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Everything posted by niklas88

  1. Hi. This will be a long post, a trip down memory lane... Here is my failed attempt at replicating Football Manager 2006. I played CM01/02 and FM 2005 over at my friends house, and a lot of other manager games before and in between, but 2006 was my first version FM. I have always looked for and wanted to play with a Football Manager 2006 inspired skin, ideally a copy of the original 1 year ago I was home sick for two weeks due to covid. I decided I had some time to try and learn skinning but my ambition to replicate FM06 turned out, in the end, to be too hard for me. I spent an entire week copying and adapting the original graphics, so every icon, star, flag, font, box, button etc. is the original graphics from 2006. Note, I played with the 2006 Metallic skin back then, can't remember if that was the default or an alternative. In the end I realised that using original custom buttons and graphics was too complicated for me, it just looked strange in a lot of menus and windows. After a while I started again for FM23 but I just feel i don't have the time nor the skill to ever finish it. Some screens and buttons are hard coded and it gets really frustrating when you hit a wall Anyway here some pictures from FM22 and 23. FM22 Main Menu FM22 Squad View FM23 Squad View, this is where I am right now I would like to remove the shadow on the sidebar but then the standard tables(where the playes are listed in this screen) doesn't look as good. Some things I haven't figured out in this picture: The tab bar buttons have the wrong colour, I can't find which one or where to edit. The status buttons have the wrong font but I haven't yet checked all the files from 22, where it works as it should. @Loda, when I compare to your skin, I realise I have the wrong tab bar image, strange since I have the right one in the main menu. I suspect I had trouble moving the items on the tab bar I also made som changes to the star ratings, the stars are the stars from 2006 but it was not displayed in the same way in 06. I removed and/or combined the half stars and unknown stars so now it's more vague When I think of FM2006, I think of the font, the colours, my Cardiff team and the original facepack, I can still see the pictures of the players in my head. I particularly liked a facepack for Southampton(I think it was downloaded), where Walcott played, that looked like this: So, as a bonus, I can show one more thing that took me MONTHS to complete. I used the cut-out megapack and inserted the same background and border for all 400k+ pictures. So here he is, 17 years later... regards Niklas
  2. Yeah i've removed all coloring in the button xml files. It's really frustrating when you don't find where the colour comes from. Sometimes it's just not possible edit certain things. I can post some screenshots in that thread if you like tomorrow, but i've only managed to edit a couple of screens unfortunately.
  3. I found out the problem with the font color, I referenced a font file which I forgot to copy to the font folder. Regarding the sidebar: I've redone the sidebar and want the entire sidebar menu table to be transparent. The only way I found that does it is to make the standard table png's transparent whice of course makes every table transparent.
  4. Hi. I have an issue with my custom picking buttons. The first pic is from the squad list and the second and third are from the tactics menu. I set it up like this in the settings.xml cause I want to have different colours in the tactics menu. <colour name="attacker_line" value="rgb(239,0,0)" /> But then, as you can see for my striker in the first pic, something happens in the squad list, his button turns to the colour i write in "attacker_line" and the arrow turns black. The other positions in the pictures have a transparent colour like this. <colour name="goalkeeper_line" value="transparent" /> That makes the squad list fine but in the tactics screen the button turns white. I think the easiest would be to be able to turn off the colours in the Pkd column of the squad list, which I thought I did in the button.xml, but I just cannot figure out how to do it. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to do this?
  5. It actually worked when I started today, switched to another skin and back again and then it worked. It figured it was hidden and that the other file was from a previous version now that it worked. I have two things that I can't seem to figure out. - Can I use custom table appearance for the sidebar table without altering the standard table? - What changes the colour of the table headings? i tried this: and this in the font xml: but it stays black no matter what i do
  6. Hi. I would love to try this skin. I've been trying to make som modifications to fit my likings but I ran into som trouble. Overview->Attributes Here, acording to the xml files, I assume there should be some buttons? I found this in the xml and these folders does not exist: appearance="buttons/custom/customise panel/button". And I saw another strange thing, in the "player details details selector.xml" it references " file="player/mustermann/player details/player details details" ", which i cannot find. I'm wondering if I'm missing some files
  7. Yeah, that's a shame because i terms of playing in Sweden that means you either have to play the season of 22 (last years season) or play the current season with the squads that are not complete.
