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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. There is, and Neil has kept it to a minimum, as requested in the rule.
  2. Might be a settings thing. I had Carlito help me with my setting for Iron Curtain 20, but in some builds they also appear without setting something, or at least knowingly setting something.
  3. You mean the colours for the position?
  4. Liking clubs isn't possible, referees are supposed to be objective and this could lead to some complaining to SI (this last part is my assumption btw. Alter strictness is very much possible. In the people tab, look for referees and look through their various stats and you will find enough to edit.
  5. Tests by various editors have proved that elevation makes a difference. One of the editors being @Daveincidwhose test results I can assure you are extensive.
  6. If you have the tournament open in the editor in advanced rules you can go to the tab teams. There you find the squad size.
  7. Since I am a moderator and not working for SI I can't comment on any issues except for that most of what has been brought is recognizable for me as an editor as well. Just like @gradeplease keep it civil. Other than, have a good and healthy discussion on the subject.
  8. I got an interesting question from a user with regard to the effect of moving all those players back to their original nation. In essence, the question comes down to, does moving them back, make those nations better or does it make the nation worse off. There are two things to take into consideration. The effect of playing high level football FM As the Premier League is the place where most if not all high level players are sucked into, I start there. Foreign players playing in the PL will get better as they get better resistance which means they are grow with that or hit their ceiling. So opening up the borders meant players that otherwise would hit a (probably) lower ceiling in their home country can continue growing. At the same time foreign players will take English players jobs. The effect isn't that strong seeing the general level of England the last few years, but Maguire sitting on the bench at Man U, will not make him any better. I don't know if it has been researched, but I would expect a nation where the export vs import of foreign players will see a plus in development if the export goes to mostly superior nations as it is a developerhelper. FM has a funny role here. We don't change player values, but change a few nation values. FM will react to nation performances, so a boosted Suriname squad with players like Van Dijk and Wijnaldum will improve immensely. Because players like Lewandowski have profited from getting better in Germany, Poland will profit as well. We can't say if he would have been as good when he would played in Poland for a while longer, but that's in the end not our goal. Anyway, that's my slightly more than 2,5 cents for today. Back to the Soviet Union!
  9. Polish players are done and it is time for the big bunch….., the Soviet Union. This is also the last nation where I have to remove each and every foreign player. After that it will be nations where one or more foreign players are allowed. In the meantime I didn’t manage to finish the Soviet Union for 22.3 yet since my weekend was just too busy, so I will do so coming weekend. And the way things are going health wise I might end up with a few more free days than I bargained for.
  10. There is a big chance it isn't available anymore via Steam and the other online retailers. I have found older versions via things like Amazon, Ebay and such though.
  11. I am working on the Iron Curtain mod for FM22 which is a 1988 re-imagination. The 1988 sub rules can't be done as the game has no 2 from 5 sub rules. If the 2 from <number> rules could be added, that would be awesome for me obviously, but it wouldn't work for others. So can a custom substitution rule added where you can add Number of players subbed on Number of possible subs Max allowable subs (similar to the max 5 subs from 3 sub moments) Moment of sub, 1st half, 2nd half, extra time Amount of foreign/EU/etc players subbed in Setting specifics around which players are foreign (for instance based on regions or nations) is another request if I am correct. I know it's niche, but please consider it
  12. In 2020 I started the Iron Curtain 2020 version. It was a moderate success because although it was finished it was also released a year later than planned. So this time I planned ahead and made sure I am not doing this alone. Yes, there is an Iron Curtain team! For now the following people are involved: @Wolf_pd (yes) @Reiver who previously already worked on Iron Curtain 2020 working on several competitions and the logos @Daveincidwho you all know from his 'Increase Realism' packs (and if you don't, check the download section again please). Credits for this project also go out to: @MBarbaricThe Allfather of the Iron Curtain @davie77for allowing us to use his files of the minor European nations @themodelcitizenfor helping out fix some of the niggly bits from IC20 @Carlito85for the wealth of information in his UEFA Revival files And for them being around on the forum and helping us out on various subjects @krlenjushka @Roy Race 9 @Samuel77@sporadicsmiles@rusty217 More information to follow later....
  13. We go back 32 years to 1988. The Soviet Union plays two large football finals that year. They lose the European Championships final against the Dutch team lead by Ruud Gullit and Marco van Basten. Two months later they beat Brazil to win Olympic Gold in Seoul. The next year Eastern Europe changes forever, altering the European football world as well. What if the Iron Curtain hadn't come down? Would Yugoslavia have won the 1992 European Championships? Would Czechoslovakia have won the 1996 European Championships? Would Yugoslavia have won the 1998 or 2018 World Championships? Would Soviet teams have won more European clubtitles? Based on the assumption that we can turn back time, I have rebuild Europe in 1988 style. The Iron Curtain has been RELEASED. Download here and be sure to read the installation notes in the second post! Iron Curtain 2020 Version 1.0.zip Iron Curtain 2020 Update Version 1.1.zip Iron Curtain 2020 Update Version 1.2.zip Iron Curtain 2020 Update Version 1.3.zip Update version 1.4 https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-fm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020-released/?do=findComment&comment=13337134 It's a link because the board doesn't allow more than 10Mb per post. Graphic updates (links to the post with the file). All files done by @Reiver Albania: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-wipfm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020/?do=findComment&comment=13148968 Bulgaria: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-wipfm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020/?do=findComment&comment=13155866 Czechoslovakia: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-wipfm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020/?do=findComment&comment=13171526 Hungary: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-wipfm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020/?do=findComment&comment=13179854 Poland: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-wipfm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020/?do=findComment&comment=13189024 Yugoslavia: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-wipfm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020/?do=findComment&comment=13332800 DDR: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/510953-fm20-iron-curtain-in-hindsight-everything-is-2020-released/?do=findComment&comment=13332953 Estimated building 2020 hours
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