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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. I am a software guy and not a hardware guy really. One advice from my side would be, don't set the specs based on the editor. I have about 15K in editor hours and even with my last rig the editor wasn't the deciding factor. It was a different game that made me pick my specs and the editor just profited. Apart from that, the link that \'Appy \'Ammer provded is the one to follow.
  2. My work laptop and gaming desktop are on the same desk. The worklaptop just has less room than it want it Also, just 14 hours....?
  3. Yeah, that's an issue to get that aligned. First thought is random glitch. Have had those several times through the years and never able to replicate, but the issue you describe is something that sounds familiar. I have looked through the bugs, but wasn't able to drag something up that looked like.
  4. Ok, call me surprised and intrigued. Could you list your files so I can do a comparable test? In PM is ok too if that’s easier.
  5. Which competition/nation are you playing? Could have to do with edited files, but it's an odd one. I think there might have been a bug for that, but not sure though.
  6. Check at the competition level as well. There 2-3 places where you need to edit this.
  7. You need move the end date of the main league to mid April, end April. Otherwise you don't have enough time. This is a common issue popping up when adding playoffs btw.
  8. TL;DR How the Great Powers made Europe great again Chapter 1 - The Congress of Vienna and the fallout of the Napoleonic Wars In 1814, the Congress of Vienna was not just meant to clean up the mess Napoleon had left behind. It was meant to ensure that large scale conflicts like the Napoleonic Wars would not occur in the future. The idea was that with the four, later five, Great Powers in agreement, it would stop wars before they took place or keep them limited to smaller regional wars. This smaller wars could also be easily contained by one or more Great Powers when needed. Next to the Congress of Vienna, there was the (first) Treaty of Paris to decide on the fate of France. The Treaty of Paris of 1814 was a rather light one, at least compared to what Napoleon had caused to his opponents. The borders of France were reset to those of 1792, the Bourbon monarchy was restored and independence of French neighbours was restored. Chief negotiator on French side was Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord and he must have been very satisfied with himself. Losing conquered territory was to be expected, but with no French territory lost, he had a good case to present to his new king. Of course there were more treaties to negotiate territorial changes arising from the Napoleonic Wars. For easy comprehension all these treaties will be grouped together under the Congress of Vienna banner, except for two specific ones not yet mentioned. The Treaty of Kiel was concluded to end hostilities between Denmark-Norway, who were on the French side, and Sweden who together with Great Britain fought on the anti-French side. Denmark would lose Norway to Sweden, but kept the dependencies of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Norway was not at all thrilled at the prospect and attempted to gain independence. This rebellion was quickly squashed by the Swedes. This also shows the division of power inside the personal union. Despite the Norwegian-Swedish animosity there was also the realisation of having trusted neighbours was better than constant fighting. This applied to the Swedish-Danish relation as well. With France being rather smug and satisfied the Treaty of Paris, you might have overlooked it was the FIRST treaty of Paris. Talleyrand had done good work for France, but when the news spread that Napoleon had returned to France from Elba, his mood must surely have soured. After the Waterloo battle a second Treaty of Paris was decided which was much more strict on France. It included losing French soil to neighbouring countries, France being occupied by several Great and smaller powers and several financial penalties. Talleyrand was not happy, but had Napoleon to blame for it. The rumor goes that it was in fact Talleyrand and not the Brits who proposed to send Napoleon to Saint Helena! Prussia would occupy and later receive the regions of Alsace, Lorraine, Champagne and the French Ardennes, being assisted by other German nations like Baden, Hesse, Württemberg and Saxony. Great-Britain would occupy Normandy. The Austrians would occupy the area between Switzerland and the Mediterranean coast, with the assistance of Sardinia. The Spanish would occupy the Aquitaine region, while the Russians would occupy the region between Aquitaine and the Austrians covering the Mediterranean coast. The Swiss would occupy a small area from the Swiss border 20 kilometers into France. Lastly, Bavaria was responsible for the occupation of Paris. This occupation was set to last five years and then all armies would return home. With these treaties settled, it is time to look at the decisions taken at the Congress of Vienna. Although pretty much all parties involved were invited, it was just the four Great Nations (Austria, Prussia, Great Britain and Russia) deciding on the territorial changes. - Russia received most of the (created by Napoleon) Duchy of Warsaw and retained