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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. I do think I have some feedback on injuries. There is something there I need to check as well to see if what I have in want works like that in FM. Still travelling home right now, so expect it tomorrow or Friday.
  2. Quiet evenings in a hotel help to tie things together. First thing tomorrow will some map work to show the Europe map in 1792 (this was before our friend Napoleon went on a rampage) and then it is working out everything that gets changed because of the Congress of Vienna. However, after that we are still more than 200 years away from the current day, so there are enough shenanigans possible. South and West Africa are coming together nicely as well, north from the line Cameroon-Central African Republic-Kenya does need some work though. Partly that is also because I am still contemplating UAFA and because I am waiting to see what FM25 brings. Also, there is a good chance I am on tv in Switzerland tonight (in the background), because a Swiss reporter was doing some atmosphere reporting in Cologne where I was the last three days. And Cologne did give me some ideas for Historical Divergence in terms of team name rules. Rules which at first were applied in Germany after WW2 btw.
  3. He hasn’t been online for months, but that has happened before.
  4. Actually quite curious where OP gets that idea from. I would expect they would use English teams for that and overpower them that way.
  5. You might want to look at it from SI’s perspective. The Premier League licence IS big news for SI. Just like the Japan licence was big news last FM.
  6. As I am away from home at the moment, I have spend last night looking through African colonial history, in this case, the history of DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Angola and Zambia. There are some nice stories forming there. It also shows what a hot mess decolonisation caused IRL, and in a way (because of hindsight) I will try to make things ‘better’.
  7. Correct on Czechoslovakia. On Soviet Union Ukrainian footballers were the backbone of the teams for years in the 80s. Not so much on the 1988 Olympics though, that team was more mixed.
  8. Hi @Herter could you upload the editor file please? I would like to take a look at it to see how it is set up.
  9. Licences and research of teams are two separate things.
  10. Interesting theory, but I would say your evidence is just as anecdotal as my evidence to the contrary. Since I want to test my mods extensively, I either do long term holiday runs or quit/restart my saved game constantly to see how certain scenarios work out. I have never seen any issue with the game becoming more biased against me.
  11. True. Man U has been a problem that way for a few seasons now, just like no one will ever see AI have a season like Ajax had this year.
  12. Team growth and such are among other things determined by how the researchers set the teams up in the database. If it happens to every random AI team it would be a software bug, if it happens only to Porto and Benfica, it is a data bug. The Porto result is very much inside realm of possibilities, the Benfica result maybe less so, but Barcelona might have run out of levers in your save.
  13. Warning, long post TL;DR Napoleon made a bit of a mess of Europe Chapter 0 We start our story here in 1769 in Ajaccio, the island of Corsica. On August 15th that year, Napoleone di Buonaparte was born, later known in life as Napoleon Bonaparte and Emperor of the French Napoleon I. You might wonder, his birtname sounds rather Italian? Well, his family was of Italian origin, Corsica was ceded to France only year before Bonaparte was born and his father fought during the war of independence against France. So Bonaparte was an Italian by blood. However, while his father was originally fighting France for Corsican independence, he would later befriend the French governor of Corsica. This governor would become the godfather of Bonaparte and also support Bonaparte obtaining a scholarship to a French military academy. At age 15 he was admitted to the École militaire in Paris and he would graduate the next year. If you think that was because of his superior military skills, you are wrong. It was a matter of money, but Bonaparte exhibited the required level to graduate of course. His first notable military succes would be the Siege of Toulon which was occupared by British and allied forces. His tacttic to increase available artillery and capture a hill to dominate the city's harbour led to the capture of the city. This success brought him under the attention of powerful men including Augustin Robespierre, the brother of the man who was the architect of the Reign of Terror. Relations between the French government and neighbouring monarchies had deteriorated to the point that several European powers waged war against the French. This set of wars was called the War of the First Coalition although there was little coalition. France went on the offensive instead and gained various lands across western, southern and central Europe. Bonaparte as the rising star was send out on various campaigns in the northern region of the Italian peninsula. He would conquer most of northern Italy before Austria sued for peace. This peace would end the War of the First Coalition as only Britain was left to fight. His victory in Italy would incease his status and position in French politics. After this Bonaparte would leave for Egypt to seize it for France and undermine Britains trade access to India. Just before Bonaparte left for Egypt the War of the Second Coalition would break out. Bonaparte would get stuck in Egypt. His invasion of Syria is seen as a battle of the war, but would be nothing more than a diversion for the British and Ottoman forces. Becoming aware of the crisis in France he would return to France, leaving