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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. Interesting link. Not surprising - suggests that either the quality isn't there or the xG is too high and might come down over time to match reality. However 0 is a very large gap to 9 in the context of simulating multiple seasons. 0 should be possible but it should be an exception not a norm. I'd love to see the distribution of goals scored from DFK from independent saves. If it's heavily weighted towards zero there's a problem. Its not a huge problem given the total number of goals isn't far off but it does ruin a bit of the immersion in game knowing a dfk has 0% chance of going in.
  2. Yes totally a strawman argument to use real life data that the game is modeled after. What team I was doesn't matter. He was transfer listed for 12m by Man City. Any team could have bought him for that amount. If you're just having a whine about how broken the game is, just say so. Most people at least have the dignity to put the words "RANT" in their posts.
  3. What a long winded way of being called a fanboy. Amusing. I just showed you with real life data why you only got 2M. You clearly expected something close 20M otherwise you wouldn't be whining about it. Its much more than just reputation. If it was, the game would look at the player and go "oh he's a playing in the premier league so we should pay premier league money". But no one did. Why? Because he's clearly not good enough by your own admission to be in that league. I'm going to guess you're not playing him regularly and you've probably offered him out multiple times indicating a willingness to sell. You've destroy any leverage you had to command any decent fee. Its not really a surprise you got an average championship fee because that's the ability of the player. If you had him as the leading goalscorer of the PL for a few seasons and only got 2M then there'd be an issue. The game should be weighted so that the big clubs retain their status for a long period of time. Man Utd hasn't won anything and been in disarray for over a decade and yet they're still considered a top club. Liverpool went 30+ years between titles and were still a top team. It should take more than 18 seasons to upset the natural balance of the world thats been set over the past 150 years. Who is Chelmsford compared to them? LOL I don't know anything about this job but I'm going to call the people working on it lazy and say its not hard to just do X. Just write a script! Oh you can't? Everything must be broken then. Sheer ignorance. If you see something that doesn't make sense raise a bug with what happened. Its not hard. It might not make it to the top of the priority list especially if it is a one off but at least they're aware. Accusing me of not reading when I clearly said this to you as to why they would keep a player on the team. Maybe to spell it out a bit more for you managers get sacked all the time and players who found themselves out of favor suddenly are first teamers with the new manager. So when it comes to transfer policies, yes a board might block a transfer even if it "costs" them money in the long run. In their mind they're losing out on a potential bigger fee than just 10k at that point. And if you can somehow manage to get the additional 10k, you're free to sell him albeit to the disappointment of the board.
  4. City transfer listed him for 12M which was well below his actual value. Any team could have bought him for 12M. He was a starter for me when I sold him. Barcelona came in and made a decent bid that I negotiated up. In the same save I sold Martial to Real Madrid for 120M after a few rounds of negotiation. He was also a starter for me. I've had other saves where I've struggled to sell him for value because he's a part time player and doesn't perform. You've done something highly unrealistic in taking semi-pro team to the premier league. You kind of have to take the good with the bad here. Of course the game isn't going to work the same as a team that's been established for its entire history near the top of the league. Just because Luton Town is in the PL doesn't mean all of their players are going to fetch PL value, certainly not ones that can't quite hack it in the Prem but were just good enough for the Championship. Of course teams are going to be wary of your players who had a meteoric rise through the pyramid and of course reputation will lag behind. Of all leagues the Premier League has the most value bloat due to the league's reputation. It sounds like you want his reputation to outweigh his stats if he isn't cut out for the PL. He shouldn't get premier league value if he's not a premier league player. Here's the values for the RW's in the Championship. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/championship/marktwerte/wettbewerb/GB2/plus//galerie/0?pos=&detailpos=12&altersklasse=alle&land_id=0 and the list of transfers for each team https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/championship/transfers/wettbewerb/GB2/plus/?saison_id=2023&s_w=&leihe=1&intern=0 Would you pay 20M as a championship team for a winger with average league ability and limited PL potential? Or would you rather buy someone like Fatawu who Leicester just bought as part of a loan deal after securing promotion for 17M? In my opinion, the game is weighting his ability correctly given he's probably really an average championship winger/striker who benefited from a system. Only the teams recently relegated are spending huge fees, in part based on their surplus from selling players back into the PL. Your market