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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. Well small in terms of the game. Not small in terms of the perceived politics behind the reason which is why its attracted the crowd is has. Really I think they could have just done with specific weights will be removed because many are inaccurate and half are made up rather than go on about weight fluctuation. In its place they could have put the body type the researchers use. Lean, normal, muscular probably would have even been sufficient if they don't want to be too specific.
  2. Almost all american sports are guilty of this. Just pure obsession with being the right "size" to fill the role they want you play. Jordan Mailata was 6'7 146kg / 320 lbs in 2017 when he started his NFL Pathways journey from rugby and now he's listed at 6'8 165 kg / 366 lbs as an NFL lineman. I'm sure some of that is natural growth but gaining nearly 45 lbs is hard to do. Tbh I'm not sure why they didn't mold him to be a bigger version Jonah Lomu.
  3. Yeah its probably a legal/licensing issue. But that said there's nothing stopping a fired AI Pep from taking another job so who knows. And yeah there's definitely little immersion pieces that are missing depending on how you play. Scouting was a big one for me in 24.
  4. It'd have been a fun experiment to get something like new star soccer (when it was on PC) and FM together as a continuous game world. Just export the NSS save into FM and go after you've retired. That or the game randomly chooses a recently retired player for you and you take over their management career so you don't just seemingly appear out of nowhere. I think the create someone new approach is fine but it'd be an interesting twist to basically just become an existing player/coach. One of the "issues" I've had is if you go for a top job immediately there's often a very good manager just sitting there after you've taken their job. Why not just become Pep or Klopp or Ancelotti?
  5. Well for starters newgens have bad personalities. That in of itself make the game world more interesting because you can have star players that just have bad attitudes. Reputation effects of real players tends to disappear for international selection (still can be a bit wonky at times though). And it removes any sort of wonderkid hunting at the game start where you know for instance the name of a player you scouts would never find who has a high PA. Everything has to be done by scouting or stats filtering and you don't really know someone's PA unless you've looked under the hood. Even 5-10 years into the future is a much more dynamic, interesting world than game start because it starts to become its own universe.
  6. Still two separate games that were sold in the store. I can still go back and play 23 as it's own game. And if you look at the details the games play different based on what league rules are in effect. A ported 23 save does not have ESC slots for English teams. A single continuously updated FM would force you to be playing the current build model. There's no way developers will support save games indefinitely. At some point your save will break like it does CK/EU and there will be no way to recover it. That would annoy a good amount of people playing the games whether you play a single long term save for 30 years or play 2 years over a long period of time. Unlike CK/EU, FM does not have a natural end and often the game doesn't fully show its capabilities until its 100% regens. Maybe you can get away with this on mobile where the simulation moves quicker through time and there's an upper limit of years. I'd wager on that decision being a disaster with a lot of long time fans of the series on PC.
  7. I find this mechanism to be most amusing on corner kicks. If there's currently a highlight ongoing and I've made changes I often cancel them and wait until after the corner kick in attack. In defence sometimes I change mentality or add a shout quickly to recalculate the engine. Its a bit gamey but on occasion I've wondered if there should be an option (especially for subs) to say implement after set piece/highlight has concluded. A shout could have an impact but changing the mentality really shouldn't change my team's performance that quickly. Going from control to balance for instance shouldn't really change the engine significantly enough in that exact moment to change the highlight from being a goal conceded to no goal conceded. If anything trying to give tactical instructions like that should come with a transition period that might "confuse" players causing them to possibly play disjointed for a time until they're all on the same page again. I've got no stats to back this method up if I've actually successfully "re-rolled".
  8. I don't think you can have an FM subscription service because of licenses and changes in league rules year to year. You'd break a lot of people's long terms saves if you took leagues or licenses out of the game like that. Even EU/CK games break after updates if mechanics are changed. The game is best sold as a standalone entity. I don't see how you could possibly have a continuously updated FM game without creating a massive headache for developer and player. Subscription services might be in reference to partnering with netfliix or appleTV to create access via bundled services. To them it might be mobile is a younger generation friendly way to introduce the game before buying/committing to the full fat PC version. So exploring an option where they reduce the burden of entry might create more demand for the PC/Console version.