Finland which it had annexed from Sweden and would hold it as the Grand Duchy of Finland. - Prussia received three-fifths of Saxony, western parts of the Duchy of Warsaw, Gdańsk (Danzig) and the Grand Duchy of the Lower Rhine. - A German Confederation of 39 states, under the presidency of the Austrian Emperor, was formed from the previous 300 states of the Holy Roman Empire. Not all territory of Austria and Prussia were included in the Confederation with the territories where German was not the standard language not included. - The Netherlands and the Southern Netherlands became a united monarchy, the United Kingdom of the Frisian lands, with the House of Orange-Nassau providing the king. The northern part of France where the inhabitants still spoke a version of Flemish was also added to Frisia. The region of Ostfriesland which was added to the Netherlands in the Napoleonic Era was not added to the German Confederation, but remained Frisian. - To compensate for Orange-Nassau's loss of the Nassau lands to Prussia, the United Kingdom of Frisia and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg were to form a personal union under the House of Orange-Nassau, with Luxembourg (but not Frisia) inside the German Confederation. Luxembour would also be expanded gaining Namur and parts of the former Liège province. Prussia would be responsible for the defence of Luxembourg. - The neutrality of the cantons of Switzerland was guaranteed and a federal pact was recommended to them in strong terms. Swiss mercenaries were not allowed to be hired, except for the Swiss Guards in service of the Papal States. - The former Electorate of Hanover was expanded to a kingdom. It gave up the Duchy of Lauenburg to the Kingdom of Denmark, but gained former territories of the Bishop of Münster. Hanover was an territory where Prussian and British interests intertwined. - Austria regained control of Tyrol and Salzburg, of the former Illyrian Provinces (territory on the Slavic Adriatic coast and inwards), of Tarnopol district (from Russia) and received Lombardy–Venetia in Italy. Former Austrian territory in Southwest Germany remained under the control of Württemberg and Baden. The Austrian Netherlands were also not recovered. - The Grand Duchy of Tuscany was restored with Ferdinard III as Grand Duke - The Duchy of Modena and Reggio was restored with Archduke Francis IV as the ruler - The Papal States in Italy under the rule of the Pope were restored to their former extent, with the exception of Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin, which remained part of France. - The Kingdom of Sardinia, re-established in Piedmont, Nice, and Savoy, gained control of Genoa (putting an end to the briefly restored Republic of Genoa) and Monaco. - The Most Serene Republic of San Marino came under the rule of the Papal States ending 524 years of independence - The territory of Andorra was added to Spain Outside Europe Britain retained control of Tobago; Ceylon and various other colonies in Africa and Asia. Other colonies, most notably the Cape Colony in Southern Africa and the Frisian East Indies, reverted to their previous overlords. And with that the Great Powers had made sure peace would last for centuries in Europe. And nope….. Next we look at the end of the Occupation of France!
  9. Are you going to keep the standings up to date during the game, including the necessary results in other groups as well?
  10. About how FM has impossible results I think. Maybe it’s better to lock the thread and leave it to OP to log a bug.
  11. If OP returns, he is free to log a bug in the bug tracker. Other than that, there have been given many examples of real life games where the stronger team didn't win.
  12. I am doing the final review on Chapter 1, the Congress of Vienna (and other treaties). While it doesn't have much big changes, seeds for change are sown. Next is first the decision how much time Chapter 2 will cover and then the needed research.
  13. Weird, transfer preferences in FM22, 23 and 24 are similar so no reason there. But seeing that the transfer preferences for the region Middle East is set to -1, this might be the reason. This file might help you (small edit I just made). Other issue could be in the nation rules but haven't checked those. Israel Transfer Preferences Nation.fmf
  14. Do you have any files installed that could cause this?
  15. It does, and the more east you go the harder it gets. But with FM20 as a good base for the international side, hopefully the FM24 Iron Curtain becomes a way for people to load their files into FM25 and beyond (yes, shameless selfplug )
  16. You might want to post this in the Brazilian data section as well. As far as I can see, the system looks to work like English rather than European competitions, as it doesn't really fit Dutch referees either.
  17. I will be a bit later with these. Holiday and being home not working together.
  18. How did you do it before that the coefficients worked? Most custom cups will mess up the coefficients so interested to see what you did different to keep them working (and hoping we can work a fix that way for this version).
  19. Please log a bug for this in the bug tracker. The editors hideaway is for editing question, not for errors in game.
  20. That issue sounds so familiar, it plagued me in the Iron Curtain 2020 as well
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