his army behind. He used his popularity and army support to mount a coup that made him First Consul, head of the French government. Freshly returned from Egypt, Bonaparte would take matters into his own hands with his army crossing the alps through Switzerland to fight the Austrians in northern Italy. With Austria sueing for peace once again, the British were left alone again in Western Europe, while they were able to defeat the French army in Egypt, together with the Ottomans. The war ended in victory for France consolidating their terrirtory in Germany and gaining recognition for several French puppet-states. Bonaparte used the temporary peace to strengthen his grip on France while also preparing for war as the peace with Britain was rather uneasy. Britain was not willing to fulfill the promises from the treaty while protesting several French decisions. Ultimately this resulted in Britain declaring war in 1803. This was not yet the War of the Third Coalition as at this time it was only Britain as the aggressor. It took two years and the killing of the Duke of Enghien to shock the other European Great Nations into action and start the Third Coalition. At the same timw, the execution dampened resistance in France against Bonaparte who was soon after crowned Emperor of France as Napoleon I. Despite the Battle of Trafalgar where the French navy was soundly beaten, France dominated mainland Europe with a deciding victory at the Battle of Austerlitz. It took only three months before the next war broke out, the War of the Fourth Coalition. This time Prussia would join as well fearing the growing French influence in Central Europe. Unfortunately for the French opponents, once again the French came out victorious and this would be no different in the War of the Fifth Coalition. However, slowly but surely the Fifth Coalition showed that it was possible to defeat Napoleon. The war also lead to various rebellions that foreshadowed nationalist and anti-French risings. When Napoleon sought to secure the dynasty by a strategic marriage with the Austrian Emperor's daughter, this was by the Tsar seen as an attempt to contain Russia. Russia would ban French imports and allow neutral shipping in respons. Obviously Napoleon was not on board with this and started planning the invasion of Russia. As the world would see many years later, invading Russia was not a good idea.... And you know how competitiors work, when they sense weakness, they will attack you. And so the War of the Sixth Coalition started. Fighting the Russians, Prussians, Spanish, British, Austrian, several German states and many more would prove too much. Several days after the Coalition armies entered Paris lead by the Russian Tsar, the French Senate passed the Acte de déchéance de l'Empereur, the law to depose Napoleon as emperor. Napoleon would abdicate 9 days later. The victorious parties would exile Napoleon to Elba and the monarchy would be restored in France. Next step was to clean up the mess Napoleon created in Europe. In Vienna the Austrian diplomat Klemens von Metternich would chair several international diplomatic meetings to discuss and agree on a new layout for Europe. There was just one problem. As Napoleon wasn't exactly the person to sit still, he decided to escape Elba for France. He took up his title as Emperor again and assembled an army in an attempt to split the British and Prussian army. Duke Wellington would withstand a barrage of attacks by Napoleon until the Prussian troops arrived. The Prussian would inflict a devastating defeat on the French. Everyone knows where this was of course, Waterloo. To avoid a repeat of Napoleon returning to France, he was now exilaed to the island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean where he would pass away from stomach cancer 6 years later, ending the life of Corsica's most famous son. If you read along, you might have noticed that this summary does not contain much information on the fate of many nations in Europe. Most of that would be decided during the Congress of Vienna. Some borders that would be set there would remain until current day, although sometimes temporarily suspended. In other cases the borders that would be drawn would be the starting point of new conflicts in later years. So with Napoleon in our backview mirror, next we will look at Vienna for the map of Europe that is drawn under the auspices of Austrian Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar, Prince of Metternich-Winneburg zu Beilstein
  14. Chapter 0 for Europe should be done somewhere this weekend. If you are French, look away now (I am joking).
  15. I know your pain, a full time job shouldn't be allowed when you are editing.
  16. Vacation has started, so this thread will be a bit more quiet from my side the coming three weeks. No more 14 hour desk sitting for a while. Hope the editor still recognises me when I come back
  17. 5 hours and 40 minutes left before that happens 18:00 hours UK time
  18. Little progress this week. My work has been chaotic and it is likely I won't be able to edit this week. Boo!
  19. Dutch person here. It is an unfortunate, but possible Dutch name. FMwise, the game uses the available first and last names for a nation/language to create a person's name. In this case I would say, if it is possible, a Dutch researcher should make Cock unavailable to use for newgens.
  20. Hmm, could this one in one of the XMLs hidden?
  21. Maybe editors can make an update, but don't count on an offical release.
  22. Will have a look at the injury list and see if I come up with more.
  23. I like your attention to this kind of injury detail. One you might want to consider it that some bad knee injuries are less likely, because play is slower, but things like sprains and such are more common because the playing surface wasn't as meticulously maintained.
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