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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. No sir, it means you have to add Yugoslavia into the other nation's preferences and select None and Never. So you need to do the whole of Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. Just know that if you look continent of region preferences and a continent/region is set at -1 it means the whole continent/region doesn't transfer players from Yugoslavia. The -1 applies to a lot of African and Caribbean countries.
  2. Sound advice. My way of working as well.
  3. In the meantime, I am still trying to fix the naming convention for the Soviet newgens. The grey names generated do not fill me with confidence. The latest fix which should have been the solution, made things actually much much worse weirdly. The situation is now that I have managed to get things such that names are used from Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian. Georgian, Azeri and Armenian are not there yet. The same for Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and Tajik. The weird thing is that while the first fix made things better, the last things suddenly makes Asian names (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) a thing.... So back to the drawing board. Or maybe I didn't well enough after the first fix, so I need to check that one again as well.
  4. 100%. That's why I have replaced Denmark with Yugoslavia in the EC92 history as well.
  5. Yes, that option is available. It involves setting the transfer preferences. Check the Iron Curtain mod from FM20 for how these have been setting. To be clear, you need to check all countries except for Yugoslavia as the transfer preferences set which countries will transfer players from Yugoslavia to their own competition.
  6. Hi, since we don't have the editor before release, we can't say. I have planned to check all basic and advanced rules for this the minute the editor is released. Depending on that result we can answer your question.
  7. You can ask if the skin guys now something. They are in general a lot better with graphics than us editors.
  8. If you have added an ignore for the FA Cup winner and the PL winner, make sure that those ignore lines are on top in the team selection part. Ignores always need to be first, as the teams are selected in order.
  9. Interested. I am just too attached to Excel to find a different tool.
  10. You mean the ones that where in CM2 and such? You might want to check the skinning section if they have something like that.
  11. He currently stands at 17 goals in 10 PL games if I am not mistaken, which at this rate would get him to 64. Still I don't disagree with you.
  12. If you disagree with that, please go the bug forum and log a data bug. The appropriate researcher might be able to explain their reasoning behind it.
  13. The pre game editor isn't available until the full release. The same applies to the resource archiver btw.
  14. If we are only going to talk about food and drinks, and people who propose to eat at graveyard, it might be that this discussion has run its course.
  15. No other file, you will need the pre game editor for that. I got my fingers hovering over the keyboard to adjust one C. Ronaldo...
  16. Yep, has been noticed by others as well. Might that they closed up this beta gap for now.
  17. To answer your question, 1. Yes, I assume there will be. 2. Not that I am aware of 3. Not a clue, but will probably be because bugs can turn up in the beta stage, where in game editor use will make the bugs harder to pinpoint. The in game editor would make it murkier.
  18. If you have the in game editor available, all functions are available to you. There is no option to limit that. Sounds like an idea you might want to post in the feature request section though. It would be something that could usefull for network games as well for instance.
  19. Moved to main forum (no download).
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