  8. I've been testing how to use EDT-files to add newgens. This is what I have found online on how to add the info for the players: "future regen" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Date of Birth" "Nation" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height" "Weight" "Preferred Foot" "Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "Team" Is this the correct order of the data? What i've found is that the following works: Name, d.o.b, nation, favourite team, skin tone, height, birth city, CA, PA, Team The following is what I have a few questions about: Ethnicity: don't know how to check if it works or what it affects? Hair Colour: works, except I can't choose grey or random? Weight: does not do anything? Preferred Foot: does not do anything? Position: Works, except can't choose CDM or Wingbacks? If I leave it empty it chooses a position at random and then it can become CDM or wingback Favourite number: does not do anything? Are these correct or am I missing something?
  9. I don't now if they care about a particular window closing, there are many transfers happening year around
  10. When is the final database update going to be released?
  11. Hi. One major annoying thing which makes me almost never play in my home country of Sweden is that the last database of the year update never includes all the transfers for Sweden. The season in Sweden ends in november which forces you to play the season of last year or the new season with the wrong squads. It's as if the last update would be in July or January for the big leagues. Right now the database is "locked" by the researchers but there are still a lot of transfers happening in sweden. Is it impossible to have one more update?
  12. These are mostly about the youth part of the game - since the "big stage" teams and competitons has gone nuts in regards to salaries and transfers i no longer care about the big teams. The "heart and soul" of football is long gone and I haven't played in a top division in years... 1. I want to be able to search by birth year/d.o.b in the game and editor 2. I like the Youth Intake Preview, but why no names? I'm pretty sure the club knows the name of that talented left back coming through the ranks? This would add immmersion and hype before the intake day. 3. Poaching - This is maybe not the same in all countries but in Sweden, where I live, most if not all youth players are poached from local teams. I wan't more poaching and names in the intake preview would make i clearer. I once had a player poached who did not enter the game in two seasons(quit the save after 2 seasons). Maybe he was 11 and would enter in 4 years? Make it clear and obvious 4. Same topic, adding some simple description about the player in the intake preview, e.g. fast, technical, strong. 5. Youth Teams, why is there only an u21 and an u18 squad? IRL clubs have teams for more age groups, maybe different for different countries. In Sweden there are u16, u17, u19 and u21. Make it easy to "activate" and "deactive" various teams if you feel you can't afford it. Like "this season we want to sign up for u16 and u19" 5. Same for national teams, IRL there are teams for each age group. This would also create immersion. And these teams, at least in Sweden, rarely uses younger players, maybe 1 or 2 each year. E.g. the U16/06 team only used players born in 2006 this season IRL. In FM a lot of the time you see 16 and 17 year olds in the u21, this is very rare IRL. In the most recent Swedish u21 team only two players are younger than 20, Tolinsson (19) and Bardghji (16). Same in the English squad, Lee Colwil (19) and Harvey Elliott (19). 6. Make it possible to transfers funds between budgets, maybe you could have one large budget with sliders with everything included? Want to have zero youth coaching budget to increase first team wages to sign one more top striker? "-Sure, but expect the next youth intakes to be crap" Maybe some parts could be locked depending on club visions? Want to cut the player budget to sign youth coaches? "-No way, we don't care about the youth team" 7. Some teams IRL have no youth/reserve teams, is it already possible to remove these in game, during a save? Remove, meaning no funds allocated and no youth intake. 8. Also there should be fewer players in the intakes for smaller teams. And I want to be able to set this level in the editor or deactivate intakes completely for teams with no youth teams. This post turned out to be longer than anticipated and I have more ideas but maybe i'll post them later.
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