. Rather please upload here instead of sending it via PM.
  6. Seems that I have a solution for the Chelseas of this world
  7. My test was just to see what happened with the releases, but I will check my save a bit more This was with the file I uploaded?
  8. England Fun Test.fmf Is this the correct application for the release or did I miss something? I noticed one team not having to release. Edit: Only Premier League has been edited.
  9. I should be able to create a position in Historical Divergence for the Independent Football Regulator. Let's start with you overseeing English football first and then slowly branch out.
  10. @Roy Race 9 the Premier League will like you
  11. The English Premier League in the Historical Divergence thanks you
  12. I don't think they were released in FM23, or did you have that working there? We discussed this one and came to the conclusion it didn't work.
  13. Then I am afraid I can't help you. Seems something is either corrupt or missing, but when the verification process doesn't pick that up I am out of ideas.
  14. That's interesting, but unexpected. The signing of the 24 year old can probably be explained by the age check date in the English Nation side under the Advanced Rules. I expecting that to be January 1st, so then the player would still have been counted by the game as 23, even though in the new season that doesn't count.
  15. Have seen the filesize differ slightly, so that's not an issue per se. But I would say the comp file isn't the issue when you are missing essential data. Have you tried verifying your files via Steam? That might help.
  16. This is merely opinion from my side (I unfortunately do not have any inside information), but my educated guess is that @Luke Cro is closest to the mark when saying loading FM24 into FM25 might have issues.I am expecting an editor. The reason is that a new graphics engine doesn't make a difference for the files that the editor needs. This also makes it less likely that the person involved with the editor is needed to work on the graphics side of things (one person can't do everything). On the note of refunds, if I could refund the game and keep the editor, that would keep me occupied for a while
  17. No issue with the tournament, but the red star has been decommissioned for a long time. Not even sure if Russia uses the red star anymore. Maybe (probably) only the red army does as the symbol started to be used that at first as well.
  18. Well, the question is whether your game is installed correctly. So, is it? Because there are not much reasons why the editor doesn’t mesh with the game well.
  19. You seem to miss a few fields. Check if the filter left below is checked, if so, uncheck.
  20. You said you found the version you needed and you are asking if you can use a different version?
  21. If you have the game, you should be able to find the resource archiver, as @rmpMarko says under the tools section.
  22. Good question. Looking at it, my biggest doubt is how the women football world will be integrated. The nation currently as the men football nation means that nations, cities, local regions will change, so that's a nice one. Could set me back in a few projects as well.
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