is pretty limited to get even remotely close to 20M. I'm sure the AI would demand 20M if the roles were reversed but you'd probably say the AI was crazy asking for 20M for an average player and move on, if you ever even considered a bid for that player. The loan market is not great in FM24. However, part of not being able to find loans for players it seems is mainly due to lack of player interest in moving. If I'm a player and I was a top scorer in the National League, got promoted to League 2, I'm not interested in moving back down a division or being sent to another team. Why would anyone want to do that? Do you think Macauly Langstaff or Paul Mullin would go back to the VNL after getting promoted last season? Or join an unfamiliar League 2 team? I find that to be highly unlikely - it might happen but it shouldn't be the norm. I do think the game can do a better job of communicating that teams are in fact interested but players are not open to a loan move at all. You see it sometimes as a news item where a team thinks a player doesn't have sufficient interest in joining. The AI scouting module is different than the human's but it wouldn't shock me if the AI knew a player had a loan interest of "None" for their squad in some way. So the AI doesn't actually have any interest in negotiating a loan for a player who will not join them at all so it looks like no one actually wants your player when in reality your player doesn't actually want to move.
  5. It depends on what team you are and what you're doing. There's been plenty of examples by people here selling for more than value. If you're playing as a PL team you're not going to get a ton of value shedding players from your team. If you're a newly promoted team from league one to the championship you're not going to get championship money for league one players. And its entirely possible to get players below value from the AI if they're transfer listed or unhappy. I got John Stones from MC in a 2021 save for 12M and sold him for nearly 40M a few years later to Barca. I've unsettled players who were long term targets and forced a move. Could the AI do with some work negotiating? absolutely. I've had my share of frustrating negotiations that have gone haywire for no apparent reason. But in regards to the board not allowing a transfer because its below their min valuation doesn't seem wrong even if they're paying for wages on a player you don't plan on using. They could easily turn around and sack a manager and the next guy comes in and makes the guy you wanted to sell a key player.
  6. What's the value on his player page (assuming you haven't put a price tag on him)? Transfermarkt has him as 225k currently. Selling him at 180k would be a 20% discount so it's not totally outrageous to be blocked imo. It'd be nice if there was a bit more dialogue between the manager and the board before it happened to state why he's being sold so low. But it probably means you can push the negotiation more and up the value either through clauses or outright fees. The best solution is to play him more even if you don't want to so you can demand more money.
  7. What's the value on his player page (assuming you haven't put a price tag on him)? Transfermarkt has him as 225k currently. Selling him at 180k would be a 20% discount so it's not totally outrageous to be blocked imo. It'd be nice if there was a bit more dialogue between the manager and the board before it happened to state why he's being sold so low. But it probably means you can push the negotiation more and up the value either through clauses or outright fees. The best solution is to play him more even if you don't want to so you can demand more money.
  8. Agreed. I'd be fine if they just showed a range (so long as it isn't always the middle number) or even inaccuracies unless you were tracking them for a long time (and I mean like 6 months maybe a year), akin to declaring someone as a top target. I don't have an issue with the concept of the focuses. It should only show you players that are interested or meet the criteria. And if that's 0 players or 100 players that's fine. But somewhere along the way they've conflated the point of recruitment focuses and scouting so now there's just one module that doesn't really serve the purpose of either very well. I don't understand the point of the CA/PA stars in the focus set up if the focus won't return players who aren't equal to your team's CA. I'm asking for the scout to find players with 1/2 silver CA star and 1/2 silver PA stars and up and I get 0 results half the time. I should be inundated with reports. So much so it should be impossible to dig through them. This isn't to say setting 1/2 CA stars and 3 PA stars should be a automatic wonderkid finder. there should be a sufficient number of players and unknown PA and CA attributes that you have to track players for a very long time (long enough for other AI teams to find them and sign them before you) that its inefficient to cast such a wide net. They can also make wonderkids incredibly unlikely to sign for clubs that either have a ton of first team and/or youth players at their position or are not one of the bigger teams in the world. Players should also evaluate playing time pathways much more and demand a certain pathway if they are that highly rated along with pay increases such that we have to make a serious commitment to them or risk the player causing a fuss and the agent developing a bad relationship and not wanting to work with us. I know that's easier said than done from a programming perspective but I'm hopeful the module can be improved in the future.