  9. isn't the entire match calculated once you start the match and recalculated each time you or the ai manager make a change? I think the highlights are just a visual playback of what was calculated.
  10. There's probably at least a dozen ways to say "I'm happy for women to be included but I won't be playing it because it doesn't interest me" rather than what you said. But sure .
  11. yeah for years boys were able to buy/sell/develop their favorite players. Poor Suzie should never get to do the same with her favorite women's player because its "woke"? Did you protest when Viv Anderson was called up too? Or are you old enough to have protested Arthur Wharton and Walter Tull as well?
  12. As a partial member of this I'd say catering more to mobile is the bigger issue. Modern mobile games have ruined a lot of game development in my opinion. Everyone is trying to make the next candy crush or clash of clans or whatever dumb p2w gameplay loop mode they can think of. Built for console games have their own space that's fun at least and thre's something to be said for just being able to boot up a console without hassle. I wouldn't play a designed for pc game on console though. I don't know how someone plays FM with a controller if that's what they're doing. I tried FM mobile for the 15 mins I had it simultaneously with the netflix subscription and couldn't get into it.
  13. I think it would have more potential than the old in-house engine. I don't know if they would have realized it in the first iteration of the game given all the moving parts to port the game over.
  14. weight has apparently never been part of the engine. From the game's perspective strength is strength, agility is agility, and balance is balance whether you're 10kg or 200kg. Duels are also much more complex than we probably give them credit for. There seems to be a body type model for the researchers to use to describe someone. I suspect at some point a skin will expose it. In all honesty that's sufficient instead of an exact weight even if it doesn't matter.
  15. Its not because you can see based on the scale of the figures that's an incredible amount of saves that have to exist for anything approach anything more that 25%. And of course you can't because you started 50 in the last year alone. That's nearly 1 a week. You have to know that's not a normal amount of saves. How much time do you think people have to play this game? I'm a fairly regular player and I barely get one save off the ground. I wouldn't have even started another save since I could port over my 23 save if it weren't for testing out some bugs I was trying to highlight for the dev team. He didn't change the metric. There's no official metric. Number of saves is a perfectly valid way of representing how much usage a game mode gets. If it were more popular it would have a higher percentage of saves, especially considering you can do both club and country side by side without any repercussion. Its not like you have to travel or game plan or do anything a normal manager would have to do if they were running two teams. If you care so much to prove Miles is secretly hiding the "real usage" do some math and show us how it can be "closer to 50%" instead of just positing some conjecture on the subject.
  16. Anecdotal evidence of one user doesn't really jive with population statistics. I've started a bunch of saves, only two of them being "long term" saves and never once managed internationally in 24. But I was doing a lot of testing on scouting which isn't my normal mode of playing. I only started three saves on 23 and one save on 22. You're probably (almost certainly) on the extreme end of user behavior. If we applied that to everyone it's a ridiculous number of saves to get to 5%. Do you think everyone has a 16:1 ratio of club to international saves? If everyone played at something close to 50/50 split you'd have 64000 saves between 2000 users assuming the non international managers only started one save each! Closer to 50% of course being technically 30% now? Why not just say 30% then? I wasn't holding you to exactly 50%. That's why I also included what it would be all the way down to 12.5% where we'd get probably some more realistic figures on a normal/median player save behavior. How many saves do you think the median FM user starts in a year? Its certainly not 50 like you. You don't have to agree but the figures show you how unlikely it would be that it would even be close to 50% at all whether you meant it to be 49.9% or 30%. If you had said 10% it would have been a more reasonable figure. Hell even 15% would have been passable. Your intuition of "closer to 50%" just doesn't line up with what is realistically possible. SI has nothing to gain here by fudging numbers to some crazy degree. The fact is that only 5% of saves utilized international management. If it was a more popular game mode the number of saves whether it was club + country or country only would be much higher. It just highlights the low utilization of the mode. Hopefully a year away from the game they can focus on bring a better module into the new engine rather that shoehorning it into this version. I don't think this was a decision taken lightly as they've already removed features and I'm sure if they knew they were going to remove it they would have included it the update months ago.
