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209 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"


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  1. Thanks for the help but it's not that one. In someone find it let me know please
  2. Hi. Not really the right place but any of you knows what is this new forum font called?
  3. Shame. I thought that maybe there was some workaround. Thanks snow
  4. Hi. Any of you know any way to solve this? Staff
  5. Another good engine to create faces that works really weel with the app from @Kendo BKK is this one (thanks to @CJ'43 for the input in other topic)
  6. In Rensie skin the "default" font have another name i guess. But one thing that i have to do one this with the same font that you post to make it work: Use the font with the .otf and then convert it to .ttf Works for me. Not at home atm but i can share it with you if you want. DM me.
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