  9. Been "broken" at least since december patch. Its okay-ish if you're a small club but according to them the game will automatically filter out players who are wholly uninterested in joining your or players it deems not good enough for your squad. So the game simultaneously scouts and doesn't scout players. Its fine if they don't have anyone to recommend based on your criteria (i.e. you only want a striker thats 3* CA and 5* PA and plays in Africa) but there should still be players that you can see were scouted and said doesn't fit for whatever reason. It seemed that they didn't want to give you the view to everyone for fear that people would abuse it and only scout for wonderkids and beat the AI to every signing. I get their point but its very frustrating to only view a fraction of the actual players in the game when you're a big club. Its my main dissatisfaction with the game. Hoping 25 gets tweaked a bit.
  10. I mean you can still transfer list players for it if you're not in a situation where you think they should be feeling that way. the game is still telling you something about the players hidden attributes most likely. It might happen a little too frequently imo or not always in the correct context but you can still do something indirectly about it. There doesn't have to be a magic button to solve every problem with a click immediately.
  11. Just because you can't do anything about it doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the game. It can be implemented better/more logically but you shouldn't be able to control/affect everything. You're not supposed to be omnipotent.
  12. defensive or cautious mentality doesn't mean you won't score or go on attack. What team are you?
  13. The first one is the original fm23 database. I think so but they're not the same save so I can't be 100% sure. I wasn't specifically tracking his development when I started my save. He spent two years on loan before coming back as a rotational starter. But other than that no. I'm sure I had him grouped with Bruno Fernandes for mentoring so it could be from that. I believe Fernandes is highly aggressive/brave so it could be mentoring/squad personality influences. His personality changed from balanced to fairly ambitious so something under the hood most likely. I'm not an expert in development by any means. I just think the game should mimic some bits of real life where a player who has potential has a period of super accelerated growth from an average youth prospect to a squad player/starter in a shorter period of time. I'd be happy to be proven wrong by someone who's looked at this more holistically.
  14. In a sense I guess yes. It'd be different than say a 17 year old wonderkid who's had high attributes since the game created them. Here's someone like Garnacho at the beginning of FM23 and FM24 and latest update. and my version of FM23 Garnacho 5 years into the game. He eventually kind of gets there but as you can see there's still recent development and its certainly not from a lack of playing time. Granted I'm probably not the best at maximising development or knowing all the tips and tricks but I'd love to see someone try to start 18 year old Garnacho in October of 2022 get him to roughly these attributes while missing 2 months due to injury as well. I don't know what SI uses to determine player development paths but they should use their own researchers updates and use that as a model for player progression. I'd love to see in future games variation between players getting better faster via training with your first team v getting match experience elsewhere. It just feels very unlikely that you'd have player who started in reserves like Garnacho was and then within 6 months become a first teamer (with the attribtues to support it). Personally I think attributes should fluctuate (as a matter of perception but not necessarily in reality) a lot more on these player pages to reflect form/morale/training performance to give the game some extra bit of dynamism to transfer policy/activity. As a matter of speaking players should be able to look better than their CA and PA if performances justify it. Equally so a player should be able to look worse than their CA if they're on a bad run of form. No this isn't they were really good before they were 18. This is a regular looking youth player (doesn't even have to have high potential) and then a very quick rise to a new ability tier. Not the wonderkid at 16 with world class ability.