  17. I don't think that kind of skew is realistically possible. If we have 2000 players with half of them playing international management you'd need some crazy skew of numbers. Suppose each player only starts 1 save (not realistic) but the math doesn't work for obvious reasons. No way to divide up 2000 saves into 5% of international and have 50% of the player base play international. So lets increase the number of saves. Suppose each player in each group can start 2 saves. Its closer but we still aren't near 5% of saves. We can do this for 3 saves per player, 4 saves per player etc. In fact if we assume that each group starts roughly the same number of games we'd have to have 10 saves per player. I don't think that's realistic. So lets say we make it 25% of players have an international save. that brings it to 5 saves per player. Its more possible but probably the upper bound of reality. 12.5% brings it do 3 saves per player. So now we've firmly entered what is likely reasonable. Assuming all players play an equal number of games in each group with the constraint that one group has at least one international save.
  18. If there are 200 unique players and 7.5% have won the world cup that means 15 players have at least one international save. Those 200 unique players could play an infinite number of saves. We obviously know that if 15 players gained an international achievement then there's at least 15 saves with international management. They didn't comment on how many saves are uniquely international or uniquely club. In order to make 15 saves equal 5% of total saves we do some basic math. 15*100/5 = 300 total saves. Or 1.5 total saves per player which in reality seems completely achievable. Even if we assume there's double the number of international saves as you suggest we get 3 saves per player. Quoting your "its easy to manipulate statistics" its not hard to fathom there are a lot of players who start a lot of saves and skew the average. I personally started two real ones and a few others for some scouting tests I was running. At best 5% of "real saves", however you want to define that, might be marginally lower. There's simply no benefit to manipulating statistics here and its pretty easy math to sort out that its entirely possible. Especially given the fact that users have asked for it to be revamped. It doesn't make sense to port a module of a game you plan on rewriting from scratch. Calling a development team talentless is a pretty silly comment from someone who can't remember cross multiplication. The main takeaway is you're just angry at women's football being included.
  19. The graphics don't need to be perfectly lifelike. FIFA is in uncanny valley right now. However the match engine could be better represented visually. Adding sprites and motions that better capture play (i.e. deflections or shooting into the ground like we had this year) are major graphic improvements that help with immersion. The more the match engine integrates better with quality visuals the easier it is to understand what is working and not working within a tactic.
  20. Sorry wasn't meant to imply that you specifically were criticising SI. I've seen a lot of it as well with people holding Paradox as some beacon of development and are forgetting some basic facts that they screwed up a game release they worked on for much longer than SI has worked on FM 25. I'd rather have a small but well polished game than a broad buggy mess. If removing international management achieves that goal and produces worthwhile international management in the future thats a win in my book. Its easy for me to say because I haven't played that mode in a long long time. But I can understand the disappointment of those who really enjoy that side of the game.
  21. Its really unfair to compare paradox building essentially sandbox/open world/historical fiction games that have been in development for years with one that needs to be released yearly. Of course people are interested in features of those games because you don't know what you'd be able to do. And lets not forget their most recent release of Cities Skylines 2 was a hot, hot mess at release and still has some major optimization issues they can't even deliver it on console despite promising it would be there. I think both companies are great developers but there needs to be a bit more consistency with criticism here.
  22. Not mixing anything up. Its public knowledge they were accessing things they did not have permission to access. That's spyware. Just because its wrapped in a game client doesn't make it any less spyware. If you don't care about it that's fine. I do so I won't install it on my machines.
  23. Ah yes the I should just let everyone have access to everything because everyone else does it argument. Frankly I turn off as much sharing as I possibly can with anything I buy. You bet I'm going to go through the hour or so of pain to turn off all the bloated features windows 11 comes with when I have to upgrade after support ends. And there's a decent chance the next PC build I have will be some form of linux OS. If it's all the same to you I prefer to keep spyware off my personal machines. Funny how steam doesn't have any record of going into apps they don't have permission to and extract data that doesn't belong to them. Also as I mentioned the epic game store is garbage compared to steam and gog. If you're willing to allow epic to infiltrate your machine and capture information that it doesn't have permission to that's your choice.
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