  15. I think part of the issues is that development is very linear. you go one step each progression and it can take a long long time for players to reach their potential in some cases in my experience. It would be great to see some variation of a teenager just bursting onto the scene and have the attributes of a world class player after having marginal attributes during their youth career. Obviously this is PA willing I'm not asking for just have a player go from tweener championship to top level premier league player in the matter of a few months.
  16. this tends to give active teams better academy players too right? It'll get a little unbalanced in terms of needing to buy/sell players since most of your needs will be covered by youth players.
  17. The manual part of this is way too painful when you're at a bigger club with 15-20 scouts in my opinion. LLM its maybe a little more practical and maybe more realistic than saying to scout the whole area you've assigned.
  18. I actually like owning things for one and despise everything becoming a subscription. The number one problem with subscription model is licensing imo. How would you feel if during a save SI lost licensing for a league you were in and your save was ruined as a result? Hell I get mad when Paradox updates their games from CK or HOI and old saves aren't compatible anymore. I also doubt a lot of fixes or mods would be even allowed - one of the reasons I never bothered with Stadia and my biggest pro for playing PC games: fine tuned control compared to consoles Just as an example GTA4 lost a fair bit of the original radio/music due to licensing and they actually went back and patched the game to take it out. Besides its quite fun to go back in time for these games to get a snapshot of the world sometimes or enjoy simpler features/functions. Also it's harder to make nostalgic memories once you're an adult. So a lot of pining for games like they used to be is just everyone wanting to experience the feeling of awe you get as a child playing video games and only the good games have survived the last 40+ years.
  19. Yeah i figured but did a double take reading like wait a minute. thanks.
  20. you don't mean human player here right? the on field players in the game. Just clarifying before it turns into a "see told you SI rigged the game against us".
  21. See I found last year's game completely unplayable with the CB's being fatigued by halftime and away teams being nerfed so badly it was almost futile expecting anything but a draw at best unless you were a top team and even then it was a struggle to score more than 1 goal. PL teams were regularly conceding fewer than 10 goals a season at home. That's happened maybe twice in the past 15 years. I think positional play improved the match engine. Perhaps opened up a few exploits but its hard to argue that it isn't an improvement when players recognize where each other are in space and work together. This year at least what I envision what a tactic should be doing actually happens more often than not and there's fewer wtf moments. I do think defending, particularly positioning, can be improved - if not in mechanically at least visually. My moments of frustration often happen when my central midfield disappear from what they should be doing defensively. But attacking-wise there's a been a big improvement for me compared to 23. I disagree somewhat that their focus is the online portion of the game considering they don't seem to police how the game is played there. I have to think they're aware of the match engine exploits that occur and either can't fix it without breaking the normal part of the game or have decided that it isn't worth the time and effort to rectify these issues individually. There's simply not enough time to try out every single formation and every single combination of role/duty and determine if the formation is breaking something and put a fix in to penalize you for using it.
  22. I don't think there's any way SI could flip the game into the former in its current state. Maybe as you get coaching badges you get access to more advanced roles or formation freedom. Or some sort of GUI on top of the tactics creator that lets you pick a manager's who style you want to emulate and then your attacking 4/5/6 players and formation while in/out of possession and defensive 6/5/4 players and formation while out of/in possession. The game picks roles and duties for you that best match your choices and off you go. Kind of remarkable we've gone from WIBWOB to sliders to the current interface and its still regarded as too complicated.
  23. I mean i've played various competitive online games enough to know that it sucks I don't think there's anything to learn. If the online gameplay for FM is that toxic why bother unless you're playing with people you know? The game itself isn't too easy. Its that there's no repercussions for essentially using known glitches playing online. If that's how people want to play good for them I guess. I suppose there's a sense of accomplishment when you're just copying the latest "best" tactic from a website designed to break the engine. I don't get it though. Maybe when I was 12 that would have been fun.
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